Professional Interests and Background

Professional Services
Recent Publications
Selected Recent Presentations
Doctoral Research at CMU

United Technologies Research Center
East Hartford, CT

Honeywell Laboratories
Minneapolis, MN

Professional Services

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (2001-present)

Chair/Co-Chair for sessions in American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Meetings
- Dynamic Simulation and Optimization, Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, November 2005 (with Dr. Prasenjeet Ghosh, Exxon-Mobil Research Center)
- Operation of Micro and Nano Systems, Annual Meeting, Austin, November 2004 (with Prof. Claire Adjiman, Imperial College)
- Advances in Optimization, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2003 (with Prof. Paul Barton, MIT).
- Design of Bio-Processes, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, November 2002 (with Dr. Shih-Hsie Pan, Merck).
- Control Approaches to Supply Chain Management, Planning, and Scheduling, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, 2002 (with Prof. Raj Srinivasan, National University of Singapore)
- Tutorial on Supply Chain Management, Spring Meeting, Houston, March 2001 (with Dr. Dimitrios Varverezos, Aspen Technology).
- Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Systems, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, November 2000 (with Prof. Ashish Gupta, SUNY Buffalo).
- Integration of Design and Control, Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, November 2000 (with Dr. Michael Luyben, DuPont).
- Design and Operation of Batch Processes, Annual Meeting, Dallas, November 1999 (with Dr. Ekaterini Korovessi, DuPont).

Executive Member, CAST (Computing and Systems Technology) Division, AIChE (2002-2004)
Senior Member, IEEE
Member, Technical Committee on Industrial Process Control, IEEE Control Systems Society

International Program Committee, 4th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Delft, Netherlands, 2007
International Program Committee and Co-Chair of Topical Area Operations and Control , Process Systems Engineering - 2006 and 16th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2006
International Program Committee, Process Systems Engineering - 2003, Kunming, China, January 2004.
Technical Advisory Committee, Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Operations (FOCAPO), Coral Springs, FL, January 2003

Review Panel Member, Computer Communications Division, National Science Foundation, 2002.
Contributor, Technology Roadmap for the Petroleum Industry, Department of Energy, 2000.

Chair, Panel Discussion on UTRC Perspectives on Control of Critical Infrastructure, 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Paradise Island, Bahamas, December 2004.
Organizer and Chair, Minisymposium on Interior Point Methods for Optimal Control, Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Atlanta, May 1999.

Referee for journals
- AIChE Journal
- Computers and Chemical Engineering
- IEEE Control Systems Magazine
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
- Optimization and Engineering
- Proceedings of IEEE

Recent Publications

Song, F., B. Zhao, X. Yang, Y. Jiang, V. Gopal and G. Dobbs, A New Approach on Zonal Modeling of Indoor Environment with Mechanical Ventilation, Building and Environment (Submitted)

Raghunathan, A., V. Gopal, D. Subramanian, L. Biegler, and T. Samad, Dynamic Optimization strategies for 3D Conflict Resolution of Multiple Aircraft, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 27(4), 586-594 (2004)

Poku, M.B., L. Biegler, J. Kelly, R. Coxhead and V. Gopal, Nonlinear Programming Algorithms for Large Nonlinear Gasoline Blending Problems, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations, Coral Springs, FL, 605-608 (2003)

Bartlett, R., L. Biegler, J. Backstrom and V. Gopal, Quadratic Programming Algorithms for Large-Scale Model Predictive Control, Journal of Process Control 12(7), 775-795 (2002)

Pavan, A., R. Jha, L. Graba, S. Cooper, I. Cardei, M. Cardei, V. Gopal, S. Parthasarathy and S. Bedros, Real-Time Adaptive Resource Management, IEEE Computer 34(7), 99 (2001).

Oishi, M., V. Gopal, C. Tomlin and D. Godbole, Addressing Multiobjective Control: Safety and Performance through Constrained Optimization, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2034, Springer, 459-472 (2001).

Pavan, A., V. Gopal, N. Birch, S. Song and R. Harinath, Admission Control and Resource Allocation in Strictly Priority Based Networks, Proceedings of Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Cheju, Korea (2000)

Rabelo, L., D. Godbole, J, Jelinek and V. Gopal, Multimodel Predictive Control: From Air Operations to Enterprise Optimization, Proceedings of the Second DARPA-JFACC Symposium on Advances in Enterprise Control, Minneapolis, MN (2000).

