Wilfred J. Hansen
Information Technology Center
Carnegie-Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Early computer users were lucky if their hardware printed strings of digits. Soon, however, computers could print UPPER CASE text, then lower case, and eventually all of ASCII as well. Programming languages have advanced to this point, but now computers are called on to process and print multi-media text containing letters from other alphabets, font changes, typographical instructions, and even embedded objects such as drawings, images, graphs, tables, or entire applications. For instance, this paper--diagrams and all--has been created as one file with various embedded objects using the ez text editor component of the Andrew ToolKit[Morris, 1986; Palay, 1988]. Other systems or file formats that support multi-media text include ODA [ISO, 1988; Sherman, 1990], Interleaf [Morris, 1985], and Diamond [Thomas, 1985].
This paper tries to answer the question: "What should string operations look like in programming languages designed to deal with multi-media text?" Certainly it should be possible to have such text in program constants, but what else is necessary? In many languages strings are treated as arrays of characters. Is this still appropriate when an element of a string may be a picture? Is there a suitable alternative?
For a language that supports multi-media text--we argue below--the appropriate alternative to arrays of characters is a new algebra: a data type with an associated set of operations. For each value in the data type, there is an underlying base sequence of objects; when they are all characters, the base is just a character string. Base sequences are not themselves values, however; instead, a value is a reference to a contiguous subsequence of a base and many such values may refer to the same base. The operations of the algebra take one or two such subsequence reference values and produce related references to the same base. Indeed, it will turn out that the operations of the algebra are sufficient to compute every subsequence of the base.
To avoid confusion, let me point out here that the algebra is defined informally in this paper; the formal definition is in [Hansen, 1989a]. In particular, this is not a paper utilizing an algebraic or denotational semantics approach to define a data type. Instead, our concern here is to examine multi-media strings in general and a particular algebra that seems to offer potential as a component of any programming language. Examples are given in the Ness programming language [Hansen, 1989b; Hansen, 1990], which is one implementation of the algebra. It has also been implemented in the cT system for development of educational material [CDEC, 1989].
The first two sections define language alternatives for string processing
and review how they are met by existing languages. The new algebra
is introduced in the third section and additional aspects are covered
in the next three. Section 7 presents an extended example, while Section
8 discusses implementation issues. The final section reviews the alternatives
for language design and discusses which choices are appropriate for
which types of language.
Unbounded Strings. A number of languages require that the maximum length of string values be specified when the program is written. Other languages provide Unbounded String values, the length of which is managed dynamically at run-time. Bounded values may be appropriate for low-level languages, such as those in which to write support software for Unbounded Strings. However, bounded strings either force the programmer to balloon the program with defensive code or tempt the programmer to take short cuts with the attendant risk of bugs. Indeed, one of the system loopholes exploited by Robert Morris's Internet worm was code that read an unbounded string into a bounded area. [Spafford, 1989]
Multi-media Text. The impetus for our reexamination of string processing is the requirement that strings be able to encompass all the possibilities for modern text. We call this Multi-media Text, though we mean it to refer not only to embedded objects, but also to typographic information and non-English letters. In a systems programming language it is appropriate that the programmer deal with strings at a low level; many languages treat strings as an array of characters with one character per byte. For higher level programming, it is more convenient if strings can be dealt with as they appear on paper; the assumption of one byte per character may be totally inappropriate because there may be more than 256 distinct characters in a text or document. {Of course, with some sacrifice of readability we could insist that the user encode some characters with escape sequences like \(bs. (sic)}
Substring References. Given a string value, a substring is a contiguous sequence of some or all of its characters. A substring value can be implemented as a new string value consisting of a copy of the sequence, or it can be a Substring Reference, a value that refers to the sequence in its place within the original base value. A strategy of implementing all substring values as references has several important advantages:
o A common alternative to treating substring references as values is to treat them as integers that refer to locations within strings. This is a common source of error when there is confusion over whether a particular variable refers to a character position or the position between two characters. Other errors arise from failing to recognize that a substring of length n extends from position p to position p+n-1, not to p+n. It seems preferable to refer to substrings directly.
