What I did

 - I used Yahoo Site explorer and wget to download 1000 pages from
 dailykos and redstate.com.  I believe this is the top 1000 pages on
 the site by #inlinks.  I filtered these to get blog entries, including

 - I extracted the words from dkos & redstate blog entries, and the
 corresponding comments, using a perl script (that uses an extendable
 perl HTML parser, and site-specific "class" tags on the comment and
 entry DOM nodes).  The redstate comments are a little messier, since
 I could not easily strip out signatures.

 - I tokenized, stoplisted, counted a bunch of word frequencies, and
 saved all the words that appear >= 5 times in dkos entries, redstate
 entries, dkos comments, redstate comments, etc.

 - I estimating a bunch of relative-frequency/MI sort of statistics.
 What seemed most reasonable was to look for "non-general English"
 words that are "more common in context X than context Y", which
 I express with this score

 log[ P(w|X) / P(w|Y)*P(w|GE) ]

 Stats for "general English" were from the brown corpus.  I smoothed
 with a Dirichlet, and probably more importantly, by replacing zero
 counts for P(w) with counts of 4 (since I only stored counts>=5).

 Then for each X,Y I looked at, I took the top 200 scoring words,
 broke them into 10 equal-frequency bins, and built a "tagcloud"
 visualization of them.  The top 200 ignored a handful of stuff that I
 decided was noise: signature line tokens, like ----; words like
 "pstin", which seem to be poorly-tokenized dkos words; date, time and
 number words; and words like kos, dailykos, entry, diary, fold, and

X		  Y			  file name               
dkos entries	  redstate blog entries	  blue-red-entry.html
dkos comments	  redstate blog comments  blue-red-comment.html
dkos anything	  redstate blog anything  blue-red-all.html       
redstate entries  dkos entries 		  red-blue-entry.html     
redstate comments dkos comments		  red-blue-comment.html   
redstate anything dkos anything		  red-blue-all.html       
redstate comment  redstate entry	  redComment-redEntry.html     
dkos comment	  dkos entry		  blueComment-blueEntry.html   

 For a few other context's I scored as 

 log [ P(w|X)*P(W|Y) / P(w|GE) ]

 ie "non-general English" words that are "common in both context X and
 context Y"

X,Y			  file name               
dkos,redstate comments	  blue+red-comment.html        
dkos,redstate entries	  blue+red-entry.html          
dkos,redstate anything	  blue+red-all.html

 - I also wrote code to pick up subject-matter 'tags' from dailykos
 (like the delicious tagging scheme), which turned out to be pretty
 noisy (eg, "republican" and "repulican party" are both tags, as are
 "iraq" and "iraq war".)  I set up some additional contexts X = "dkos
 comments for entries tagged with something that contains the word T"
 and compared them to Y="all dkos comments"

T		file name		
elections	blueElections-blue-comment.html
iraq		blueIraq-blue-comment.html
media		blueMedia-blue-comment.html

 - Sizes of all of this, in words:

brown                   480098  

dkos-all               3351061 
dkos-comment           3311702 
dkos-entry               39359   

redstate-all           1152883
redstate-comment.freq   940241
redstate-entry          212642  

dkos-iraq-comment       341238  
dkos-elections-comment  256129  
dkos-media-comment      160413  
