KANTOO Interlingua Description
This document is a synopsis of the evolving KANT Interlingua
representation (Mitamura, Nyberg and Carbonell, 1991; Leavitt, Lonsdale, and
Franz, 1994; Czuba, Mitamura and Nyberg, 1998) as used in the
KANT Knowledge-based Machine Translation system (home page) to represent the semantics of
expressions written in KANT Controlled English (KCE). It explains the
formal structure of the language and describes the various different
types of concepts that are represented.
An Interlingua Frame (IF) is a recursive structure that represents
a semantic concept. An IF consists of a head and a number of slots of
different types. The head of an IF is a concept, described below.
There are several different types of slot; these are described
When a slot must contain more than one value, the values may be
either conjoined by creating a :multiple
list, or disjoined by
creating a :or
list. These lists consist of either
or :or
as their first element, and the
coordinated values as the remaining elements. Thes values will always
be in the same order that they appeared in the source. When the coordinated
values are IFs, their order will be the same as their surface
realization in the CTE input.
The following figure shows a BNF grammar for Interlingua Frames. Note
that symbol, string, and number refer to
the Common Lisp data types.
<IF> ::= (<head> <slot>*)
<head> ::= symbol
<slot> ::= <semantic-role> | <structure-role> |
<feature> | <role-pointer> | <variable>
<semantic-role> ::= (<role-name> <IF-value>)
<structure-role> ::= (<role-name> <IF-value>)
<feature> ::= (<slot-name> <atom-value>)
<role-pointer> ::= (<slot-name> <ptr-value>)
<variable> ::= (<slot-name> <atom-value>)
<role-name> ::= symbol
<slot-name> ::= symbol
<IF-value> ::= <IF> | <multiple-if-value> | <disjoint-if-value>
<multiple-IF-value> ::= (:multiple { <IF> |
<disjoint-IF-value> ::= (:or {<IF> |
<multiple-IF-value> }+)}
<atom-value> ::= <atom> | <multiple-atom-value> |
<multiple-atom-value> ::= (:multiple { <atom> | <disjoint-atom-value> }+)}
<disjoint-atom-value> ::= (:or { <atom> | <disjoint-atom-value> }+)}
<atom> ::= string | symbol | number
<ptr-value> ::= <role-name> | <multiple-ptr-value> | <disjoint-ptr-value>
<multiple-ptr-value> ::= (:multiple \{ <role-name> | <disjoint-ptr-value> }+)}
<disjoint-ptr-value> ::= (:or { <role-name> | <multiple-ptr-value> }+)
BNF Grammar for IFs
An IF head is a concept, which is represented as a symbol. In
general, any symbol in an IF that begins with a * is a
concept. There are actually 16 different concept prefixes, depending
on the nature of the concept. These are:
- General Concept Heads. These are the most general types of
- *A- Action.
- These heads correspond to verbal
concepts. Example: *A-DRIVE.
- *O- Object.
- These heads correspond to nominal
concepts. Example: *O-TRUCK.
- *M- Manner.
- These heads correspond to adverbial
concepts. Example: *M-FREQUENTLY.
- *P- Property.
- These heads correspond to adjectival
concepts. Example: *P-CLEAN.
- *K- .
- These heads correspond to prepositional
concepts. Example: *K-IN.
- *INT- Intensifier.
- These heads correspond to intensifier
concepts. Example: *INT-VERY.
- *CONJ- Conjunction.
- These heads correspond to conjunction
concepts. Example: *CONJ-SINCE.
- *QUANT- Quantifier.
- These heads correspond to quantifier
concepts. Example: *QUANT-ALL.
- Concept Heads. These are concept types for specialized classes of object.
- *Prop- Proper Name.
- These heads correspond to
proper nominal concepts. Example: *Prop-December.
- *Sym- Symbol
- These heads correspond to typographic
symbols. Example: *Sym-Ampersand.
- *U- Unit.
- These heads correspond to units of
measurement. Example: *U-Meter.
- Structure Concept Head. These concept types represent more
complex structured classes of object:
- *C- Crystal.
- These heads
correspond to domain-independent structured concepts. Example:
- *G- Grammatical Structure.
- Grammatical Structure. These heads correspond
to specially structured grammatical constructions. Example:
- *Q- Prepositional semantic roles.
- Prepositional semantic roles. These heads correspond
to the semantic information expressed in prepositions. Example:
- *S- Structured Encoding.
- These heads correspond to
SGML-tagged structures. Example: *S-Propname.
- *SP- Special Structure.
- These heads are used when the information
being represented is specific to the domain and not generally
applicable, or when the information is overtly idiomatic in CTE.