o When Substring References are available, they can be implemented in a natural way as first-class objects, suitable for assignment to variables, passing as arguments, and returning as values. When integers are used instead and a value is returned through a parameter, it may not be possible to conveniently nest function calls passing the result of one function as the argument to another.
o With Substring References there is no need to copy the text of the string to do assignment, pass values to a function, or return values from a function. For long strings, the resulting elimination of string and descriptor allocations can be a significant saving; the experiment reported below showed that immutable strings degraded performance by a factor of 4.6 in one case and 6.4 in another.
o To implement Multi-Media strings, it may be useful to have differing numbers of bytes for the representation of different string elements. Substring reference values capture this naturally: all access to the string is via references thus obviating the need for concern with the actual number of bytes in the underlying representation. With integer indices, each access to the string would conceptually have to count forward from the first character; hints and other data structures might not suffice because the integer value could have been computed by any arbitrary computation.
Please note a distinct difference between substrings implemented with copying and substring reference values: two substring references with the same contents are not necessarily isomorphic; they may be at different positions or in different bases. In particular, empty substrings are not necessarily isomorphic.
Once substring reference values are recognized, it becomes possible to define:
An Algebra for Subsequences. An algebra is a set of values and a set of operators closed over those values. For a substring algebra the values are the set of all references to substrings. The unary operators of the algebra accept one substring on a base and return another defined relative to the argument. Binary operators accept two substring references and compute a third based on the arguments. Since the base values may be not only character strings but also sequences of objects, it seems appropriate to call it an Algebra for Subsequences. A candidate algebra is described in Section 3.
Concatenation. The essential operation for constructing new string values is Concatenation; two strings--or substrings referred to by reference--are arguments and the result is a single string consisting of a copy of the first followed by a copy of the second. Some languages which do not offer concatenation provide instead an operation to append the value of one substring at the end of a string value. If the language also has bounded string values, the result is expected to meet the bound of the destination string.
Pattern Matching. The obverse of concatenation is dissection of a string to find parts of interest. A desired part may be as simple as an exact match for some string or as complex as the next assignment statement in a program text. In languages without Pattern Matching the programmer must write a search as a loop which examines each character in turn. With pattern matching the programmer writes a pattern expression which is executed by automatically scanning the subject string to find one or more instances of the desired substring. Patterns are compatible with languages having Substring References because the result of a pattern match can be a reference to the entire matching substring.
Mutability. The final consideration in design of a string facility is the degree to which string values once created can later be modified. Several choices are possible. For many applications it is entirely reasonable that string values be immutable; as the program generates new values it constructs them by concatenation of other strings to form new strings. If the generated strings are long, however, it may be preferable to append new values to the end of existing ones rather than recopy the strings. After the append, any substrings of the modified value still refer to the same places they did before because the base string has changed only after the position referred to. If their location was found via a string search, there is no need to repeat the search to refind them.
Modification by appending strings may be insufficient, however, to support some interactive applications. In a text editor for instance, a string the size of a file is being editted and changes may be made at any place. Not only is it costly to copy the entire string for each modification, but there may be substring references to portions of the string which would have to be recomputed somehow for the new string. In such cases it is preferable to be able to replace a portion of a base string with new contents; moreover, replacement with an empty string does a deletion and replacement of an empty substring does an insertion. As the modification is made the system can automatically adjust other substring references so they continue to refer to their original targets.
A few languages support a limited form of mutability by replacement; they allow the program to replace a given substring with another substring only if the replacement is the same length as the replaced text. This is not a particularly common operation in string processing and cannot be considered an acceptable form of mutability. Indeed, with multi-media text a replacement value may have the same number of characters but may actually occupy a different number of bytes due to different code lengths for different sorts of characters or objects.
The choice among the three forms of mutability has a major impact on
the implementation of the language. The substring algebra is defined
without mutability in Section 3 and mutability is discussed in Section
The tables review the languages for the degree to which they meet the criteria of Section 1. An entry of dash indicates the language makes no attempt to meet the criterion; YES means the language fully meets the criteria; intermediate cases are coded with yes-x if they provide a modest approximation to the criterion or with just x if they do not meet the criterion but have some partial alternative; see the Notes to Tables for the various values of x.
