U.S.S. WAHOO August 29, 1943 C/o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif. From: The Commanding Officer. To : The Commander in Chief, United States Fleet. Via : (1) The Commander Submarine Division 102. (2) The Commander Submarine Squadron TEN. (3) The Commander Submarine FORCE, Pacific Fleet. Subject: U.S.S. WAHOO, Report of War Patrol number SIX. Enclosure: (A) Subject report. (B) Track Chart. 1. Enclosure (A), covering the SIXTH war patrol of this vessel conducted in the Japan Sea during the period August 8, 1943 to August 29, 1943, is forwarded herewith. (signature) D.W. MORTON --------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S.S. WAHOO - SIXTH WAR PATROL (A) PROLOGUE TO Arrived PEARL HARBOR, May 21, 1943 after FIFTH War Patrol. On May 22, 1943 Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN, Commander-in-Chief, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET, came aboard and made presentations of awards. On May 23, 1943 departed for Navy Yard, Mare Island, Cal. and commenced overhaul. On July 11, 1943, completed overhaul. July 11 to 20th, inclusive post-repair trials and training period. On July 20, 1943 Captain John B. Griggs, Jr. USN came aboard and made presentation of awards. On July 21, 1943, departed for PEARL HARBOR. Furnished services for surface and air forces the first day while enroute. On July 27, 1943 arrived at PEARL HARBOR. On July 29, 1943 Executive officer and Chief-of-the-Boat transferred to hospital. Diagnosis: Appendicitis Acute. Lieut. Comdr., Verne L. Skjonsby USN, reported aboard and assumed duties as Executive Officer. July 30 to Aug. 1, underway for training purposes. Fired three exercise torpedoes. (B) NARRATIVE August 2nd: Departed for patrol Area via MIDWAY. Conducted daily drills. August 6th: 0845Y; Moored alongside U.S.S. SPERRY at MIDWAY. 1700Y; Departed MIDWAY for assigned patrol area. Conducted daily drills while enroute to area. Crossed International Date Line, skipped Saturday 7th. August 11th: 2032L; Increased to three engine speed (60-90). Had originally planned to make passage through YETOROFU STRAITS during the night of August 13th, but fair weather and a following sea has increased our daily distance run. This additional engine will enable us to pass through YETOROFU STRAITS, during the night of August 12th. Consider the fuel well expended as it puts us on station a day early. August 12th: 1930K; Slowed to two engines (80-90). 2147K; Radar picked up land. Weather foggy, could not sight land. 2345K; In center of YETOROFU STRAITS still conning by radar, visibility zero. August 13th: 0145K; Entered SEA OF OKEOTSK having completed passage through STRAIT without sighting land. 0200K; Fog lifted, visibility good. 0235K; Radar contact, distance 2,600 yds. Could not sight ship, so considered it small and maneuvered to avoid. 0410K; Made trim dive. Decided to run on the surface during the day. This will allow us to make passage through LA PEROUSE STRAIT tonight. Visibility throughout the day varied many times from zero to unlimited. 1710K; Dived on 100 fathom curve, 60 miles east of center of LA PEROUSE STRAIT. 1815K; OOD picked up Man-of-War through periscope, range about 10,000 yards. Went to battle stations and commenced approach. During the early stages of the approach the target looked like a destroyer. But when the range closed to 2,500 yds it was found to be an OTORI Class Torpedo Boat. At this point we reversed tactics and commenced evading. Sound conditions very poor. Temperature of the water dropped 25d with 40 ft. change in depth. Final temperature of water was 7d below freezing. Do not know whether contact with OTORI Class Torpedo Boat routine or not. He came within a mile of us stopped and searched. They could have had tracking information on our SD radar, which had been used during the day. 2244K; Sighted smoke dead ahead. Maneuvered to avoid. While avoiding, ship was plainly in sight, but no longer smoked. She was small enough to be the same or another OTORI Class Torpedo Boat. August 14th: 0133K; Was challenged by shore station on SOYA MISAKI, range 7 miles. Do not believe he sighted us as visibility was hazy in that direction. He could have heard us through microphones (doubtful as currents are strong here) or he had some form of radar. Ignored challenge and did not change course or speed (did not want him to suspect us nor did we want to change the sound level). Both navigational lights were burning and they remained burning after we had been challenged. 0205K; Radar contact dead ahead range 5,500 yds. Maneuvered to avoid. He must have been small as we never did sight him. 0422K; Dived. 1535K; Surfaced with REBUN SHIMA bearing 090dT., distance 25 miles. Believe it wise to make a run on the surface for our assigned area which is about 150 miles south. Will likely reward us with a target during the night. It is a beautiful day. We arrived in the SEA OF JAPAN in a little over six days with 70,000 gallons of fuel remaining. This is most satisfactory. Good weather combined with FAIRBANKS-MORSE engines is really wonderful. August 14th: All times ITEK (-9 Zone) 2217; Sighted smoke over the horizon to the east. Commenced tracking on the surface. Upon closing found three freighters heading south. Two of them medium sized and one small. Decided to attack the trailing ship. It could be sunk without the next ship ahead (distance between last two ships, 6,000 yards), knowing what it was all about, thus we could get both ships. August 15th: 0005; Dived for a submerged approached. ATTACK No. 1 0035; Fired one torpedo at medium size freighter course 205d, speed 7 knots, torpedo run 950 yds, track 96d starboard, torpedo depth setting 10 feet, gyro angle 21d right. Miss and no explosion. 