Home Page
Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science
5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 U.S.A.
Office: + 1 412 268 7552, Lab: + 1 412 268 3884, FAX: + 1 412 268 5576
email: wah+web@cmu.edu, www: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~wah
(Hair by Popeil's.)
Hi, I'm Wilson Harvey (just a stage name, really). A minimalist bio
might look as follows:
- I'm a devout follower of Jesus Christ;
- I'm married to a wonderful lady;
- I'm a guy. I'm pretty committed to this;
- I'm an aspiring theologian;
- I'm a Project Scientist at the
The Digital Mapping Laboratory
within the
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University. My interests are in
AI/computer vision (automated cartographic feature extraction)
and knowlege representation. Feel free to have a look at my
resume. For the insomniacs
in the audience, I've included a partial list of my
If you're not a spammer or a stalker, feel free to contact me via e-mail.
The obligatory list of "useful" links:
Other projects I have my fingers in:
The Robotic Proctology Lab Homepage.
First created: Thu Jun 22 11:59:59 EST 1995
Last modified: Thu Aug 29 21:49:56 EDT 2002