Blister Packs
11-100 Greater Wolfwere Set
11-101 Werebat Set
11-102 Greater Mummy Set
11-103 Demihuman Vampires
11-104 Vampires
11-105 Village Mob
11-106 Village Personalities
11-107 Goblyns
11-108 Great White Stag
11-109 Gypsies
11-110 Gypsy Dancers
11-111 Lords of Ravenloft
11-112 Vampire Hunters
11-113 Lost Ones
11-114 Wolfweres
11-115 Zombie Lord and Lackeys
11-116 Ratk Umbel
11-117 Man Wolf
11-118 Natalia Vorshkova
11-119 Vampires
11-120 Lab Work Tables and Labware
11-121 Assorted Life Energizers
11-122 Frantisek Markov
11-123 Ivana Boritsi
11-124 Alfred Timothy
11-125 Witches
Boxed Sets
10-511 Ravenloft Denizens
10-515 Ravenloft Castle Forlorn
10-517 Ravenloft Mordenheim's Lab