0055; Surfaced and commenced tracking for another attack. 0143; Sighted another ship on a northerly course. It looked like a larger ship and he was heading for us. Broke off the chase on the other freighters and commenced tracking on surface on new target. 0206; Dived for a submerged approach. ATTACK No. 2 0222; Fired one torpedo at medium to large freighter course 030d speed 11.5 knots, torpedo run 1,150 yds., track 80d stbd, torpedo depth setting 6 feet, gyro angle 180d. Hit at point of aim, but torpedo was a DUD and did not explode. 0245; Surfaced and commenced tracking for another attack. 0415; Dived for a submerged approach. The moon was out, but just setting and dawn had not quite arrived so went in on sharp track to expedite attack while light enough to see. ATTACK No. 3 0418; Fired two torpedoes at same target as in attack No. 2. Course 025d, speed 11.5 knots, torpedo run 700 yds., track 60d starboard torpedo depth settings 6 feet, gyro angles 345d and 343d. Both missed. 0423; One torpedo exploded at end of run. In the meantime swung ship and headed directly for target. At the completion of swing target presented a good, up-the- stern shot. ATTACK No. 4 0424; Fired one torpedo at same target course 025d, speed 11,5 knots, torpedo run 1,600 yds., track 176d, torpedo depth setting 6 feet, gyro angle 355 3/4d. Missed. 0427; Torpedo must have broached and exploded before reaching end of run. This is bad as it is daylight now and we cannot clear the scene of action and the target will disclose our presence. Damn the torpedoes. 0930; Echo-ranging heard over sound. Soon sighted OTORI Class Torpedo Boat. Commenced evading. Heard second ship echo-ranging, but did not sight it. 1220; Lost sight of anti-submarine ships. 1930; While making preparations to surface, sound picked up echo-ranging. Soon sighted another OTORI Class torpedo Boat. Commenced evading. Heard second ship echo-ranging but did not sight it. 2044; Surfaced in a cloudless night and with a full moon. Headed on course 315d, which was directly down moon and cleared the coast. No good hunting to-night with visibility so good. Decided to move over on the HOKKAIDO-KOREA shipping route and spend the night and tomorrow. August 16th: 1749; Commenced closing the coast. The moon is bright, but there are a few clouds. 2339; Sighted freighter heading south. Commenced tracking on the surface. The moon is bright and the target is making such radical zigs, that it is difficult to gain proper position ahead. August 17th: 0050; Another contact. 0103; Dived to avoid detection. 0117; Surfaced and continued chase. 0149; Sighted another ship. This one is in a better position to attack, so shifted targets. Commenced tracking latest target. 0155; Dived for a submerged approach. ATTACK No. 5 0226; Fired one torpedo at medium size freighter, course 000d speed 9 knots, torpedo depth setting 4 feet, gyro angle 359 1/4d. Miss and no explosion. The reason for the large track was to give the torpedo a longer run. We had a perfect position for 600 yd, 90d port track, but our only hit (dud) was at a torpedo run of 1,150 yds., so decided to wait for a similar range. 0244; Surfaced and cleared the coast. Our tactics are to make night attacks only and clear the coast and rest during the day. 0400; Dived. 1141; Surfaced for fresh air. 1300; Dived. 1938; Surfaced and commenced closing the coast. We plan to shoot low power shots to-night. Maybe the torpedo will have better depth control at low power. 2142; Sighted freighter heading north. Commenced tracking on the surface. 2220; Dived and commenced submerged approach. ATTACK No. 6 2224; Fired one torpedo at medium size freighter course 000d., speed 8 knots, torpedo run 1,100 yards, track 77d starboard, torpedo depth setting 4 feet, gyro angle 001 1/2d right. Miss and no explosion. This was a TDC controlled low power shot. 2240; Surfaced. Decided not to chase this ship heading north but wait for a loaded one heading south. Will fire this next torpedo using banjo and zero gyro angle. 2307; Sighted freighter heading north. He looks a bit larger than the others and partially loaded. Commenced tracking on the surface. August 18th: 0005; Dived and commenced submerged approached. ATTACK No. 7 0023; Fired one torpedo at medium size freighter course 015d, speed 8.5 knots, torpedo run 850 yards, track 90d port, depth setting 4 feet, gyro angle 000d. Miss and no explosion. Just as we fired a south bound freighter and our target passed each other close aboard; still no hit!!! 0108; Surfaced and commenced chase after south bound freighter. He is hugging the coast and he is very difficult to see with dark coast as a background. While chasing this ship sighted another one well ahead and away from the coast, so we shifted targets. While tracking on surface passed two small north bound ships. One looked like a tug and the other a tanker. 