Class StringBean

  extended byorg.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor
      extended byorg.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StringBean
extends NodeVisitor

Extract strings from a URL.

Text within <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags is removed.

The text within <PRE></PRE> tags is not altered.

The property Strings, which is the output property is null until a URL is set. So a typical usage is:

     StringBean sb = new StringBean ();
     sb.setLinks (false);
     sb.setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces (true);
     sb.setCollapse (true);
     sb.setURL (""); // the HTTP is performed here
     String s = sb.getStrings ();
You can also use the StringBean as a NodeVisitor on your own parser, in which case you have to refetch your page if you change one of the properties because it resets the Strings property:

     StringBean sb = new StringBean ();
     Parser parser = new Parser ("");
     parser.visitAllNodesWith (sb);
     String s = sb.getStrings ();
     sb.setLinks (true);
     parser.reset ();
     parser.visitAllNodesWith (sb);
     String sl = sb.getStrings ();
According to Nick Burch, who contributed the patch, this is handy if you don't want StringBean to wander off and get the content itself, either because you already have it, it's not on a website etc.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer mBuffer
          The buffer text is stored in while traversing the HTML.
protected  boolean mCollapse
          If true sequences of whitespace characters are replaced with a single space character.
protected  boolean mIsPre
          Set true when traversing a PRE tag.
protected  boolean mIsScript
          Set true when traversing a SCRIPT tag.
protected  boolean mIsStyle
          Set true when traversing a STYLE tag.
protected  boolean mLinks
          If true the link URLs are embedded in the text output.
protected  Parser mParser
          The parser used to extract strings.
protected  java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport mPropertySupport
          Bound property support.
protected  boolean mReplaceSpace
          If true regular space characters are substituted for non-breaking spaces in the text output.
protected  java.lang.String mStrings
          The strings extracted from the URL.
static java.lang.String PROP_COLLAPSE_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the 'collapse whitespace' state changes.
static java.lang.String PROP_CONNECTION_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the connection changes.
static java.lang.String PROP_LINKS_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the 'embed links' state changes.
static java.lang.String PROP_REPLACE_SPACE_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the 'replace non-breaking spaces' state changes.
static java.lang.String PROP_STRINGS_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the URL contents changes.
static java.lang.String PROP_URL_PROPERTY
          Property name in event where the URL changes.
Constructor Summary
          Create a StringBean object.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
protected  void carriageReturn()
          Appends a newline to the buffer if there isn't one there already.
protected  void collapse(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer, java.lang.String string)
          Add the given text collapsing whitespace.
protected  java.lang.String extractStrings()
          Extract the text from a page.
 boolean getCollapse()
          Get the current 'collapse whitespace' state. getConnection()
          Get the current connection.
 boolean getLinks()
          Get the current 'include links' state.
 boolean getReplaceNonBreakingSpaces()
          Get the current 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
 java.lang.String getStrings()
          Return the textual contents of the URL.
 java.lang.String getURL()
          Get the current URL.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Unit test.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
          Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
 void setCollapse(boolean collapse)
          Set the current 'collapse whitespace' state.
 void setConnection( connection)
          Set the parser's connection.
 void setLinks(boolean links)
          Set the 'include links' state.
 void setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces(boolean replace)
          Set the 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
protected  void setStrings()
          Fetch the URL contents.
 void setURL(java.lang.String url)
          Set the URL to extract strings from.
protected  void updateStrings(java.lang.String strings)
          Assign the Strings property, firing the property change.
 void visitEndTag(Tag tag)
          Resets the state of the PRE and SCRIPT flags.
 void visitStringNode(Text string)
          Appends the text to the output.
 void visitTag(Tag tag)
          Appends a NEWLINE to the output if the tag breaks flow, and possibly sets the state of the PRE and SCRIPT flags.
Methods inherited from class org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor
beginParsing, finishedParsing, shouldRecurseChildren, shouldRecurseSelf, visitRemarkNode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String PROP_STRINGS_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the URL contents changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROP_LINKS_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the 'embed links' state changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROP_URL_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the URL changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROP_REPLACE_SPACE_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the 'replace non-breaking spaces' state changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROP_COLLAPSE_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the 'collapse whitespace' state changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String PROP_CONNECTION_PROPERTY
Property name in event where the connection changes.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport mPropertySupport
Bound property support.


protected Parser mParser
The parser used to extract strings.


protected java.lang.String mStrings
The strings extracted from the URL.


protected boolean mLinks
If true the link URLs are embedded in the text output.


protected boolean mReplaceSpace
If true regular space characters are substituted for non-breaking spaces in the text output.


protected boolean mCollapse
If true sequences of whitespace characters are replaced with a single space character.


protected java.lang.StringBuffer mBuffer
The buffer text is stored in while traversing the HTML.


protected boolean mIsScript
Set true when traversing a SCRIPT tag.


protected boolean mIsPre
Set true when traversing a PRE tag.


protected boolean mIsStyle
Set true when traversing a STYLE tag.

