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Computes the area of overlap between two meshes. A graphic display shows the points on each mesh that are considered overlapping. A point is considered overlapping if the closest point on the other mesh surface is not on the boundary of the mesh and if the normals of the two points are similar (within a user specified threshold). Overlapping area is computed using one of the user specified methods to approximate the area of triangles that straddle boundaries.


Overlap.c command line interface and mesh display routines


Usage: Overlap - computes overlapping regions of two meshes (see Overlap.html for details)

Detailed Usage

%S mesh1 wrl file [required]

%S mesh2 wrl file [required]

-readTrans %S transform mapping 2 to 1 [optional]

-calc %d set which overlap calc to perform [0]: 0 = both, 1 = mesh1 overlaps mesh2, 2 = mesh2 overlaps mesh1

-normalT %F angle threshold (in degrees) for compatible normals [45]

-sigmoid %F %F midpoint offset (dmid) [500] and slope (k) [1] parameters in sigmoid function

-area_method %d method for calculating overlap area [0] 0 = approximation by thirds, 1 = binary search on edges

-edgeT %F stopping condition for computing overlap boundary on an edge (only used for area method) [100]

-closeT %F threshold distance for definition of close [500]

-noDisplay do not open graphics display [off]

-histogram %S save distances to a file for generating histogram [off]

-scale %F multiplier for scaling length to a useful unit [0.001]


Here we do the simplest overlap calculation between mesh1.wrl and mesh2.wrl, where m12.trans is the transformation from coordinates of mesh2 to mesh1:


The VMR Lab is part of the Vision and Autonomous Systems Center within the Robotics Institute in the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.