Example: *Sp-Vice-Versa.
There are five types of slot that may appear within an IF. These are:
- Semantic Roles. These slots contain full IFs. For
example, most action concepts can have an
semantic role,
which contains the IF for the person or thing performing the action.
- Structure Roles. These slots contain full IFs, but may
appear only in certain contexts. For example, date structures can
contain a
structure roles, which can only contain IFs
corresponding to days of the week.
- Features. These slots contain atomic values from a finite
set of possible values. There are two general classes of features:
- Boolean Features. These features can only take the values
or -
, and have the default assumption that the value
is -
unless otherwise specified. The values of these features
can be thought of as answering simple yes/no questions. For example,
the value of the Boolean feature abbreviation
answers the
question ``Was this [object] concept abbreviated in CTE?''
- Non-Boolean Features. These features take values other than
or -
, and in general do not have default values. The
values of these features answer more complex questions. For example,
the value of the tense
feature answers the question ``When did
this [action] concept take place?''
- Role Pointers. These slots contain names of roles
(semantic or structure). For example, the
role pointer contains the name of the role that was topicalized during
- Variables These slots contain atomic values, but have an
infinite range of possibilities. For example, the
variable used in number representations contains a string representing
the value of the integer portion of the number.
The following is a list of most of the simple interlingua features.
Semantic Roles
The following is a list of the semantic roles used in the interlingua.
- used for standard adjectives preceding a nominal
- used for special modifiers such as 'if equipped'
- manner
- used for sentential or verb-phrase adverbs
- intensifier
- used for intensifiers that modify adjective concepts
- measurement-modifier
- used for "hedge-words"
- possessor
- used to represent the possessor of a nominal
- identifier
- identifes and object with a number: cylinder 1
- numbered-number-identifier
- identifies an object with "number": number 1 cylinder
Verb Argument
- agent
- The agrument that causes or has control over the situation described by the action.
- beneficiary
- an object that benefits from the action.
- co-agent
- An actor who performs the action with the agent.
- comparison-theme
- The object which is compared to a theme.
- complement
- An event which completes the action.
- experiencer
- The argument which experiences perception and emotion.
- goal
- an entity corresponding to, or located at, the end-point of a path of linear movement
or linear arrangement travelling or occupied by a theme;
- an entity corresponding to the place in/at/on which a theme comes to be;
- an entity which comes to have control over a theme.
- locative
- The location of a theme.
- object
- An object that stands in relation to the theme.
- path
- The path of linear movement of a theme.
- patient
- The locus of the effect with verbs of effect or action.
- possessor
- The argument which possesses the object.
- source
- an entity corresponding to, or located at, the beginning point of a path of the linear
movement or arrangement of a theme;
- an entity which ceases to have control over a theme.
- stimulus
- The argument which triggers perception and emotion.
- theme
- The argument of which location or state is predicated or the argument of change of location or state.
Prepositional phrases are represented by creating a q-modifer feature slot under the concept being modified, then using the *Q- concept made up of the name of the semantic role plus the preposition. Three features go into the *Q concept IF: a case, taking a *K- preposition concept, a role, taking the semantic role expressed by the preposition, and an object, taking the object concept which is the object of the preposition.
example: Insert the tray into the printer.
(argument-class agent+theme)
(mood imperative)
(punctuation period)
(number singular)
(reference definite)))
(role goal)))
(tense present)
(number plural)
(reference definite))))
The following are the possible semantic roles:
- agent
- The concept filling this semantic role in some way caused the
concept it modifies, or actively participates in bringing about/performing the action which
is denoted by the concept it modifies.
- as-indicated-by
- The concept filling this semantic role is a pattern,
specification, procedure, illustration, or instruction set for the modified
action to follow. The modified action involves a change of state, movement,
or creation.
- attach
- The modified concept involves physically affixing or
fastening something onto, electrically connecting something to, or
electronically connecting something with the concept filling this
semantic role.
- capacity
- The modified action involves employing something in the
capacity of the concept filling this semantic role.
- characteristic
- The concept filling this semantic role is a property
or characteristic of the modified concept.
- co-factor
- The concept filling this semantic role participates with
another (previously-mentioned) agentive concept to cause the modified concept
in some way, or actively shares in bringing about/performing the modified
- co-patient
- The concept filling this semantic role participates with
another (previously-mentioned) concept in being acted upon passively
in some way by the modified concept.