Constructor Detail


public StringBean()
Create a StringBean object. Default property values are set to 'do the right thing':

Links is set false so text appears like a browser would display it, albeit without the colour or underline clues normally associated with a link.

ReplaceNonBreakingSpaces is set true, so that printing the text works, but the extra information regarding these formatting marks is available if you set it false.

Collapse is set true, so text appears compact like a browser would display it.

Method Detail


protected void carriageReturn()
Appends a newline to the buffer if there isn't one there already. Except if the buffer is empty.


protected void collapse(java.lang.StringBuffer buffer,
                        java.lang.String string)
Add the given text collapsing whitespace. Use a little finite state machine:
 state 0: whitepace was last emitted character
 state 1: in whitespace
 state 2: in word
 A whitespace character moves us to state 1 and any other character
 moves us to state 2, except that state 0 stays in state 0 until
 a non-whitespace and going from whitespace to word we emit a space
 before the character:
    input:     whitespace   other-character
    0               0             2
    1               1        space then 2
    2               1             2

buffer - The buffer to append to.
string - The string to append.


protected java.lang.String extractStrings()
                                   throws ParserException
Extract the text from a page.

The textual contents of the page.
ParserException - If a parse error occurs.


protected void updateStrings(java.lang.String strings)
Assign the Strings property, firing the property change.

strings - The new value of the Strings property.


protected void setStrings()
Fetch the URL contents. Only do work if there is a valid parser with it's URL set.


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. The listener is registered for all properties.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener to be added.


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener listener)
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list. This removes a registered PropertyChangeListener.

listener - The PropertyChangeListener to be removed.


public java.lang.String getStrings()
Return the textual contents of the URL. This is the primary output of the bean.

The user visible (what would be seen in a browser) text.


public boolean getLinks()
Get the current 'include links' state.

true if link text is included in the text extracted from the URL, false otherwise.


public void setLinks(boolean links)
Set the 'include links' state. If the setting is changed after the URL has been set, the text from the URL will be reacquired, which is possibly expensive.

links - Use true if link text is to be included in the text extracted from the URL, false otherwise.


public java.lang.String getURL()
Get the current URL.

The URL from which text has been extracted, or null if this property has not been set yet.


public void setURL(java.lang.String url)
Set the URL to extract strings from. The text from the URL will be fetched, which may be expensive, so this property should be set last.

url - The URL that text should be fetched from.


public boolean getReplaceNonBreakingSpaces()
Get the current 'replace non breaking spaces' state.

true if non-breaking spaces (character '\u00a0', numeric character reference &#160; or character entity reference &nbsp;) are to be replaced with normal spaces (character '\u0020').


public void setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces(boolean replace)
Set the 'replace non breaking spaces' state. If the setting is changed after the URL has been set, the text from the URL will be reacquired, which is possibly expensive.

replace - true if non-breaking spaces (character '\u00a0', numeric character reference &#160; or character entity reference &nbsp;) are to be replaced with normal spaces (character '\u0020').


public boolean getCollapse()
Get the current 'collapse whitespace' state. If set to true this emulates the operation of browsers in interpretting text where user agents should collapse input white space sequences when producing output inter-word space. See HTML specification section 9.1 White space

true if sequences of whitespace (space '\u0020', tab '\u0009', form feed '\u000C', zero-width space '\u200B', carriage-return '\r' and NEWLINE '\n') are to be replaced with a single space.


public void setCollapse(boolean collapse)
Set the current 'collapse whitespace' state. If the setting is changed after the URL has been set, the text from the URL will be reacquired, which is possibly expensive.

collapse - If true, sequences of whitespace will be reduced to a single space.


public getConnection()
Get the current connection.

The connection that the parser has or null if it hasn't been set or the parser hasn't been constructed yet.


public void setConnection( connection)
Set the parser's connection. The text from the URL will be fetched, which may be expensive, so this property should be set last.

connection - New value of property Connection.


public void visitStringNode(Text string)
Appends the text to the output.

visitStringNode in class NodeVisitor
string - The text node.


public void visitTag(Tag tag)
Appends a NEWLINE to the output if the tag breaks flow, and possibly sets the state of the PRE and SCRIPT flags.

visitTag in class NodeVisitor
tag - The tag to examine.


public void visitEndTag(Tag tag)
Resets the state of the PRE and SCRIPT flags.

visitEndTag in class NodeVisitor
tag - The end tag to process.


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Unit test.

args - Pass arg[0] as the URL to process.