Tucker Balch's Publications
This is a complete list. Please see my
CV for a comprehensive listing of
my publications.
Ph.D. Thesis
- Designing Robot Behavior,
Balch, T.,
MIT Press,
under contract.
Robot Teams: From Diversity to Polymorphism,
Balch, T. and Parker, L. (eds), AK Peters, under contract.
- RoboCup-2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV
Stone, P., Balch, T., Kraetzschmar, G. (eds),
Springer-Verlag, in press.
Journal and refereed magazine articles
Hierarchic social entropy: an information theoretic measure of robot team diversity
Balch, T.,
Autonomous Robots, July 2000.
Behavior-based formation control for multiagent robot teams,
Balch, T. and Arkin, R.C.,
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, December, 1998.
AuRA: Principles and practice in review,
Arkin, R.C. and Balch, T.,
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence,
9(1997)175-189, 1997.
Communication in reactive multiagent robotic systems
Balch, T. and Arkin, R.C.,
Autonomous Robots, 1(1): 27-52, 1995.
Io, Ganymede and Callisto - a multiagent robot trash-collecting
Balch, T., Boone, G., Collins, T., Forbes, H.,
MacKenzie, D. and Santamaria, J.,
AI Magazine, 16(2): 39-53, 1995.
Profile of a winner: Georgia Tech (a review of our winning
multi-robot entry in the AAAI-97 Mobile Robot Competition),
Balch, T.,
AI Magazine, Fall, 1998.
Fast obstacle detection via triangulation of light spots,
Matthies, L., Balch, T. and Wilcox, B.,
NASA Tech Briefs,
21(3): 52, 1997.
Invited journal and magazine articles
Guest Editorial,
Balch, T. and Parker, L.
Autonomous Robots Special Issue on Heterogeneous
Multi-Robot Systems, July 2000.
- The AAAI-99 mobile robot competition and exhibition,
Meeden, L., Balch, T. (and others),
AI Magazine, Summer, 2000.
- The CMU MultiRobot Lab,
Balch, T.,
Robotics and Machine Perception, vol. 9, no. 1, March, 2000.
- The AAAI-98 mobile robot exhibition,
Haigh, K., Balch, T.,
{\it AI Magazine}, Spring, 2000.
On the Directional Correlation of Axial Rotation in Inverted Felines
and Planetary Spin: Coriolis Revisited,
Donahoo, M., Boone, G., Balch, T.,
Journal of Irreproducible Results,
to appear.
Grid-based Navigation for Mobile Robots,
Balch, T.,
The Robotics Practitioner, 2(1), 1996.
Book chapters
CMU Hammerheads, (a description of our robot team entry in RoboCup-2000),
in RoboCup-2000: Robot Soccer World Cup VI,
Stone, P., Balch, T. and Kraetzschmar, G. (eds), in press.
Hierarchic social entropy: an information theoretic measure of robot team diversity
in Robot Teams: From Diversity to Polymorphism,
Balch, T. and Parker, L. (eds), in preparation. (also published as
journal article).
Cooperative Multiagent Robotic Systems
Arkin, R.C. and Balch, T., in
Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Robots
, D. Kortenkamp, R.P. Bonasso, and R. Murphy (eds),
MIT Press, 1998.
Communication and coordination in reactive robotic teams,
Arkin, R.C. and Balch, T.,
in Coordination Theory and Collaboration
Technology, Olsen, G. (ed), in press.
- Integrating RL and behavior-based control
for soccer,
Balch, T.,
RoboCup-97: Proceedings of the
First Robot World Cup Soccer Games and Conferences ,
Springer-Verlag, 1998. (note: also appears
in IJCAI-97 Workshop proceedings).
Balch, T.,
RoboCup-97: Robot Soccer World Cup I,
Springer-Verlag, 1998.
Papers in first tier conferences
Automatically Tracking and Analyzing
the Behavior of Live Insect Colonies
Balch, T., Khan, Z., and Veloso, M.
Autonomous Agents, Montreal, 2001.
Distributed Sensor Fusion for Object Position
Estimation by Multi-Robot Systems,
Stroupe, A., Martin, M. and Balch, T.,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA-2001), Seoul, 2001.
Behavior-Based Control of a Non-Holonomic Robot
in Pushing Tasks,
Emery, R. and Balch, T.,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA-2001), Seoul, 2001.
Fast and inexpensive color image segmentation
for interactive robots,
Bruce, J., Balch, T. and Veloso, M.
IROS-2000, to appear. (similar version presented at WIRE-2000
Social potentials for scalable multirobot
Balch, T. and Hybinette, M.,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA-2000), San Francisco, 2000.
- Behavior-based coordination of large-scale
robot formations,
Balch, T. and Hybinette, M.,
International Conference on Multiagent Systems
(ICMAS-2000), Boston, 2000.
Vision-Servoed Localization and Behaviors for an
Autonomous Quadruped Legged Robot,
Manuela M. Veloso, Elly Winner, Scott Lenser, James Bruce, and Tucker Balch,
Integrating information, planning, and execution monitoring
Veloso, M., Balch, T., and Lenser, S.,
Autonomous Agents, Barcelona, 2000.
