Note * indicates the topic is taken.

Learning in Soccer Domains
Peter Stone, TPOT-RL and Layered Learning

*[Balch] Behavioral Heterogeneity I
Balch, Reward and Diversity in Multirobot Foaging

*[Carpenter] Communication - Learning
Yanco/Stein An adaptive communication protocol for cooperating mobile robots

*[Jensen] Multiagent Planning
Jensen, et al, OBDD-based Universal Planning: Specifying and Solving Planning Problems for Synchronized Agents in Non-Deterministic Domains

*[Park] Learning multirobot systems I
Mataric, Reinforcement Learning in the Multi-Robot Domain
Weiss, A multiagent perspective of parallel and distributed machine learning

*[Schwarzhans] Biological Inspiration - Bees
von Frisch, The dance language and orientation of bees

*[Wilson,Cicirello] Biological Inspiration - Ants
Wilson, Chemical communication in ants

*[Latimer] Multirobot Architectures - Planning/symbolic
Tambe, Towards Flexible Teamwork

*[Scarvelis] Multirobot Path Planning
Brumitt, et al Dynamic Mission Planning for Multiple Mobile Robots

*[Zinkevich] Communication - Reliability/Security
Stone/Veloso Communication in Domains with Unreliable, Single-Channel, Low-Bandwidth Communication

*[Srinivasa] Plan Recognition/Opponent Modeling
Han/Veloso Opponent Modeling
Huber/Durfee An initial assessment of plan-recognition-based coordination for multiagent teams, ICMAS-96

*[Schulte] Communication - Utility
Balch/Arkin, Communication in reactive multiagent robotic systems
Jung/Zelinsky, Grounded Symbolic Communication Between Heterogeneous Cooperating robots
Mataric, Using Communication to Reduce Locality in Distributed Multi-Agent Learning

Behavioral Heterogeneity II
Fontan/Mataric, A Study of Territoriality: The Role of Critical Mass in Adaptive Task Division
Goldberg/Mataric,Interference as a Tool for Designing and Evaluating Multi-Robot Controllers

*[Jia] Multirobot Architectures - Behavior-based
Parker, Designing control laws for cooperative agent teams
Mataric, Issues and Approaches in the Design of Collective Autonomous Agents
Arkin, Cooperation without communication

*[Wong] Polymorphic (shape changing) Multirobot Systems
Castano, Shen and Will, CONRO: Towards Deployable Robots with Inter-robot Metamorphic Capabilities
Fukuda and Kaga Distributed Decision Making of Dynamically Reconfigurable Robotic System, IROS-97

Mechanical Heterogeneity
Parker, ALLIANCE: An Architecture for Fault Tolerant Multi-Robot Cooperation

*[Emery] Cooperative Localization
Fox, et al Cooperative Localization