Jim Bruce developed CMVision, our vision code.
Brian Chemel wrote code to support the Cye robot serial protocol.
Rosemary Emery is responsible for simulation and integrated control of the Cye robot.
David Huggins wrote native code to support the Newton Lab Cognachrome.
Maria Hybinette helps with software infrastructure design.
Scott Lenser helps with software design and localization code and with testing of the RoboComm package. He also argued valiantly for CVS (but we chose RCS anyway).
Juan Carlos Santamaria contributed to the learning package.
Manuela Veloso brought TeamBots(tm) to CMU and provides helpful suggestions and guidance.
Ron Arkin helped get TeamBots off the ground by providing access to computing resources and robots for development. He has also provided many helpful suggestions along the way.
Will Uther contributed code implementing prioritized sweeping. He also helped out a lot with Mac compatibility.
Mitchell Potter (Naval Research Lab) has helped with Mac compatibility and testing
Anders Oreback (KTH) wrote code to support the Nomad Scout.
Mitchell Potter