am Research Scientist in the
Language Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University,
Tel: 412-268-4526
Email: vogel at cs dot cmu another dot and finally edu ;-)
Before coming to CMU I worked from 1995-2000 as research assistant at the Lehrstuhl IV (Prof. Hermann Ney), Technical University (RWTH) of Aachen. I also spend a couple of months at ISL (Prof. Alex Waibel) at the University of Karlsruhe.
In a previous academic life, I studied physics at the Philipps University
My research interests focus on machine translation, i.e. developing techniques to automatically translate between different languages. This includes all aspects of alignment models, word reordering models, language models, decoding algorithms, and system combination. Applications include both text-to-text and speech-to-speech translation, and goes from MT on hand-held devices to very large scale data situations, where we use parallel processing under the Hadoop framework.
Recent Publications:
Gao, Stephan Vogel. Training
phrase-based machine translation models on the cloud: Open source machine
translation toolkit Chaski. The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics No. 93, 2010, pp.37–46.
Bach, Roger Hsiao, Matthias Eck, Paisarn Charoenpornsawat, Stephan Vogel, Tanja
Schultz, Ian Lane, Alex Waibel, and Alan W.Black. Incremental Adaptation of Speech-to-Speech Translation. NAACL HLT 2009.
Human Language Technologies: the 2009 Annual Conference of the North American
Chapter of the ACL, Short Papers, Boulder,
Colorado, May 31 - June 5, 2009.
Bach, Qin Gao, and Stephan
Vogel. Source-Side
Dependency Tree Reordering Models and Subtree
Movements and Constraints. MT
Bach, Stephan Vogel and Colin Cherry, Cohesive Constraints in A Beam Search
Phrase-based Decoder. NAACL
HLT 2009. Human Language Technologies: the 2009 annual conference
of the North American Chapter of the ACL, Boulder, Colorado, May 31 - June
5, 2009.
Guzman, Qin Gao and Stephan
Vogel. Reassessment of
the Role of Phrase Extraction in PBSMT. MT
Almut Silja
Hildebrand and Stephan Vogel. CMU system combination for
WMT’09. Proceedings of
the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
Narges Sharif Razavian
and Stephan Vogel. The Web as a Platform to Build Machine
Translation Resources, International
Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration IWIC2008, Stanford, USA February
Ashish Venugopal,
Andreas Zollmann, Noah A.Smith,
and Stephan Vogel. Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic
Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation. NAACL HLT 2009.
Human Language Technologies: the 2009 annual conference of the North American
Chapter of the ACL, Boulder, Colorado, May 31 - June 5, 2009.
Nguyen Bach, Qin Gao, & Stephan Vogel: Improving word
alignment with language model based confidence scores. ACL-08: HLT. Third
Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings, June 19, 2008, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (ACL WMT-08); pp.151-154.
Matthias Eck, Stephan Vogel,
& Alex Waibel: Communicating unknown words
in machine translation. LREC 2008: 6th Language Resources and
Evaluation Conference,
Sanjika Hewavitharana and Stephan
Vogel: Enhancing a Statistical Machine Translation System by using an
Automatically Extracted Parallel Corpus from Comparable Sources, LREC 2008
Workshop on Comparable Corpora,
Almut Silja Hildebrand &
Stephan Vogel: Combination
of machine translation systems via hypothesis selection from combined n-best
lists. AMTA-2008. MT at work: Proceedings of the
Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas,
Waikiki, Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008; pp.254-261.
Almut Silja Hildebrand, Kay Rottmann, Mohamed Noamany, Qin Gao, Sanjika Hewavitharana,
Nguyen Bach, & Stephan Vogel: Recent improvements
in the CMU large scale Chinese-English SMT system. ACL-08: HLT. 46th Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language
Technologies. Short papers, June 16-17, 2008, The Ohio State
Jan Niehues
& Stephan Vogel: Discriminative word
alignment via alignment matrix modelling. ACL-08:
HLT. Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Proceedings, June 19,
2008, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA (ACL WMT-08); pp.18-25.
Muntsin Kolss, Stephan Vogel, Alex Waibel. Steam Decoding for Simultanous Spoken Language Translation. Proc of Interspeech 2008.
Matthias Paulik, Sharath Rao,
Tim Schlippe,
ThuyLinh Nguyen, & Stephan Vogel: Diacritization
as a machine translation problem and as a sequence labeling problem. AMTA-2008. MT at work: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference
of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Waikiki,
Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008; pp.270-278.
Ashish Venugopal, Andreas Zollmann, Noah A. Smith, & Stephan Vogel: Wider pipelines:
n-best alignments and parses in MT training. AMTA-2008.
MT at work: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine
Translation in the Americas, Waikiki, Hawai’i, 21-25 October 2008;
Andreas Zollmann,
Ashish Venugopal, &
Stephan Vogel: The
CMU syntax-augmented machine translation system: SAMT on Hadoop
with n-best alignments. IWSLT 2008: Proceedings of the International
Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, 20-21 October 2008,
See also Publications page.
Current PhD and Master Students at LTI, CMU:
Former LTI PhD and Master Students I advised or co-advised:
I regularly advise and co-advise students from the