Fortran | Cobol | Basic | Algol-68 | C | Pascal | Ada | |
Unbounded | - | - | yes-a | YES | yes-b | - | - |
Multi-Media | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Substr Refs | j | k | j | j | - | - | j |
Algebra | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Concat | yes-c | - | YES | YES | - | - | yes-c |
Patterns | - | l | l | - | l | - | - |
Mutability | m | yes-d | YES | m | yes-d | m | m |
Snobol4 | Icon | Lisp | REXX | PostScript | Hypertalk | Modula-3 | |
Unbounded | YES | YES | YES | YES | yes-b | YES | YES |
Multi-Media | - | - | yes-f | n | - | - | - |
Substr Refs | - | j | yes-f | j | yes-e | - | yes-e |
Algebra | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Concat | YES | YES | YES | YES | - | YES | YES |
Patterns | YES | yes-g | l | yes-h | l | - | - |
Mutability | YES | YES | m | - | m | yes-i | - |
Notes to Tables
yes-a: In some implementations of Basic strings have a very small maximum
yes-b: Strings of any length can be created, but the program must explicitly
perform the storage allocation operation.
yes-c: If a concatenation result is assigned to a variable, it must
fit into the space allocated for that variable.
yes-d: It is possible to replace a substring with another of the same
length, it is also possible to append to a string value.
yes-e: There are substring reference values, but they do not provide
access other elements of the base string.
yes-f: In LISP, strings cannot have Multi-Media or Substring References,
but the more general "vector" type can have both.
yes-g: In Icon patterns are constructed by flow of control through
pattern matching primitives.
yes-h: REXX patterns are limited to a few of the most useful cases.
yes-i: In Hypertalk replacement of a character, word, or line is simple,
but replacement of a sequence requires a loop.
j: Substring expressions are provided, but their value is the sequence
of characters, not a reference to the sequence.
k: In addition to property j, COBOL allows a name to refer to a portion
of a statically allocated string.
l: There is an operation to find one string in another.
m: It is possible to replace a substring with another of the same length.
n: REXX strings may contain non-English letters.
Table 1 lists low-level languages in the tradition of Fortran and Algol. Most of these languages treat strings as arrays of ASCII characters so it is not surprising that they meet few of the criteria; indeed, the entire table has only four unqualified YES's. None of the languages provide Multi-media text, Substring References, or a Subsequence Algebra.
Those languages which do have substring expressions define them to produce the value of the substring rather than a reference to it. In this model, when a substring is passed to a function the receiver can access its value but cannot scan forward--or backward--to find other parts of the underlying string.
The languages in Table 2 are at a higher level than those above and are correspondingly more supportive of strings. Note, however, that just like the first table, no listed language provides unqualified support for Multi-Media Text, Substring References, or a Subsequence Algebra.
Although few languages satisfy the various criteria and none satisfy
them all, it is not the case that these are poor languages. Most are
excellent tools within their own design space. Clearly, however, none
is ideal for working with multi-media text.
A subsequence reference, or subseq, is a triple consisting of a pointer to an underlying base sequence and a first and last position within its ordered collection.
A subseq that refers to a subsequence of length zero will be called empty.
When the sequence referred to by a subseq is primarily characters it will be common below to talk of it as a substring.
Before starting on the operators of the algebra, we must redefine traditional string expressions in terms of subseq values. This discussion will also serve to introduce the notation to be used later; a notation which is close to the Ness language [Hansen, 1989b]. However, the algebra itself is in no way peculiar to Ness; it can be incorporated in many different programming language models.
Character and string values are not required. Instead of a character value we use a subseq referring to a single character; instead of a string value we use a subseq referring to an entire base string.
Declarations are written with the declarator first:
Each of m, s, and t refers to a substring. (In older implementations, the typename `marker' was used instead of `subseq.')
String constants are bounded by quotation marks:
The semantics of a string constant are that it returns a subseq which
refers to the entire constant. This example contains both italic text
and a raster image of Japanese characters; in principle it could contain
the Japanese characters themselves. A constant is an immutable value.
