The 1996 ASCII Soccer World Championship

I anticipate the contest will be held in January, 1996. I'm currently accepting suggestions on how to run the contest. Also please notify me if you want to comptete - the more the merrier! Last year's rules are below:

Last Year's Rules:

The First ASCII Soccer World Championship: Official Rules
Join the fun, submit an ASCII Soccer team!  My guess is that you can
write a competitive team in about two hours.  

No sign-up is required, but if you are considering submitting a team, 
please let me know, so I can advise you of any rule changes or bug fixes.

To be considered for the championship, soccer team source code must arrive
by e-mail to me ( before high noon on Thursday, May 18.
Submitted teams' source code will not be available to other competitors
until after the contest. 

Games between teams will run until the first team scores 1000 points.
The command-line is: "soccer -d -p 1000".  

Contest Scoring
Each team will play every other team once.  Teams will be ranked by number
of wins.  2-way ties are resolved by the score of the game between those
teams.  3-or-more-way ties will be resolved by total points scored minus
total points scored against.  Remaining ties, remain ties!

Anything not forbidden is permitted.  Forbidden items include: accessing
memory declared outside your team's .c file and deliberate infinite loops.
Teams that take more than 1 hour to complete a game versus the teams/example.c 
team on an unloaded Sparc 2 will be disqualified.

Award Ceremony
An award will be given to the first place team at a ceremony TBA.

Tucker Balch
Mobile Robot Laboratory
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332