- co-theme
- The concept filling this semantic role participates with
another (previously-mentioned) concept in bearing one of the
following relationships to the modified action: the filler concept
is acting upon itself, or changes on its own, in some way; the filler concept
is significantly changed; the filler concept is created or destroyed;
the filler concept undergoes significant wear, stress or damage;
the filler concept undergoes physical movement, electrical movement or
electronic transfer.
- comparison
- The concept filling this semantic role is a thing to which
something is being compared or matched.
- concession
- The modified action is one which takes place in spite of
the point represented by the concept filling this semantic role.
- condition
- The concept filling this semantic role constitutes
some kind of constraint upon the modified action. Most typically, this
constraint is a condition or circumstance under which the modified action
is performed.
- corresponds-to
- The modified concept mediates a direct correspondence to the
concept filling this semantic role. Generally, a fairly strict or
one-to-one correspondence is meant.
- cover
- The modified object sits directly on top of the
concept filling this semantic role, making actual physical contact.
The modified action involves placing something directly
over the concept filling this semantic role, making actual physical contact.
- depend-on
- The modified action indicates that something depends
or relies critically upon the concept filling this semantic role.
- exception
- The concept filling this semantic role is excepted
from being included in the group described by the modified object.
- exemplar
- The modified object designates a general category of some
kind. The concept filling this semantic role constitutes a typical specimen
of the things which belong in that category.
- extent
- The concept filling this semantic role describes the
extent to which the modified action takes place. The concept filling this
semantic role is an amount or distance (physical or abstract, fully or
partially specified) which is not expressed in terms of units of measurement.
- extent-measurement
- The concept filling this semantic role describes the
extent to which the modified action takes place. The concept filling this
semantic role is an amount or distance (physical or abstract, fully or
partially specified) expressed in terms of units of measurement.
- facet
- The concept filling this semantic role is a property
or characteristic of something. The modified object is a further specification
of that property or characteristic.
- genitive
- The modified object is a property
or characteristic of the concept filling this semantic role.
- goal
- The modified action is one of physical or
electrical/electronic movement, or a change of state. The concept filling
this semantic role is the goal location of that movement, or the goal state
of that change.
- goal-measurement
- The modified action causes something to be set at
the concept filling this semantic role. The filler concept is the name
of a setting, or is a quantity expressed in units of measurement.
- has-as-part
- The concept filling this semantic role is a part of some
larger whole. If the modified concept is or denotes an action, the action is one of
deconstructing something into the concepts filling this semantic role.
If the modified concept is not an action, it will denote the whole of which
the concept filling the semantic role is a part.
- in-favor-of
- The modified concept describes the process of favoring or
supporting the concept filling this semantic role.
- instrument
- The modified concept is or denotes an action that involves the use
of the concept filling this semantic role as an instrument or tool.
- inverse-material
- The modified object denotes the material out of which
the concept filling this semantic role is fabricated.
- limit
- The concept filling this semantic role is a physical limit
or boundary (reached, exceeded, or fallen short of), or a quantitative limit.
If the modified concept denotes an action, the action is subject to the limit
expressed by the concept filling this semantic role.
- link
- The concept (or concepts) filling this semantic role
is a physical or electronic object or location. The modified object forms
a physical or electrical/electronic link between the filler concept as an
endpoint, and some
other object or location. If the preposition used is ``between'', the filler
concept is compound or plural in some way--it has two or more distinct parts,
and the modified object forms a physical or electronic link between those
- located
- The modified action takes place in its entirety at the
physical or electrical/electronic location specified by the concept filling
this semantic role.
If the modified object denotes an action, the action is one which takes place
in its entirety at the location specified by the concept filling this semantic role.
If the modified object is not an
action, then it is one of the following: 1. a physical object located at a
physical location 2. an information object physically expressed and
located at a physical location (e.g., ``the instructions on page 2'')
3. an electronic/electrical object (or an electronically/electrically-expressed
information object) located at an electronic/electrical location (e.g., ``the
number in the memory'') 4. an electronic/electrical object located at a
physical location (e.g., ``the voltage at the socket'').
- material
- The modified concept is fabricated from or expresses the fabrication of something
out of the material denoted by the concept filling this semantic role.
- means
- The modified concept denotes an action that is enabled by
the use of the concept filling this semantic role, but NOT as an instrument
or tool. The concept filling this semantic role may be either an object or
an action.
- measurement
- The concept filling this semantic role is the actual
(tagged) name of a setting, or is a non-temporal quantity expressed in units
of measurement. This filler concept applies to the modified object, which may
denote an action, a physical/electrical object, an information
object (including another measurement), or an abstract quality.
- mention
- The modified concept expresses a mentioning of something in
the information occupying a certain location in a (physical or electronic)
collection of information. The concept filling this semantic role specifies
the location in the information collection where the mentioning occurs.