0300; Dived for submerged approach. ATTACK No. 8 0311; Fired one torpedo at medium size freighter loaded and on course, 165dT, speed 7 knots torpedo run 1,100 yards, track 45d port, torpedo depth setting 6 feet, gyro angle 225d. Miss and no explosion. ATTACK No. 9 0314; Fired one torpedo at same target course 165dT., speed 7 knots, torpedo run 1,100 yards track 85d port, torpedo depth setting 4 feet, gyro angle 186 1/2 d. Miss. Torpedo broached at end of 23 second run. 0317; Explosion. Torpedo must have broached and exploded. 0330; surfaced and cleared the coast. 0407; Dived. 1515; Surfaced and headed further away from the coast. Reported to ComSubPac poor performance of our torpedoes. August 19th: Received orders from ComSubPac to return to base. 0647; Sighted ship and commenced surface tracking. 0758; Dived for submerged approach. 0848; When about ready to fire at target, her flag was made out to be RUSSIAN. With-held fire and kept out of sight. 0928; Surfaced and continued toward LA PEROUSE STRAIT. 1707; Dived about 25 miles off LA PEROUSE STRAIT. SOYA MISAKI could be seen through the haze. 1958; Surfaced and commenced run through the gauntlet. Again we were challenged, but we ignored them. They definitely could not see us to-night. Instead of heading directly for YETOROFU STRAITS, we headed southeast for about four hours. This kept us out of the path of patrols. August 20th: 0857; Sighted smoke on the horizon. Upon closing it found it to be sam-pan. 0915; Fired warning shot across bow of sam-pan. The Japs invariably dive down into their holds when we fire a warning shot. When sam-pan failed to stop opened up on it with 4" gun and 20mm guns. After a half a dozen hits with the 4" gun the sampan was a wreck with no sign of life about. Closed sam-pan to board it. When bow of WAHOO was almost touching sam-pan six members of sam-pan crew emerged through the wreckage and held up their hands. Six Jap fishermen taken aboard and made prisoners-of-war. Established an armed guard over them. Gave prisoners clean, dry clothes, baths and a round of brandy. Pharmacist Mate examined all prisoners and found only one with a slight shrapnel wound on his knee. None of then can speak English. However, through sign language we were able to learn that five members of their crew had been lost during the engagement. They said that they had come from a port just north of TOKYO and had taken passage through TSUGARU STRAITS and LA PEROUSE STRAITS and they were enroute to ONEKOTAN or thereabouts. Prisoners seemed to be grateful for being picked up. 1639; Sighted smoke on horizon. Commenced tracking on the surface. 1649; Dived in order to close and take a look at short range. 1736; Battle surface on another sam-pan. Fired warning shot across his bow. Again they all dived for the holds. Opened up with 4" gun and 20mm guns. Soon had the sam-pan in roaring flames. Various members of the crew would jump over- board, hide behind their boat and then climb aboard again. None of them ever showed any desire of being rescued. 1759; While finishing up with present sam-pan, lookout reported smoke on the horizon. Commenced surface tracking. 1814; Dived for closing and to get a look at short range. 1901; Battle surfaced and fired warning shot across sam-pans bow. Again they dived below. Opened up on sampan with 4" gun and 20mm guns. After four shots and four hits sam-pan commenced sinking rapidly. Went alongside to pick up any willing survivors. A small row-boat was floating. One Jap climbed in the row boat and several others in the water gave no signs of wanting to be picked up. These latter two sampans were headed for YETOROFU ISLAND. 1948; Set course for YETOROFU STRAITS. 2200; Completed passage of YETOROFU STRAITS without sighting land using radar entirely. August 25th: Arrived in MIDWAY at 1107. Unloaded ten (10) torpedoes. 1725Y; Underway for PEARL. August 29th: 1035; Arrived in PEARL HARBOR. (C) WEATHER Good weather was encountered during the entire trip. (D) TIDAL INFORMATION Currents encountered were as given in sailing directions. Except that the northerly current in the JAPAN SEA was stronger than expected, (about 1.8 knots). (E) NAVIGATIONAL AIDS SOYA MISAKI, NOSHAPPU MISAKI, and KANOI MISAKI lights were observed, showing approximately characteristics given in light lists, but reduced in intensity. (F) ENEMY SHIPS SIGHTED No. :TIME : LAT. : TYPE(S) :INITIAL : EST. : HOW :REMARKS :DATE : LONG. : : RANGE : COURSE : CONTACTED : : : : : : SPEED : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1635Z : 45-50N : ---- : : --- : RADAR : 1. : Aug 12: 148-50E : ---- : 2,800 yds: --- : SURFACE :EVADED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 0815Z : 45-48N : OTORI : : : PERISCOPE : ECHO- 2. : Aug13 : 143-42E : CLASS DD : 13,500 yds: VARIOUS : SUBMERGED :RANGING : : : : : : :EVADED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1244Z : 45-43N : : : : BINOCULAR : 3. : Aug13 : 142-58E : --- : 6,000 yds: --- : SURFACE :EVADED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1650Z : 45-39N : : : : RADAR : 4. : Aug13 : 141-40E : --- : 5,500 yds: --- : SURFACE :EVADED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1200Z : 43-12N : 4,000T AK : 20,000 yds: 205D : BINOCULAR : 5. : Aug14 : 140-00E : 3,200T AK : 20,000 yds: 7 KNOTS : SURFACE :ATTACK : : : 2,000T AK : 20,000 yds: : : No. 