TeamBotsTM Copyright Information
TeamBots(tm) software is
Copyright 1999, 2000 Tucker Balch, Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC)
and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)
This software may be modified, copied and redistributed, both within the
recipient's organization and externally, subject to the following
1. The recipient may not derive income from the TeamBots
software itself;
2. In any derivative works based on this software, the
recipient agrees to acknowledge Tucker Balch, GTRC and CMU;
3. Any copies made of this software must be accompanied by the
following copyright notice:
"Copyright (c)1999, 2000 Tucker Balch, GTRC and CMU.
All rights Reserved."
as well as this complete copyright notice file; and
4. The recipient agrees to obey all U.S. Government
restrictions governing redistribution or export of
such information.
These restrictions may apply to redistribution within an international
organization. Tucker Balch, GTRC and CMU make no warranties or
representations, either expressed or implied, with respect to the
software contained herein, its quality, merchantability, performance
or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Tucker Balch,
GTRC or CMU, or their developers, directors, officers, employees or
affiliates be liable for direct, incidental, indirect, special or
consequential damages (including damages or loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information and the like)
resulting from any defect in this software or its documentation or
arising out of the use or inability to use this software or accompanying
documentation even if Tucker Balch, GTRC, CMU or an authorized
representative therein has been advised of the possibility of such
damage. Tucker Balch, GTRC and CMU make no representation or warranty
regarding the results obtainable through use of this software. No oral
or written information or advice given by Tucker Balch, GTRC or CMU,
their dealers, distributors, agents, affiliates, developers, directors,
officers or employees shall create a warranty or in any way increase
the scope of this warranty.
The following copyright applies to the software in the files Ndirect.c
and Ndirect.h included with this release:
Copyright (c) 1996 Nomadic Technologies, Inc.
The contents of these files is copyrighted by Nomadic Technologies,
Inc, and is protected by United States copyright laws. You may make
as many copies of the software as deemed necessary for the
effective programming of the Nomad series robots provided that all
copyright and other proprietary notices are reproduced in their
The TeamBots trademark is owned by Tucker Balch. The trademark
has been filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (75/850053).