- minus
- The concept filling this semantic role is subtracted
from the modified object.
- mode
- The concept filling this semantic role is a part or
characteristic of something. The modified action specifies the use of the
filler concept as a key to classify that something.
- neg-condition
- The concept filling this semantic role is a property
or characteristic which is specifically excluded from applying to the
modified concept.
- neg-co-factor
- The concept filling this semantic role is specifically
excluded from participation with another (previously-mentioned) agentive
concept in performing or causing the modified action in some way.
- neg-condition
- The concept filling this semantic role constitutes
some kind of constraint which is specifically excluded from applying to the
modified concept. Most typically, this constraint takes the form of a prior
condition or circumstance.
- neg-co-theme
- The concept filling this semantic role is specifically
excluded from participation with another (previously-mentioned) concept in
bearing one of the following relationships to the modified concept: the filler
concept is acting upon itself, or changes on its own, in some way; the filler
concept is significantly changed; the filler concept is created or destroyed;
the filler concept undergoes significant wear, stress or damage;
the filler concept undergoes physical movement, electrical movement or
electronic transfer.
- neg-effect
- The concept filling this semantic role constitutes an
effect which is specifically excluded from being entailed by the
modified concept. Most typically, this constraint takes the form of a
possibly-ensuing condition or circumstance.
- neg-has-as-part
- The concept filling this semantic role is specifically
excluded from being a part of the modified object.
- neg-instrument
- The concept filling this semantic role is specifically
excluded from being used as an instrument or tool during the course of the
modified concept.
- neg-means
- The concept filling this semantic role is specifically
excluded from being used to enable the modified action. The filler concept is
not an instrument or tool.
- neg-possesses
- The modified object is a person or group of people which
specifically does not possess the concept filling this semantic role.
- opposition
- The modified concept is in opposition to the concept
filling this semantic role. If the modified object is or denotes an
action, the action is counter to the filler concept. If the modified object
is not an action, it will denote something which is antagonistic to the
concept filling the semantic role.
- oriented
- The modified concept involves physically aiming or moving
something in the direction specified by this semantic role and the concept
filling it.
- origin
- The modified action involves the concept filling this
semantic role as an origin, but not as an agent or source of the modified
action. The filler of the origin-p role may be a middleman or indirect
cause. Currently, the cause or source of a ``benefit'' is classed as
- part-of
- The modified object forms a part of the concept filling
this semantic role. The modified object does not express a quantity or
- path
- Something which is moving passes by the concept
filling this semantic role, en route to somewhere else. If the modified
object is or denotes an action, the action causes something to pass by the filler
concept, or the filler concept is itself the path traveled by this action.
If the modified object is not an action, it denotes the thing which
is passing by the filler concept.
- patient
- The concept filling this semantic role is acted upon
passively in some way by the modified action.
- plus
- The modified object is added to, or augments,
the concept filling this semantic role, or vice-versa.
- possess
- The concept filling this semantic role is possessed by
the modified object, or is contained within the modified object but is not a
part of it. Such containment may be physical or electronic.
- purpose
- The concept filling this semantic role represents an
intended direct application for the modified concept. The filler concept
will frequently be an action of some kind. Often the modified action is one
that must be performed in order to enable a filler concept action to be
performed and the modified object is a tool or other means of performing an action.
- quantity-of
- The modified object specifies a quantity of the concept
filling this semantic role. The quantity may be precise or vague. The
modified object may be a unit of measurement.
- range
- The concept filling this semantic role denotes a range
within which something lies. If the modified concept is or denotes an action,
the filler concept defines a range within/outside of which that action occurs.
If the modified concept is not an action, it denotes something which lies
inside/outside of the range specified by the filler concept.
- rationale
- The concept filling this semantic role specifies a
motivation for the performance of the modified action. The filler concept
may represent an intended outcome of some kind, or the filler concept may be
an explicit reason. The desirability of this outcome, or of this rationale,
constitutes a prior motivation for the modified action.
- receives
- The modified object has been designed to hold or to
receive the concept filling this semantic role. The emphasis is on this
aspect of design or intention; there is no movement or containment actually
taking place.
- recipient
- The modified concept is or denotes an action of transfer, providing,
giving or benefitting. Any actual transfer involved is viewed
in the abstract; there is no focus on physical or electrical movement.
The concept filling this semantic role is the recipient, or the thing/person
being benefitted. The recipient may be actual or intended. There is a
tendency, but not a requirement, for the recipient to be a person or group
of people.