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1600Z : 43-07N : 6,600T AK : : 025D : BINOCULAR :ATTACKS 6. : Aug14 : 139-55E : : 16,500 : 11.5 KTS : SURFACE :2,3,4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2345Z : 43-12N : 2 OTORI : : : SOUND :ECHO : Aug14-: 139-43E : Class DD'S: 12,000 yds: --- : SUBMERGED :RANGING 7. : Aug15 : : : : : :EVADED : 0200Z : : : : : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1000Z : 43-10N : 1 OTORI : : : SOUND :ECHO- 8. : Aug15 : 139-35E : Class DD : 10,000 yds: --- : SUBMERGED :RANGING : : : 1 UNKNOWN : ??? : : :EVADED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1500Z : 42-45N : 4,000T AK : 10,000 yds: 180 7kts.: BINOCULAR :ATTACK 9. :-1800Z : 139-50E : 3,500T AK : 8,000 yds: 180 7kts : SURFACE :No. 5 : Aug16 : : 1,500T AK : 8,000 YDS: 000 9kts : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1230Z : 42-16N : 3,500T AK : 10,000 yds: 000 : BINOCULAR :ATTACK 10. : Aug17 : 139-39E : : : 8 knots : SURFACE :No. 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1430Z : 42-17N : 3,000T AK : 1,100 yds: 015 : BINOCULAR :ATTACK 11. : Aug17 : 139-43E : : : 8.5 knts : SURFACE :No. 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1650Z : 41-58N : 4,000T AK : 10,000 yds: 165 : BINOCULAR :ATTACKS 12. : Aug17 : 139-53E : : : 7 knots : SURFACE :#8 #9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 1715Z : 42-05N : 1,200T AK : 10,000 yds: 335 : BINOCULAR :SIGHTED 13. : Aug17 : 139-42E : 800T AT : : 6 knots : SURFACE :PRIOR : : : : : : :#8 #9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2147Z : 44-43N : 3,200T KA : 14,000 yds: 255 : PERISCOPE : 14. : Aug18 : 138-55E : : : 6 knots : SURFACE :RUSSIAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 2257Z : 45-35N : 36 Ton : 9,000 yds: 235 : PERISCOPE :SUNK BY 15. : Aug19 : 146-50E : Sam-pan : : 6 knots : SURFACE :GUNFIRE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 0639Z : 45-50N : 30 Ton : 13,000 yds: 240 : PERISCOPE :SUNK BY 16. : Aug20 : 148-22E : Sam-pan : : 6 knots : SURFACE :GUNFIRE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- : 0752Z : 45-47N : 35 Ton : 12,000 yds: 210 : BINOCULAR :SUNK BY 17. : Aug20 : 148-42E : Sam-pan : : 7 knots : SURFACE :GUNFIRE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (G) AIRCRAFT CONTACTS None. (H) ATTACK DATA (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 1 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1535 DATE Aug. 14, 1943 LAT 43-12 N LONG 140-00 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 3,000 Ton AK - last ship in rough column of three. No escort. Visual contact. Full moon over-cast surface visibility good. Estimated range at time of contact 10 miles. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 15 Course 205 Speed 7 Range 950 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 4.5 K Course 100 Depth 64 FT Angle 009 1/2 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked for period of one hour with radar and TBT bearings then dived for periscope attack. Problem checked precisely on TDC. Fired single torpedo. Miss. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 2 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1722 DATE Aug. 14, 1943 LAT 43-07 N LONG 139-55 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 6,000 Ton AK, steaming alone. Visual contact, full moon, overcast sky surface visibility good. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 3 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1918 DATE Aug. 14, 1943 LAT 43-15 N LONG 140-03 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 6,000 Ton AK, same target as attack #2. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 14 Course 025 Speed 11.5 Range 800 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3 k Course 269 Depth 64 FT Angle 345t 343 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked target for another hour and a half after previous attack while gaining position ahead. Target data checked with that for initial attack. After diving fired spread of two torpedoes using as points of aim points 1/4 length from bow and stern. Both missed. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 4 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1924 DATE Aug. 14, 1943 LAT 43-15 N LONG 140-03 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 6,000 Ton AK, same target as #2 attack. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 14 Course 0025 Speed 11.5 Range 1200 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3 k Course 025 Depth 64 FT Angle 355 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Swung ship after unsuccessful second attack on this target and as favorable 180d track presented fired single torpedo. Miss. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 5 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1726 DATE Aug. 16, 1943 LAT 42-45 N LONG 139-50 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 4,000 Ton AK steaming alone. Visual contact full moon, scattered clouds. Surface visibility good. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 10 Course 359 Speed 9 Range 1100 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3 k Course 032 Depth 63 FT Angle 007 1/4 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked target with radar and TBT bearings for 45 minutes prior to diving for submerged periscope approach. Purposely allowed range to open as only previous success on this patrol had been with 1,100 yard run. Fired single shot. Miss. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 6 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1324 DATE Aug. 17, 1943 LAT 42-16 N LONG 139-39 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 3,500 Ton AK steaming alone. Visual contact, full moon, heavy clouds surface visibility good. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 10 Course 000 Speed 8 Range 1200 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3.5 K Course 256.5 Depth 61 FT Angle 257.5 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked target for half-hour on surface, using TBT bearings radar ranges. Dived, continued to track by radar until commencing periscope attack. Fired single shot. Miss. Used low speed in hope of obtaining better depth control. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 7 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1523 DATE Aug. 17, 1943 LAT 42-17 N LONG 139-43 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 3,000 Ton AK steaming alone. Full moon, heavy clouds, surface visibility good. Visual contact. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 10 Course 015 Speed 8.5 Range 850 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3 Course 102.5 Depth 63 FT Angle 016 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked target for an hour using radar ranges and TBT bearings. Set up checked closely on TDC. Set up and fired low speed shot employing angle from MK VIII angle solver. TDC checked exactly with angle solver. Fired single shot. Miss. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 8 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1811 DATE Aug. 17, 1943 LAT 41-58 N LONG 139-43 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 4,000 Ton AK steaming alone. Moonlight, high clouds. Visibility good. Visual contact. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 15 Course 165 Speed 7 Range 1250 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3.5 K Course 075 Depth 55 FT Angle 223.25 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Tracked with radar and TBT, dived for periscope TDC attack. High speed settings. Missed sixth single shot. (TORPEDO ATTACK FORM) U.S.S WAHOO TORPEDO ATTACK No. 9 PATROL No. 6 TIME GCT 1814 DATE Aug. 17, 1943 LAT 41-48 N LONG 139-53 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Description: 4,000 Ton AK. Same target as attack #8. Ship(s) Sunk: None. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: --- Target Draft 15 Course 165 Speed 7 Range 1200 (at firing) OWN SHIP DATA Speed 3.5 K Course 076 Depth 55 FT Angle 193.5 (at firing) FIRE CONTROL AND TORPEDO DATA Type Attack: Night, Radar, Periscope. Target data same as attack No. 8. Torpedo broached after 23 second run. Tubes Fired # 3 # 7 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 1 # 1 # 4 # 8 # 9 ____________________________________________________________ Track Angle : 96S : 80S : 60S : 60S :176S :150P : 77S : 90P : 45P : 85P ____________________________________________________________ Gyro Angle : 21R : 0 : 5.5L:4.25L:4.25L: .75L: 1.5R: 0 : 45R :6.75R ____________________________________________________________ Depth Set : 10 : 6 : 6 : 6 : 6 : 4 : 4 : 4 : 6 : 4 ____________________________________________________________ Power : HP : HP : HP : HP : HP : HP : LP : HP : HP : HP ____________________________________________________________ Hit/Miss :Miss : Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss ____________________________________________________________ Erratic : No : No : No : No : No : No : No : No : No : No ____________________________________________________________ Mk. Torpedo : XIV : 3A : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - ____________________________________________________________ Serial No. :22791:23255:24390:22769:22798:24506:22764:24505:32612:23026 ____________________________________________________________ Mk. Exploder: VI : -1 : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - ____________________________________________________________ Serial No. :6327 : 6372: 6357: 6401:17463: 6622: 6453: 7687: 6456: 5418 ____________________________________________________________ Act. Set :CONTACT- - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - ____________________________________________________________ Act. Act. :NONE : DUD :NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE :NONE ____________________________________________________________ Mk. Warhead : XVI : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - ____________________________________________________________ Ser. No. :9674 :1475 :1438 :1081 :9572 :9641 :1600 :2619 :1461 :2329 ____________________________________________________________ Explosive : TPX : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - : - - ____________________________________________________________ Fir. Intervl:SINGL:SINGL: 11 SEC :SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL ____________________________________________________________ Type Spread :SINGL:SINGL:LONGITUDINL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL:SINGL ____________________________________________________________ Sea Cond. : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 : 0 : 0 : 0 ____________________________________________________________ Overhaul : Activity :---------------SUBBASE PEARL HARBOR------------------------ ____________________________________________________________ REMARKS : : : : : : : : Miss: : Miss : Miss: Dud : Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss: Miss:MkVIII:Miss:Broa- : : : : : : : :Angle: :ched : : : : : : : :Solver: :23 secs. ____________________________________________________________ (GUN ATTACK REPORT FORM) U.S.S WAHOO GUN ATTACK No. 1 PATROL No. 6 TIME 2257(Zed) DATE Aug. 19, 1943 LAT 45-35 N LONG 146-50 E T ARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Ship(s) Sunk: One enemy fishing vessel approximately 36 tons. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: Observation by ships company. DETAILS OF ACTION (ALL TIMES ZED) 2257; Sighted smoke on the horizon bearing 110dT, 22d R. Changed course and speed to close. Target turned out to be an enemy fishing vessel. 2315; Fired warning shot across enemy's bow. 2326; Commenced firing 4"/50 and 20mm machine guns. 2328; Ceased firing, target sinking. At this time six (6) survivors came topside. Decided to take prisoners of war. A max firing range of 100 yards was used. 4"/50 high velocity ammunition with Mk 30-1 point detonation fuse was used. The "superquick" feature was employed on all nine (9) rounds fired. All hits proved this ammunition quite effective on this type of target. Hits at the waterline caused quick sinking of the enemy. Approximately 120 rounds of 20mm ammunition, with a ratio of one(1) HET to two(2)HEI was used in this attack. This machine gun fire started no fires on this target. (GUN ATTACK REPORT FORM) U.S.S WAHOO GUN ATTACK No. 2 PATROL No. 6 TIME 0639(Zed) DATE Aug. 20, 1943 LAT 45-50 N LONG 148-22 E TARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Ship(s) Sunk: One enemy fishing vessel approximately 25 tons. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: Observation by ships company. DETAILS OF ACTION (ALL TIMES ZED) 0639; Sighted smoke bearing 033dT, 317d R. Changed course and speed to close target. 0649; Dived for close observation. Identified as enemy fishing vessel. 0736; Battle surfaced manning all guns. 0746; Commenced firing, still pursuing enemy. 0751; Observed target burning well, ceased firing. Sam-pan still not in sinking condition so a few more rounds of 4"/50 were placed at her waterline at close range. 0758; Target sinking fast. No survivors were taken. Fifteen (15) rounds of 4"/50 high-capacity, point-detonating ammunition with the Mk 30-1 "superquick" feature operative were used. All hits had a devastating effect on the upper-works of the sam-pan and the hits at the water-line caused rapid sinking. 170 rounds of 20mm ammunition loaded one(1)HET to two(2)HEI were also used to good effect. They definitely started a good blaze that was stopped when the sam-pan sunk. Mean range of firing was 1,000 yards. *0745 Fired warning burst across bow. (GUN ATTACK REPORT FORM) U.S.S WAHOO GUN ATTACK No. 3 PATROL No. 6 TIME 0759(Zed) DATE Aug. 20, 1943 LAT 45-47 N LONG 148-42 E T ARGET DATA --- DAMAGE INFLICTED Ship(s) Sunk: One enemy fishing vessel approximately 35 tons. Ship(s) Damaged or Probably Sunk: None. Damaged Determined by: Observation by ships company. D ETAILS OF ACTION (ALL TIMES ZED) 0759; Sighted ship bearing 180dR., shortly after sinking the fishing vessel described in attack #2. 0814; Dived and tried to close target. 0901; Battle surfaced manning all guns and pursued target at full power. 0917: Fired warning shot across bow. 0919; Commenced firing. 0930; Ceased firing - Sam-pan sinking rapidly. By the time this ship got to the wreckage the target had sunk. Attempted picking up survivors, no success. Four (4) rounds of 4"/50 High-capacity, point detonating ammunition with the Mk 30-1 "superquick" feature operative were used. Four direct hits, several of which were at the waterline, undoubtedly accounted for the rapid sinking of this vessel. Attacks show this ammunition quite satisfactory at least on this type of target. Fifty(50) rounds of 20mm ammunition loaded one(1)HET to two(2)HEI was fired, but due to the short time those guns were able to fire at effectively, no conclusive observations could be made concerning their effect in this attack The mean range of firing was 1,500 yards. (I) MINES None encountered. (J) ANTI-SUBMARINE MEASURES AND EVASION TACTICS Several OTORI Class torpedo Boats conducted a search with their echo-ranging sound gear. 17kcs was normally used, but one patrol boat used 19kcs. They dropped no depthcharges. (K) MAJOR DEFECTS AND DAMAGE The port propeller shaft has a squeal in it at high speed at deep depth. It has a heavy vibration at minimum speed at deep depth. When backing down on the surface it vibrates very badly. At the first available opportunity this shaft should be put in proper working order. Its present condition could be a hazard to the ship during evasive tactics. (L) RADIO Radio reception was in general very good in spite of the fact that we were entirely surrounded by land while on station. 