Ph.D. Dissertation


    This dissertation is a result of collective efforts from my parents, family, and friends. They often give me valuable advice, reminders, and wisdom about life, when I had a hard time understanding. However, they always give me room to explore and make mistakes.

    This dissertation is dedicated to my parents, who have given me all their love and support and let me freely do whatever I want. Without them, there is no way I could possibly have accomplished this. Their understanding on the value of education is truly beyond my comprehension. I am just a lucky beneficiary. Along the way, my sister Karen and brother Gavin have shared their caring thoughts.

    I have also been very lucky to have my uncle and aunt, Bob and Hannah Ng, and my cousins, Belinda and Gigi, throughout my stay in Arizona. They have helped me learn about life and live a good one. They have also given me comfort and advice whenever I needed them.

    Throughout my ten plus years in Arizona and Dr. Hsinchun Chen's AI Lab, I have seen many people come and go; however, I am very grateful that many of them have taken me as their friend. They have taught me how to live, love, and feel; these, in turn, become the catalyst to my desire to finish this dissertation.

    I truly thank all of them from the bottom of my heart.

      We are loved beyond our capacity to comprehend.
      Jewel Kilcher

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