Functions. Subseq values may be passed as parameters or returned as values. Here is a definition of a function with three arguments that returns the second as its value:
The default type for parameters and function return value is subseq. Parameters are call-by-value, but replace modifications to a parameter subseq will affect the same base on which the argument subseq resides. Functions are called by listing actual arguments in parentheses after the function name:
If the value returned from a function is a subseq value, it continues to refer to a substring of whatever is the base of the expression. In particular, if the base sequence was created within the function, it will now be accessible outside the function.
Assignment of subseq values is assignment of references:
assigns to s a reference to the entire constant substring "new value" and to p a reference to the same substring and base as m.
Comparison and printing. When two subseq values are compared, the elements of the referenced substrings are compared; the comparison ignores the rest of their bases. (An implementation must choose some collating order for non-character objects.) Similarly, printing a subseq value prints only the referenced portion of the base. Note that this differs from assignment where the base is implicit in the assigned value.
Concatenation. When two subseq values are concatenated the result is a brand new base string. We write a tilde for concatenation; the code
will assign to s a reference to "new value" and to p a subseq value referring to the entire base of a new string having "new value!" as its contents.
String input. The function read(filename) reads the named file and returns a subseq value for its entire contents.
Thus, there are three ways to get new string base values: constants, concatenation, and string input.
Pattern matching. The result of a pattern match operation is
a subseq value referring to the entire substring which has matched
the pattern. The next section will cover the pattern functions that
are currently implemented in Ness.
Primitives for the Subsequence Algebra.
With the above reinterpretation of string operations as subseq operations, we now turn to the operations of the subsequence algebra. Four primitive functions have proven to be a simple and convenient basis for the algebra: start(), base(), next(), and extent(). These are illustrated in Figure 1. We will show in Section 8 that start() can be implemented in a single instruction. Other subseq operations can be implemented with similar brevity.
start(x) - The value of start(x) is a subseq refering to the position at the start of the value referred to by x. Suppose x refers to the substring cde of the value abcdefg, then the value of start(x) is a subseq for the empty position between b and c and on the same base string as x.
base(x) - Returns a subseq for the entire base string of which x refers to a part. Suppose again that x refers to the substring cde of the value abcdefg, then the value of base(x) is a subseq referring to the entire value abcdefg.
To get an empty subseq at the beginning of the underlying base string for x, we can write start(base(x)). The opposite composition, base(start(x)), returns exactly the same value as base(x) because x and start(x) both refer to the same underlying base string.
next(x) - This function returns a subseq for the character following x. When x is cde in abcdefg, the value of next(x) is a subseq for f. If the argument x extends all the way to the end of its base string, then next(x) returns an empty subseq for the position just after x.
Now we can write expressions for more interesting substrings relative to a given subseq x. The element first after the beginning of x is front(x) = next(start(x)) because start(x) computes the empty subseq just before the first character and next() computes the character just after its argument. Similarly, the second element after the beginning of a given subseq x is next(next(start(x))) and the first character of the base is next(start(base(x))).
extent(x, y) - Computes a subseq from two other subseqs on the same base. The new subseq value extends from
the beginning of the first argument, x
the end of the second argument, y.
For instance, suppose a base string is abcdefg and in it x refers to cde while y refers to bcdef. Then extent(x, y) computes a reference to the substring cdef, extending from c at the beginning of x to f at the end of y. The two arguments need not overlap or even be contiguous; if x is bc and y is ef the value of extent(x,y) is bcdef.
It may be that the first argument of extent()
begins after the second ends. In this case extent()
is defined to return a subseq for the empty position just after the
second argument. Note that this position comes before
the beginning of the first argument. Another possible problem with
the arguments to extent()
is that they may be on different base strings. In this case, the
value returned is a subseq on a unique, immutable base string which
has no characters.
Non-primitive Functions.
With the aid of extent() we can write expressions for all of the interesting substrings relative to a given substring. As examples, see Figure 2, which illustrates the following:
The code for last() can be written with a loop using next() to cycle through the elements of x, looking for one, say t, for which extent(start(next(t)), start(next(x))) yields the empty string. This function can be written more concisely as a recursive function utilizing the rest() function we define next.
