I Am The Very Model Of A Luddite On The Internet (One Woman's
Sophie Vitkovitsky
I am the very model of a Luddite on the Internet
I've hacked away for ages but I really haven't got it yet
Confounded by advancements in mysterious technology
I settle into vitriol and eloquent scatology
My screen's monochromatic, I've no graphic capability
(Though some would claim that colours on one's screen suggest
My motherboard is ancient, proof of long-gone genealogy
The whole contraption's just a tragic ode to gerontology
The 'puter's like a lions' den, and I am like a Daniel
Don't know how to approach it 'cos I can't decrypt the manual
Confronted by instructions on the screen, I get quite panicky
And spend a long time searching for that most elusive "any" key
The workings seem so delicate, so dreadfully precarious
Requiring careful handling, like a crumbly Stradivarius
Rememb'ring that my 'puter's just a nest of fragile wiring
I stop myself from kicking it to keep it from expiring
To matters computational, I'll gain a great affinity
And prove that thinking technic'ly ain't linked to masculinity
'Til then, my lack of expertise may well seem highly risible
But I've yet to blow up a thing! -- or join the choir invisible
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