Interface SimulatedLinearObject

All Known Implementing Classes:
LinearObstacleSim, TerrainSim

public interface SimulatedLinearObject
extends SimulatedObject

If you want to include a new linear object for TB simulation, you must implement this interface.

Most of these methods are used by other simulated objects to either generate simulated sensor values or reproduce accurate dynamic results.

Copyright (c)1998 Tucker Balch and Carnegie Mellon University

Method Summary
 void init(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double r, java.awt.Color fg, java.awt.Color bg, int vc, int id, long s)
          Initialize a simulated object.
Methods inherited from interface
checkCollision, checkCollision, clearTrail, draw, draw, drawIcon, drawID, drawState, drawTrail, getCenter, getClosestPoint, getID, getPosition, getVisionClass, init, isObstacle, isPickupable, isPushable, pickUp, push, putDown, quit, receive, setID, setTrailLength, setVisionClass, takeStep

Method Detail


public void init(double x1,
                 double y1,
                 double x2,
                 double y2,
                 double r,
                 java.awt.Color fg,
                 java.awt.Color bg,
                 int vc,
                 int id,
                 long s)
Initialize a simulated object. Called automatically by TBSim.
x1 - x coord of first point
y1 - y coord of first point
x2 - x coord of second point
y2 - y coord of second point
r - radius.
fg - the foreground color of the object when drawn.
bg - the background color of the object when drawn.
vc - the vision class of the object - for use by simulated vision.
id - a unique ID number fore the object.
s - random number seed.