Vision servoed localization and behavior-based
planning for an autonomous quadruped legged robot,
Veloso, M., Winner, E., Lenser, S, Bruce, J. and
Balch, T.,
AIPS-00, 2000.
The impact of diversity on
performance in multi-robot foraging,
Balch, T.,
Agents '99,
Seattle, WA, May, 1999.
The impact of diversity on performance in
robot foraging,
Balch, T.,
Autonomous Agents,
Seattle, WA, May, 1999.
Teaming Up: Georgia Tech's multi-robot
competition teams,
Collins, T. and Balch, T.
Proc. AAAI-97, 1997.
Fast Optical Hazard Detection for Planetary
Rovers using Multiple Spot Laser Triangulation,
Matthies, L., Balch, T. and Wilcox B.,
IEEE International Conference on Robots and
Automation, 1997.
Motor Schema-based
Formation Control for Multiagent Robot Teams,
Balch, T. and Arkin R.C.,
International Conference on Multiagent
Systems, San Francisco, April, 1995.
Avoiding the past: a simple but effective strategy for
reactive navigation
Balch, T. and Arkin R.C.,
International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, 1993.
Communication of behavioral state in
multiagent retrieval tasks,
Arkin, R.C., Balch, T. and Nitz, E,
IEEE International Conference on
Robots and Automation,
Atlanta, May, 1993.
Papers in refereed conferences and workshops
Progress in RoboCup Soccer Research in 2000,
in Proceedings of the 2000
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
M. Asada, A. Birk, E. Pagello, M. Fujita,
I. Noda, S. Tadokoro,
D. Duhaut, P. Stone, M. Veloso,
T. Balch, H. Kitano, B.~Thomas
Fast and cheap color vision on commodity hardware,
Bruce, J., Balch, T. and Veloso, M.
Workshop on Interactive Robotics and Entertainment,
Pittsburgh, April, 2000.
Behavioral diversity as multiagent cooperation,
Balch, T.,
SPIE '99 Workshop on Multiagent Systems, Boston, 1999.
Reward and diversity in
multirobot foraging,
Balch, T.R.
IJCAI-99 Workshop on Agents Learning About,
From and With other Agents.
Balch, T.,
Video Proceedings of the AAAI-98 Mobile Robot Exhibition,
Madision, WI, July, 1998.
Integrating robotics
research with JavaBots,
Balch, T. and Ram, A.
Working Notes of the AAAI 1998 Spring Symposium, Stanford, CA., 1998.
Robots move: Position paper on simulation,
Balch, T.,
Working Notes of the AAAI 1998
Spring Symposium, Stanford, CA., 1998.
Integrating RL and behavior-based control for soccer,
Balch, T.,
1997 IJCAI Workshop on RoboCup, 1997.
Design and implementation of a teleautonomous hummer,
Bentivegna, D.C., Ali, K.S., Arkin, R.C., Balch, T.,
Proc. SPIE Conference on Mobile Robots XII, Pittsburgh, 1997.
Learning Roles: Behavioral Diversity in Robot Teams,
Balch, T.,
1997 AAAI Workshop on Multiagent Learning, 1997.
Social Entropy: a New Metric for Learning Multi-robot Teams,
Balch, T.,
Proc. 10th International FLAIRS Conference (FLAIRS-97), 1997.
Lightweight rovers for Mars science exploration and sample return,
Schenker, P., Sword, L., Ganino, A., Bickler, D., Hickey, G.,
Brown, D., Baumgartner, E.,
Matthies, L., Wilcox, B., Balch, T.R., Aghazarian, H. and
Garret, M.S.,
Proc. Intelligent Robotics and Computer Vision XVI,
SPIE Proc. 3208, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 14-17, 1997.
Lessons learned in the implementation of a multi robot trash-collecting team,
Balch, T.,
AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, CA, 1995.
Dynamic Scheduling for Obstacle Avoidance in Mobile Robots,
Balch, T., Forbes, H., and Schwan, K.
Proc. 6th EUROMICRO Workshop on Real-time Systems,
Vaesteraas, Sweden, June, 1994.
Making a Clean Sweep: Behavior Based Vacuuming,
MacKenzie, D. and Balch, T.,
AAAI Fall Symposium: Instantiating Real-World Agents,
Raleigh, NC, pp. 93-98, 1993.
Buzz, An instantiation of a schema-based reactive robotic system,
Arkin, R.C., Balch, T., Collins, T., Henshaw, A., MacKenzie, D.,
Nitz, E., Rodriguez, R., and Ward, K.,
Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems: IAS-3
, Pittsburg, PA., pp. 418-427, 1993.
Tech Reports
Invited presentations
Westinghouse High School Initiative,
invited talk on intelligent
machines and robotics, Pittsburgh, PA, January, 2000.
Smithsonian Institution, invited demonstration of soccer
robots, December, 2000.
CMU VASC Seminar,
Control of large-scale robot teams,
Pittsburgh, PA 1999.
AAAI-98 Robot competition workshop, invited panelist,
Madison, WI, July, 1998.
Multi-robot foraging: cooperation, communication and learning,
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 1998.
Behavioral diversity in learning robot teams,
CMU Reinforcement Learning Seminar,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1997.
The Georgia Tech robot competition team,
AAAI Robot Competition Forum, Seattle, WA, 1994.