Physics-based Human Walking Animation
Physics-based human animation is realistic because
the motion follows the laws of physics. Given sufficient computational power
and robust control systems, simulation also allows on-line interactivity. But
the difficulty of programming control systems makes the motion sometimes look
mechanical. On the other hand, animation generated from motion capture
data preserves most of the details of human motion, but is not always easily
modified when on-line interaction is required. Both physics-based simulation
and motion capture have advantages and drawbacks, and we hope to combine these
two techniques to generate human animation that is realistic, appealing and
We choose walking motion as our testbed for this
approach because it is a common human activity that has many stylistic
variations. To combine motion capture and simulation, we first model the
human body as an articulated system composed of rigid links and rotary joints.
The model is driven by joint torques, and the corresponding movements of its
links are generated by forward dynamics simulation. We then constructed a
control system for walking, which generates appropriate torques based on the
robot's dynamic states and environment condition. The control system was
designed based on our physical intuitions, robot control theories, and
biomechanics studies. Given a walking control system, we can then
incorporate motion capture data into our system to enrich the styles of
motion. We have built a simulation system that can generate steady planar
walking motion of the lower body. We are now working on three-dimensional
walking motion and improving the naturalness of the motion.
Links to results
Planar walking motion by tracking MOCAP
data ( the figure with only lower body is the simulated motion )
Planar walking motion without MOCAP data
3D walking motion without MOCAP data