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A replacement for the ivview Inventor file viewing program that comes with the Inventor toolkit. Viewer has a number of features not available in ivview, which are designed to improve the visualization of meshes:


Viewer accepts the following commands from the keyboard (note: the commands only work if the cursor is set to the arrow cursor and is placed inside the viewing window).


Viewer.c command line interface

mtViewer.c the mtViewer class, which is derived from the Inventor ExaminerViewer class


Usage: Viewer - View an inventor file

Detailed Usage

%S                      wrl file [required]

-view %f %f %f %f %f %f %f
                        set initial view (x y z q0 q1 q2 q3) 

-save %S                save resulting wrlFile 

-noWhite                supress white background replacement

-smooth                 extra smooth shading 

-antialias [%d]         use antialiasing with N passes [5] 

-transparency           enable high quality transparency 

-grid [%f]              apply grid of size N to surface [1000.000000] 

-contour [%F %F]        use color elevation contours with optional min and max range 

-up %f %f %f            direction of up for elevation contours(up direction is 0.00 0.00 1.00] 


Simple case, just view a mesh:

Complex case, view a mesh with a grid (using default 1000 unit squares), color contour (elevations between 0 and 5000 will have color variation), and antialiasing (10 passes):


The VMR Lab is part of the Vision and Autonomous Systems Center within the Robotics Institute in the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.