Ral Partha


Licensed miniatures for the Shadowrun role playing game by FASA.  Some item numbers may appear more than once, when a discontinued item has been replaced by a new one.  Those duplicates are listed in order of release date.
What's New
Trading Post

Production Dates: Unknown - 2000
Sculptors: Jim Johnson, ...
Blister Packs

20-500  Shadow Runners
20-501  Deckers
20-502  Human Street Samurai
20-503  Mages
20-504  Metahuman Street Samurai
20-505  Elves
20-506  Corporate Contacts
20-506  Street Mages
20-507  Go-Gangers
20-508  Riggers and Rockers
20-509  Human Street Gang
20-510  Corporate Security Guards
20-511  Lone Star Street Cops
20-512  Wendigo and Sasquatch
20-512  Toxic Spirits
20-513  Ghouls
20-513  Angels of Death
20-514  Corporate Guard Animals
20-515  Vampires
20-515  Shadow Runners II 
20-516  Mercs & Bouncers
20-517  Shapeshifters
20-517  Elven SubTypes
20-518  Shadowbeat Journalists
20-518  Meta-Human Sub-Types
20-519  Tribals 
20-520  Yakuza     
20-521  Ork Biker Std & Mtd    
20-524  Riggers & Drones     
20-525  Strike Force Bravo     
20-528  Black Ice Icons
20-537  Minotaur & Satyr
20-539  Centaur 
20-540  Lone Star Assault Squad
20-541  Street Samurai (Female) on rapier     
20-542  Go-Gang Enforcers on Scorpions 
20-543  Ork & Dwarf on Heavy Assault Trike     
20-544  Preying Mantis Spirits     
20-545  Roach Spirits     
20-546  Cerberus Hound 
20-548  Doc Wagon Team    
20-549  Doc Wagon & Driver   
20-550  Assassins    
20-551  Blood Mages    
20-552  Mystic Crusaders     
20-553  Halloweener Gang     
20-554  Elven Cyberknights      

Archetypes and Personalities

20-560  Mercenaries - Male & Female    
20-561  Street Mages - Male & Female    
20-562  Street Samurai - Male & Female    
20-563  Wolframs Gang     
20-564  Harlequin & Aina     
20-565  Street Shaman - Male & Female    
20-566  Riggers - Male & Female    
20-568  Bodyguards - Male & Female    
20-569  Combat Mages - Male & Female    
20-572  Elven Deckers - Male & Female    
20-573  Dwarf Mercenaries - Male & Female    
20-574  Shaman - Male & Female    
20-577  Striper Assassin & Weretiger    
20-578  Lone Star Combat Mage - Male and Female
20-579  Eliana, the Cat Shaman    
20-580  Bounty Hunter - Male & Female    
20-581  Lone Wolf (on Bike & Foot)    
20-582  Bandit-Raccoon Shaman and Totem    
20-583  Pug- Dog Shaman and Totem    
20-584  Zetana- Wolf Shaman and Totem    
20-585  Dunklezahn   
20-586  Nadja Daviar     
20-587  Ann Penchyk     
20-588  Arthur Vogel    
20-589  Lofwyr (Large Dragon)     
20-590  Lord Torgo     
20-591  Slash & Burn - Halloweener Gang Leader  
20-592 Machiko-San: Elf Samurai
20-593 Cyber Assassin 
20-594 Ryan Mercury: Secret Agent    
20-595 Assets Inc I: Shadowrunners
20-596 Senor Oscuro
20-597 Burnout 

Boxed Sets

10-861 The Feathered Serpent (box) (back)

Images provided by Kevin Silva
©2002 This page may not be copied without permission. Last modified: February 21, 2002 by Thomas Pope