450kcs and 4115 series were guarded continually and 4235 series at night. Nothing was received on either 450 kcs. or 4235 kcs. NPM was copied at periscope depth on the NL loop as far as 2,000 miles from base, under good conditions. Little jamming was encountered. The only transmission made on station was made with no difficulty, NPM answering immediately. Signal strength was five, frequency 8,470 kcs. On the second transmission enroute to the base, considerable difficulty was encountered in trying to raise NPM. The message was finally cleared through NPM and NPG. Last serial received 250843 ComSubPac Last serial sent 221330 WAHOO (M) RADAR S.J. Radar performance was very erratic with maximum ranges on land ranging from 13,800 yds to 28,000 yds. The minimum ranges were obtained under conditions of heavy fog. Overall performance could be considered fair as maximum ranges on targets appeared shorter than on past performance. No lost time. The S.D. Radar proved useful for navigation and though it was inoperative at one crucial time, the set was very reliable throughout the rest of the trip with land ranges up to 41 miles. Total lost time four hours. (N) SOUND GEAR AND SOUND CONDITIONS Sound conditions enroute to and on station can be described in one word, terrible. At times the temperature of the water dropped as much as 10 degrees in ten feet at periscope depth. Temperature on one occasion dropped from 58d to 25d from periscope depth to 300 feet. The average temperature differential on station was 23d. Two to three density layers were encountered every time we went deep. The bathythermograph was a great help. During approaches, target screws were heard p to 3,000 yards. The QC sound head was used to "ping" a range, just prior to firing, but sound conditions were so poor that no reliable results were obtained. (O) HEALTH AND HABITABILITY Health of the crew was good. a few members of the crew had minor head colds, which were treated with nose sprays, aspirin, and A.P.C. capsules. One case of constipation required bed and rest. One case admitted with diagnosis #2715, tooth unerupted, right inferior third molar. Treated with incision of the gingiva and drained, this was followed with iodoform gauze packing, and sodium perborate mouth-wash every three hours. The third day, sulfathiazole powder was applied with a powder blower, followed by iodoform gauze packing. Total sick days; five. One case suffered from Caries teeth, left superior, second bicuspid, temporary filling was made from Zinc Oxide powder and Eugenol. When applied this relieved all pain. The Commanding Officer suffered slight rheumatic pains two or three times during the patrol, not severe enough to cause him to turn in. The pains were efficiently treated with aspirin grs. 10 and Codeine grs. 1/2. Two doses usually relieved the pain. About six days out from the base, inspection revealed sixteen men infested with Pediculi Pubis. Due to the small amount of Mercurial Ointment on board, these men were sponged with Diesel fuel oil, followed in one hour with a shower. Another inspection, three days later showed four men still infested. They were instructed to shave and repeat the fuel oil bath. Final inspection, two days later showed the crew to be completely free of the vermin. Six prisoners of war captured from a small trawler, were accommodated on mats on the deck of the after torpedo room. One prisoner had a small shrapnel wound in the right knee, wound was cleansed and debribed, sulfathiazole powder, one suture, and dressing applied, no complication or infection have appeared. All the prisoners appeared to be comfortable and extremely pleased with their surroundings. They have been helping with routine cleaning of the ship, and doing their own mess cooking. About half of the crew have been taking the multiple vitamin capsules provided. (P) MILES STEAMED - FUEL USED PEARL HARBOR to MIDWAY 1,219 MIDWAY to AREA 2,117 IN AREA Surface 808 Submerged 236 AREA to PEARL 3,430 (Q) FUEL OIL EXPENDED MIDWAY to AREA 23,890 gals. IN AREA 5,062 gals. FROM AREA TO MIDWAY 31,781 gals. (R) FACTORS OF ENDURANCE REMAINING Torpedoes 14 Fuel 31,267 gals. Provisions 40 days. Personnel Factors 40 days. (S) REMARKS It is recommended that all influence torpedoes be provided all submarines going on patrol, and permit the individual submarines to inactivate the influence feature as necessary and as desired. This will give the various submarines more flexibility in torpedo firing. FB5-42/A16-3 SUBMARINE DIVISION FORTY TWO Serial 025 In Care of Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California, 4 September 1943. CONFIDENTIAL From: The Commander Submarine Division FORTY TWO. To : The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. Via : The Commander Submarine Squadron FOUR. Subject: U.S.S. WAHOO - Report of Sixth War Patrol - Comments on. 1. The WAHOO spent a total of twenty-eight days on this patrol. Of this time only seven days were actually spent in the assigned area. The patrol was terminated early after the expenditure of ten torpedoes on six targets without having inflicted any apparent damage on the enemy. 2. This is the fourth patrol of the present Commanding Officer and the first patrol subsequent to a Navy Yard overhaul. The first three patrols of this Commanding Officer were outstanding and highly successful and resulted in the sinking and damaging of considerable tonnage. 