Mesh Toolbox : Change Log

Changes to the code base.
Fixed error in ICP (icp.c). Model points were being discarded if the closest vertex in the scene was greater than the dynamic threshold. Correct version discards points if the closest surface point in scene is greater than the threshold.

Disabled OrientNormalsToPoint in IntegrateMeshes program (main.c), StackMaker (StackMaker.c), surfaceMesh (surfaceMesh.c), ShowNormals (ShowNormals.c) and SpinRecognize (main.c). Was causing errors. We should eventually remove all normal orienting routines from the toolbox. Instead, make a flag to cleanmesh to allow orienting of normals.

SpinRecognize can now take a scene stack as input (new parameter -sceneStack added)

Fixed bug in compare routine (surfaceMesh.h) for meshpoints. Was always returning 0.

Bug Fix - surfaceMeshDouble.c (OCFindFaceNormals) - the normal were calculated backward. Changed to make consistent with def of orientation (Triangles are specified in counter-clockwise order).

New Program - Orient (in DanielTools) - will allow you to flip the orientation of triangles in a mesh. May later extend to include "make orientations consistent with each other" and "make orientations point out from centroid"

ShowNormals now displays the vertex normals (in blue) as well as the face normals (OCFindFaceNormals). These are calculated differently and may not agree, so it is good to be able to view both.


Modified IntegrateMeshes to output meshes with surface normals oriented consistently with the normals of the meshes being integrated.

Made it possible to orient normals in, out, or toward a particular 3D point in DanielTools/Orient. Fixed memory leak in dcube code.

Added PickPoints and spinLearn to code base.


Bug fix: surfaceMesh.c - edge_count array was not initialized to 0 in CompressSurfaceMesh routine.


Last modified May 3, 1999
Daniel Huber (