SENTRIES As Building Blocks in COTS Systems / D. Siewiorek / N000149610202
Project Objectives:
- Extend Sentry mechanisms to include more dependability techniques and
include real time systems.
- Inject Stress to verify Sentry properties.
Scientific Questions
- Develop an integrated theoretical and practical framework to add dependability,
observability, and controllability to legacy COTS systems.
Project Approaches
- Sentries as middleware providing observability, controllability.
- Robustness Benchmarks injecting faults at Application Program Interface
Empirical Observations
- Improved robustness of HPUX by trapping parameters that Robustness
Benchmarks caused unmodified operating systems to crash
- Both Sentry and API fault injection required since design errors in
software between the API and micro-kernal in some operating systems may
not be triggered by Sentry fault injection
- Assertions detect fault inducing parameters
- Robustness benchmarks uncover vulnerabilities in COTS real time operating
Carnegie Mellon University / ICES: D. Siewiorek