
  1. Prasanna Thati, and Jose Meseguer. "Complete Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Back-and-Forth Narrowing". International Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science, 2005. [PS] [PDF]

  2. Ed Clarke, Sagar Chaki, Nishant Sinha, and Prasanna Thati. "Automated Assume-Guarantee Reasoning for Simulation Conformance". International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 2005. [PS] [PDF]

  3. Jose Meseguer, and Prasanna Thati, "Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Narrowing and its Application to Verification of Cryptographic Protocols", to appear in Journal of Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, 2005. [PS] [PDF]

  4. Santiago Escobar, Jose Meseguer, and Prasanna Thati. "Natural Narrowing for General Term Rewriting Systems". International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 2005. [PS] [PDF]

  5. Gul Agha, Michael Greenwald, Carl Gunter, Sanjeev Khanna, Jose Meseguer, Koushik Sen, and Prasanna Thati. "Formal Modeling and Analysis of DoS Using Probabilistic Rewrite Theories". Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security, 2005. [PS] [PDF]

  6. Santiago Escobar, Jose Meseguer, and Prasanna Thati. "Natural Rewriting for General Term Rewriting Systems". International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 2004. [PS] [PDF]

  7. Prasad Naldurg, Koushik Sen, and Prasanna Thati. "A Temporal Logic Based Approach to Intrusion Detection". International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, 2004. [PS] [PDF]

  8. Prasanna Thati, Carolyn Talcott, and Gul Agha, "Techniques for Executing and Reasoning about Specification Diagrams", International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, 2004. [PS] [PDF]

  9. Prasanna Thati, and Mahesh Viswanathan, "Verification of Asynchronous Systems with Unbounded and Unordered Message Buffers", International Workshop on Automated Verification of Infinite State Systems , 2004. [PS] [PDF]

  10. Prasanna Thati, and Grigore Rosu, "Monitoring Algorithms for Metric Temporal Logic Specifications", International Workshop on Runtime Verification, 2004. [PS] [PDF]

  11. Gul Agha and Prasanna Thati, "An Algebraic Theory of Actors and its Application to a Simple Object-Based Language," Festschrift in Honor of Ole-Johan Dahl , Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2635, 2003. [PS] [PDF]

  12. Prasanna Thati, "A Theory of Testing for Asynchronous Concurrent Systems", PhD dissertation , October 2003. [PS] [PDF]

  13. Prasanna Thati, Reza Ziaei and Gul Agha, "Theory of May Testing for Asynchronous Calculi with Locality and No Name Matching," International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2422, 2002. [PS] [PDF]

  14. Prasanna Thati, Reza Ziaei and Gul Agha, "A Theory of May Testing for Actors," IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Oriented Distributed Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. [PS] [PDF]

  15. Prasanna Thati, Koushik Sen, and Narciso Marti-Oliet, "An Executable Specification of Asynchronous Pi-Calculus and May Testing in Maude 2.0," Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 71, 2002. [PS] [PDF]

  16. Prasanna Thati, Po-Hao Chang and Gul Agha, "Crawlets: Agents for High Performance Web Search Engines," IEEE International Conference on Mobile Agents, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2240, 2001. [PS] [PDF]

  17. Prasanna Thati, "Towards an Algebraic Formulation of Actors", Master's thesis , August 2000. [PS] [PDF]

  18. Gul Agha, Prasanna Thati and Reza Ziaei, "Actors : A Model for Reasoning About Open Distributed Systems," Formal Methods for Distributed Processing - An Object Oriented Approach , Howard Bowman and John Derrick (eds), chapter8, Cambridge University Press, 2000. [PS] [PDF]

  19. Ajay Mohindra, Apratim Purakayastha, and Prasanna Thati, "Exploiting Non-Determinism for Reliability of Mobile Agent Systems," International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) , pp144--156, 2000. [PS] [PDF]

  20. Gul Agha, Nadeem Jamali and Prasanna Thati, "An Actor-Based Architecture for Customizing and Controlling Agent Ensembles," IEEE Intelligent Systems , vol. 14(2), pp38--44, April 1999. [PS] [PDF]