8/00 - present. San
Francisco State University. Assistant Professor of Computer
Science. I teach courses in programming language design, artificial
intelligence, and natural language processing. My research
interests are primarily in machine translation and computer-assisted
language learning.
10/99 - 8/00 Carnegie
Technology Education.
Course Developer/Mentor; co-developed web-based courses in
Software Engineering and Software Project Management. Teaching experience
included: Software Project Management at Carnegie
Mellon University's Heinz School and Introduction to HTML and
Java Programming at Community College
of Allegheny County. Platforma: Windows NT, UNIX.
7/94 - 9/99
Language Technologies Institute/Center for Machine
Carnegie Mellon University.
Research Programmer; leader of Italian generation
team. Promoted to Senior
Research Programmer in April 1996. Responsibilities
included: design, development, and testing of machine
translation system software; writing systems specifications;
designing procedures for work flow across different
organizations; consulting with and assisting project staff;
supervision of two team members; vocabulary translation.
Programming languages: CommonLisp, Perl. Programming Tools:
natural language grammar and morphology tools. Platform:
8/88 - 4/89, 8/89 -12/94
Intelligent Systems Program,
University of Pittsburgh.
Research and Teaching Assistant. Responsibilities
included: analysis and programming tasks, helping with grant
applications, instructional materials for Lisp programming
and Knowledge Representation courses, and occasional
5/89 - 7/89
Department of Philosophy,
Carnegie Mellon University.
Programmer. Responsibilities included: contributing
to the design and implementation of a computer-based logic
tutor and serving as a teaching assistant for a
computer-based course in symbolic logic.
2/85- 7/88 Digital Equipment
Corporation, Systems Research Center, Palo Alto,
Member of Technical Staff. Responsibilities included:
design and implementation of a visually-oriented debugger
interface for the Modula2+ programming language; design and
implementation of workstation performance measurement tools;
implementation of a package for very fast retrieval of
highly connected data structures; Modula2+ compiler
expansion and maintenance; packaging the Modula2+
programming language environment for export to university
and other research sites.
10/83 - 12/84
Department of Computer Science,
Stanford University.
Teaching Assistant (2 quarters) and Student
Lecturer (2 quarters) for introductory courses in Pascal
1/83 - 2/85 Graphicon Inc., Palo
Alto, California.
Co-founder of start-up software company. Products
were targeted at IBM microcomputers and included a business
graphics package, and a windowing and multi-tasking
6/82 - 1/83 SYMANTEC, Sunnyvale,
Programmer. Primary responsibility was implementation
of a small database system with a simple natural language
4/78 - 12/79, 7/80 - 6/82
Department of Civil Engineering,
Stanford University.
Research and Teaching Assistant. Research addressed
methodologies for forecasting the impacts of public
infrastructure projects on land use and environmental
7/80 - 7/81 Consulting
- Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford and U.C.
Berkeley. Employed as a member of a Stanford - U.C.
Berkeley research team developing tools for
transportation planning for the Venezuelan National
Ministry of Transportation.
- EMCON, San Jose, California. Developed software tools
for predicting methane generation from landfills.