I anticipate the contest will be held in January, 1996. I'm currently accepting suggestions on how to run the contest. Also please notify me if you want to comptete - the more the merrier! Last year's rules are below:
The First ASCII Soccer World Championship: Official Rules ========================================================== Join the fun, submit an ASCII Soccer team! My guess is that you can write a competitive team in about two hours. Sign-up ------- No sign-up is required, but if you are considering submitting a team, please let me know, so I can advise you of any rule changes or bug fixes. Submissions ----------- To be considered for the championship, soccer team source code must arrive by e-mail to me (tucker@cc.gatech.edu) before high noon on Thursday, May 18. Submitted teams' source code will not be available to other competitors until after the contest. Games ----- Games between teams will run until the first team scores 1000 points. The command-line is: "soccer -d -p 1000". Contest Scoring --------------- Each team will play every other team once. Teams will be ranked by number of wins. 2-way ties are resolved by the score of the game between those teams. 3-or-more-way ties will be resolved by total points scored minus total points scored against. Remaining ties, remain ties! Disqualification ---------------- Anything not forbidden is permitted. Forbidden items include: accessing memory declared outside your team's .c file and deliberate infinite loops. Teams that take more than 1 hour to complete a game versus the teams/example.c team on an unloaded Sparc 2 will be disqualified. Award Ceremony -------------- An award will be given to the first place team at a ceremony TBA.
Tucker Balch Mobile Robot Laboratory College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332