- referent
- If the modified concept is or denotes an action, the action may be one
of requesting, providing or employing information about the concept filling
this semantic role. If the modified concept is not an action, it may embody
or contain information about the concept filling this semantic role.
- relative-to
- The modified object is a situation or circumstance that
holds with regard to the concept filling this semantic role. The filler
concept may be seen as a further specification of the situation. This is a
very general role that is used when the analysis of the filler concept in terms
of the other semantic roles is ambiguous.
- replacement
- The concept filling this semantic role forms a replacement
for something else. The modified concept is or denotes an action of replacing.
- replaces
- The concept filling this semantic role is being replaced
by something else. The modified concept is a replacement for the concept filling this semantic role, or is an action of replacing.
- result
- The modified concept is or denotes an action or agent of
causation, or of change. The concept filling this semantic role is the
result, but not the theme, of this causation or change.
- scope
- The concept filling this semantic role denotes an abstract
scope within which something lies. If the modified object is or denotes an action,
the filler concept defines an abstract scope within/outside of which that
action occurs. If the modified object is not an action, it denotes something
which lies inside/outside of the abstract scope specified by the filler
- sequence
- The concept filling this semantic role defines the end
of a sequence of objects or actions.
- sought
- The modified action is one of seeking. The concept
filling this semantic role is the thing being sought.
- source
- The modified concept is or denotes an action of physical or
electrical/electronic movement, or a change of state, or a theme (a thing
which is undergoing movement or state change.) The concept filling
this semantic role is the source location of that movement, or the source
state of that change.
- source-measurement
- The modified concept is or denotes an action of physical or
electrical/electronic movement, or a change of state. The concept filling
this semantic role is a measurement or setting from which that movement or
state change begins. The filler concept is the name of a setting, or is
a quantity expressed in units of measurement.
- subject-to
- The concept filling this semantic role is a superior force
to which the modified concept is subject. If the modified concept is or denotes an action,
the action is one of placing or maintaining something under this superior
- theme
- The modified concept is or denotes an action.
The concept filling this semantic role bears one of the following relationships
to the action denoted by the modified concept: the filler concept
is acting upon itself, or changes on its own, in some way; the filler concept
is significantly changed; the filler concept is created or destroyed;
the filler concept undergoes significant wear, stress or damage;
the filler concept undergoes physical movement, electrical movement or
electronic transfer.
- time-event
- The concept filling this semantic role is a temporal
quantity, temporal period, or an event which serves as a temporal point of
reference. This filler concept is not expressed in units of measurement.
The filler concept applies to the modified action, which may be physical,
electrical or abstract. The filler concept may mark a beginning, end, range
or duration for the action.
- time-measurement
- The concept filling this semantic role is a temporal
quantity, temporal period or temporal point of reference expressed in units of
of measurement. This filler concept applies to the modified action, which may
be physical, electrical or abstract. The filler concept may mark a
beginning, end, range or duration for the action.
- times
- The concept filling this semantic role is multiplied
by the modified object.
- vicinity-of
- The modified concept is physically located in the general
vicinity or area of the concept filling this semantic role. If the modified
concept is or denotes an action, the action is one which takes place in its entirety
in the vicinity specified by the concept filling this semantic role. If the
modified concept is not an action, then it is a physical or electrical object
physically located in the vicinity of the filler concept.
- winding
- Something which is moving revolves around the concept
filling this semantic role. If the modified concept is or denotes an action,
the action causes something to revolve around the filler concept.
If the modified concept is not an action, it denotes the thing which is
revolving around the filler concept, or the modified object is itself
the path traveled by some action of revolving.
Subclause Semantic Roles:
- qualification
- used for clauses that in some way qualify or restrict the scope of the modifier interlingua structure
- complement
- used for the required action complement of a IF head
Miscellaneous Semantic Roles:
- parenthetical
- used for parenthesized material in the text
- quantifier
- used for quantifiers
- quantity
- used for quantites (numbers)
Mitamura, Nyberg and Carbonell (1991) "An Efficient Interlingua
Translation System for Multi-lingual Document Production" Proceedings
of the Third Machine Translation Summit.
Leavitt, Lonsdale, and Franz (1994) "A Reasoned Interlingua for
Knowledge-Based Machine Translation" Proceedings of CSCSI-94.
Czuba, Mitamura and Nyberg (1998) "Can Practical Interlinguas Be Used
for Difficult Analysis Problems?" Proceedings of AMTA-98 Workshop on
Teruko Mitamura (teruko@cs.cmu.edu), Eric Nyberg (ehn@cs.cmu.edu)
Copyright © 2004 Carnegie Mellon University