Godbole, D., T. Samad and V. Gopal, Active Multi-Model Control for Dynamic Maneuver Optimization of Unmanned Air Vehicles, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA-2000), San Francisco (2000)

Gopal, V., Mathematical Programming Approaches for the Control and Optimization of Hybrid Systems, Proceedings of the First DARPA-JFACC Symposium on Advances in Enterprise Control, San Diego, 111-120 (1999)

Gopal, V. and L. T. Biegler, "An Successive Linear Programming Approach to Consistent Initialization and Reinitialization after Discontinuities of Differential Algebraic Equations", SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 20(2), 447-467 (1999)

Gopal, V. and L. T. Biegler, "Smoothing Methods for the Treatment of Complementarity Conditions and Nested Disontinuities in Chemical Process Engineering", AIChE Journal, 45(7), 1535-1547 (1999)

Albuquerque J., V. Gopal, G. Staus, L. T. Biegler and B. E. Ydstie, "Interior Point SQP Strategies for Large-Scale, Structured Process Optimization Problems", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 23(4-5),543-554 (1999)

Gopal, V. and L. T. Biegler, "Large Scale Inequality Constrained Optimization and Control: Some Recent Advances", Special Issue on Emerging Technologies in Control, IEEE Controls Systems Magazine, 18(6), 57-69 (1998) (Invited)

Albuquerque J., V. Gopal, G. Staus, L. T. Biegler and B. E. Ydstie, "Interior Point SQP Strategies for Structured Process Optimization Problems", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 21(S), S853-S859 (1997)

Gopal, V. and L. T. Biegler, "Nonsmooth Dynamic Simulation with Linear Programming Based Methods", Computers and Chemical Engineering, 21(7), 675-689 (1997)

Selected Invited Talks

Gopal, V.*,
"Complex Systems and Optimization - Perspectives and Applications",
Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2003

Gopal, V., D. Subramanian*, D. Godbole, T. Samad, and L.T.Biegler,

"Multiaircraft Conflict Resolution - A Hybrid Systems Perspective",
Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Modeling, Control Design and Applications,
American Control Conference, Denver, CO, May 2003

Gopal, V.*,

"Optimization of Complex Systems",
CAPD Annual Review Meeting, Carnegie Mellon University, March 2002

Bhatt, D.*, M. Agarwal, V. Gopal, and T. Steeves,

"Issues in Modeling of Coordination among Dynamic Hybrid Systems",
Tutorial Session on Communication and Control of Distributed Hybrid Systems
American Control Conference, Arlington, VA, May 2001

Gopal, V.*,
"Interior Point Revolution in Large-Scale Optimization - Applications in Multiaircraft Conflict Resolution",
Dept. of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, February 1999

Gopal, V.*,
"Optimization in Chemical Engineering",
Undergraduate Seminar, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, April 1997

Gopal, V.*,
"Large scale optimization in process engineering",
Mobil Technology Company, Paulsboro, NJ, March 1997.

Gopal, V.*,
"A novel approach to nonsmooth dynamic simulation",
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay, India, June 1995

Selected Conference Presentations

Gopal, V.*, D. Varvarezos*, I. Grossmann,
"Supply Chain Management-An Overview", Session on Supply Chain Management,
AIChE Spring Meeting, April 2001.

Oishi, M.*, V. Gopal, C. Tomlin and D. Godbole,
"Addressing Multiobjective Control: safety and Performance through Constrained Optimization",
4th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, Rome, Italy, March 2001.

Pavan, A.*, V. Gopal*, N. Birch, S. Song and R. Harinath,
"Admission Control and Resource Allocation in Strictly Priority Based Networks",
Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Cheju, Korea, Nov 2000.

Gopal V.*, and R.L. Schultz,
"Aircraft Conflict Resolution in Free Flight",
Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Atlanta, May 1999.

Albuquerque, J., V. Gopal, G. Staus, L.T.Biegler* and E. Ydstie,
"Interior point SQP strategies for structured process optimization problems",
Joint 5th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (PSE - ESCAPE 97), Trondheim, Norway, May 1997.

Gopal, V.* and L.T. Biegler,
"Interior point methods for large scale process optimization",
AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper 193d, Chicago, IL, November 1996.

Gopal, V.* and L.T. Biegler,
"Initialization and reinitialization of DAEs made easier", Session CP43,
Fifth SIAM Conference on Optimization, Victoria, Canada, May 1996.

Gopal, V.* and L.T. Biegler,
"A novel approach to nonsmooth dynamic simulation,
AIChE Annual Meeting, Paper 220g, San Francisco, CA, November 1994.

Doctoral Research at CMU

Doctoral student (1992-97) at
Chemical Engineering and Engineering Design Research Center,
Carnegie Mellon University

Advisor : Prof Lorenz T. Biegler
Biegler research group

Thesis: Solution of Nonsmooth and Large Inequality Constrained Problems in Process Simulation and Optimization

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