VSAM Documents
This area is a repository for technical documents
published by the CMU VSAM IFD team.
Recent CMU VSAM Technical Papers
- Lipton,
"Virtual Postman - Real-Time, Interactive Virtual Video",
IASTED CGIM, Palm Springs, CA, October 1999
- Lipton,
"Local Application of Optic
Flow to Analyse Rigid versus Non-Rigid Motion", in
ICCV Workshop on Frame-Rate Vision, Corfu, Greece,
September 1999
- Dellaert and Collins,
"Fast Image-Based Tracking by Selective Pixel Integration,"
in ICCV Workshop on Frame-Rate Vision, Corfu, Greece,
September 1999
- Collins and Tsin,
"Calibration of an Outdoor Active Camera System"
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR99),
Fort Collins, CO, June 23-25, 1999, pp. 528-534.
- Collins, Lipton and Kanade,
"A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring,"
Proc. American Nuclear Society (ANS) Eighth International Topical
Meeting on Robotics and Remote Systems,
Pittsburgh, PA, April 25-29, 1999.
Lipton, Fujiyoshi and Patil,
"Moving Target Classification and Tracking from Real-time Video"
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Princeton
NJ, October 1998, pp.8-14.
Fujiyoshi and Lipton,
"Real-time Human Motion Analysis by Image Skeletonization"
IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV),
Princeton NJ, October 1998, pp.15-21.
98 Darpa IUW: Nov 20-23, 1998, Monterey, CA
- IFD PI Overview Paper
- Gzipped Postscript (4.8 Mbytes)
- CMU Technical Papers
"Moving Target Classification and Tracking from Real-time Video"
Lipton, Fujiyoshi and Patil (gzipped postscript, 3213352 bytes)
"Real-time Human Motion Analysis by Image Skeletonization"
Fujiyoshi and Lipton (gzipped postscript, 298017 bytes)
"Using a DEM to Determine Geospatial Object Trajectories"
Collins, Tsin, Miller and Lipton (gzipped postscript, 1063603 bytes)
IFD Testbed Communication Spec 98-2.1 released July 17, 1998
- Gzipped Postscript (164840 bytes)
VSAM Planning Workshop: June 12, 1998, CMU
- IFD PI Presentation (powerpoint)
- IFD VSAM poster (powerpoint)
- Results at Ft.Benning (powerpoint)
VSAM Workshop 3: April 16-17, 1998, Ft.Benning, GA
- IFD PI Technology Presentation
- IFD PI DEMO 98 Presentation
1998 IFD VSAM Documents, Feb 19, 1998
- IFD Testbed System and Demo II Specification
- Gzipped Postscript (915459 bytes)
- IFD - FRE Collaboration Specification
- Gzipped Postscript (83300 bytes)
IFD Testbed Specification Document, May 18, 1997
- Gzipped Postscript (111446 bytes)
97 Darpa IUW: May 11-14, 1997, New Orleans, LA
- IFD PI Presentation in Powerpoint 7.0
- Gzipped Powerpoint (1468298 bytes)
- IFD PI Overview Paper
- Gzipped Postscript (183963 bytes)
96 Darpa PI Meeting: Nov 6-8, 1996, Williamsburg, VA
- IFD PI Presentation in Powerpoint 7.0
- Part 1 of 3 (1434624 bytes)
- Part 2 of 3 (1047552 bytes)
- Part 3 of 3 ( 466432 bytes)
- VSAM Breakout Meeting Summary in Powerpoint 7.0
- Part 1 of 1 (103424 bytes)