3. Nine separate torpedo attacks were made on six different targets. With the exception of the third attack in which a spread of two torpedoes was used all attacks were delivered with single torpedoes. The impact of the torpedo on the target fired on the second attack was heard by both sound operators and at the same time a plume of spray at the target was also seen by the periscope officer. Other than this "dud" no hits were made on any of the targets. 4. All attacks were delivered under cover of darkness after the target had been tracked by radar for periods varying between forth-five minutes to an hour and a half. Precise data were obtained on all targets and the Commanding Officer in each case skillfully maneuvered his boat to an excellent firing position for the initial attack. The ranges in all cases except one were under eleven hundred and fifty yards and in general small gyro angles (about five degrees) were used on the torpedoes. In an endeavor to obtain improved torpedo performance low power was used on two attacks without success. On still another attack a track of one hundred fifty degrees was accepted in preference to one nearer ninety in the hope that a glancing impact was the answer. 5. A skillful commander with precise instruments for obtaining target data has a natural reluctance to waste torpedoes on slow speed, small, or even medium sized merchant vessels. Why use two torpedoes when one may easily finish the job? Considering all factors including torpedo performance it is essential that spreads be used to insure destruction of the target. 6. The port propeller shaft squealed at high speeds when running deep. Other than this the WAHOO was in excellent material condition. This will be investigated and remedied during refit. In view of the poor torpedo performance the torpedo tubes will be thoroughly and carefully checked while in dock and a special report submitted. FC5-4/A16-3 SUBMARINE SQUADRON FOUR Serial 0226 In Care of Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California, C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L 6 September 1943. FIRST ENDORSEMENT to CSD 42 Conf. Ltr. FB5-42/A16-3 Serial 025 of 4 September 1943. From: The Commander Submarine Squadron FOUR. To : The Commander-in-Chief, United States Fleet. Via : (1) The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. (2) The Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Fleet. Subject: U.S.S. WAHOO - Report of Sixth War Patrol - Comments on. 1. The sixth war patrol of the WAHOO was conducted with the same aggressiveness which has made her past performances outstanding. Nine attacks were made within seven days on station, indicating a productive area. 2. All attacks were made from ideal positions, average torpedo run 1,070 yards, gyro angles small, all tracks close to 90d. Only one hit was observed and this was a dud. Accurate determination of the cause of the misses is of course impossible. One possible cause is the fact that all torpedoes were set for shallow depths, average depth setting 5.5 feet. The unreliable torpedo performance with shallow depth settings has been noted in the past. The decision of the commanding officer to fire single torpedoes, while understandable is not concurred in. A minimum of two, preferably three torpedoes, using a spread, should be fired at any target worthy of torpedo expenditure, taking into consideration the poor performance of the Mark XIV torpedo, the many unknowns in torpedo firing and the fact that medium size vessels can withstand one torpedo when it isn't in a vital spot. 3. The destruction of the sampans by gun fire was conducted with the usual efficiency of the WAHOO. It is recommended that the WAHOO be credited with the following damage inflicted on the enemy. Sunk 3 Sampans. Copy to: CSD 42 CO WAHOO FF12-10/A16-3(5)/(16) SUBMARINE FORCE, PACIFIC FLEET Serial 01235 In Care of Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, California, 8 September 1943. CONFIDENTIAL THIRD ENDORSEMENT to WAHOO Report of Sixth War Patrol dated 8-29-43. From: The Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet. To : The Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Fleet. Via : The Commander-in-Chief, U. S. Pacific Fleet. Subject: U.S.S. WAHOO (SS238) - Report of Sixth War Patrol, (2 August to 29 August 1943). Enclosure: (A) Copy of subject war patrol report. (B) Copy of Comsubdiv 42 Conf. 1st. end. FB5-42/A16-3 Serial 025 dated 4 September 1943. (C) Copy of Comsubron 4 Conf. 2nd. end. FC5-4/A16-3, Serial 0226 dated 6 September 1943. 1. The WAHOO's sixth war patrol was the first after a navy yard overhaul. It was carried out in the Japan Sea. 2. Many contacts were made and nine aggressive torpedo attacks carried out. The lack of success of these attacks is being investigated. Failure to use torpedo spreads during most of the attacks undoubtedly contributed materially to the lack of success. Torpedo spreads must be used to cover possible errors in data or possibly of duds. 3. Three sampans were sunk by gunfire and six prisoners were brought back from one of them. 4. This patrol is not considered successful for Combat Insignia award. 5. The WAHOO is credited with inflicting the following damage to the enemy: SUNK 3 - Sampans - 96 tons C. A. LOCKWOOD, Jr.