Given a subseq value we may want to process all its elements by processing the first at each step and then processing the rest. For this purpose the functions first() and rest() are needed, but each must be defined to have the empty string as its result if the argument is empty. It is convenient to first define rest() with the somewhat subtle expression
The extent() giving the value of rest() clearly ends where x ends, as it should. If x has one or more characters, the first argument to extent() will have its starting position just after the first character of x, so the extent returns all of x after its first character. The subtlety arise when x is empty; in this case the first argument to extent() starts at a position beyond the end of the second argument, so the result is the end of that second argument. But the second argument is the empty string, x, so the value of the extent is empty when x is.
We can now compute first(x) with the aid of rest(); it is the subseq which extends from the beginning of the original subseq up to the beginning of the rest(x), in other words,
It may seem inefficient to compute first()
and rest()
so indirectly, but these are just formal definitions in terms of the
four primitives start(), base(),
next(), and empty().
In practice first()
and rest()
are implemented by writing them directly in the low-level language
that implements the primitives.
Necessity and Sufficiency.
The set of primitive functions for an algebra--next, start, base, and extent, in this case--ought to have the properties of necessity and sufficiency. The first requires that no function be expressible in terms of the others and the second requires that the functions be sufficient to compute all values in the domain of the algebra. Both proofs are beyond the scope of this paper, but we can give a simple proof of a form of sufficiency. For more details see [Hansen, 1989a].
Though sufficiency would require us to compute any specified subsequence, let us instead show how to compute the set of all subsequences of a sequence; that is, the set is all subsequences that begin at one position in the sequence and continue to the same or another, later position. To do something with the generated subsequences, each is printed as it is computed:
Careful examination will convince the reader that for an s of length n the functions will print n+1 empty subsequences, one for each position in s. Of course, they also print all the non-empty sequences. Both facts can be proven by beginning with a lemma:
Lemma 1 (Tail Recursion): If P is an operation and Q is a sequence of zero or more variables each preceded by a comma, then the function f() defined by
performs P once for each tail of x, including the final empty subsequence. That is, if x refers to a substring s1s2s3...sn of some base then P is executed once for each of
empty string after sn.
Proof: If x is is an empty string, then n
is zero and P is executed once; the then
clause is not executed because x = "".
When n > 0 we argue by induction. A call to f()
evaluates P once for the current value of x
and then calls f
recursively for rest(x). By the definition
of rest, rest(x)
is a tail of x so n is one less and the general
case holds by induction.
Lemma 2: The call printsubsub(s, s) prints all subsequences of s that begin at start(s).
Proof: By the Tail Recursion Lemma, printsubsub(s,
executes print(extent(s, start(t)))
for t being each tail of s. This is exactly
the subsets of s that begin at the beginning of s.
Theorem: The call printsubsequences(s) print all subsequences of s.
Proof: By the Tail Recursion Lemma, printsubsequences(s)
executes printsubsub(s, s)
for each s which begins a tail of the initial s.
By the preceding Lemma, this call prints the subsequences beginning
at each position within s, which is the entire set of subsequences.
In principle we can replace the call on print() in the above functions with a test to see if we have found a desired subsequence. Since the iteration will visit all subsequences, we will eventually find the desired one, if it exists. Thus the primitive functions of the subsequence algebra are sufficient to compute any subsequence, at least if it can be described by a predicate.
Are the four primitive functions all necessary? Yes and no. As shown in [Hansen, 1989a], none can be expressed in terms of the others. However, there is a smaller--though less convenient--set of primitives consisting of next() and extent() as already defined and a third function we can call startofbase(). In terms of the four primitives, startofbase(x) would be defined as start(base(x)), but we can also define base() and start() in terms of startofbase(). The computation of base(x) is straightforward: set t to startofbase(x), loop setting t:=next(t) repeatedly until t is empty, and finally derive the base as the extent() from the startofbase(x) to t. It is trickier to implement start() in terms of the three primitives; the heart of the solution is to move an empty subseq through the base sequence one element at a time:
The algebra with only three primitives is formally simpler than the
one with four. However, the four functions are so much more useful
in practice that it seems preferable to present the algebra in their
The searching operations implemented each have two arguments, a subject string and a specification. By convention, a non-empty subject restricts the search to that substring while an empty subject searches from the subject to the end of the base. Also, by convention, a search failure is indicated by returning the empty string at the end of the specified subject. These conventions are related since the end of the subject argument specifies both the extent of the search and the value for failure; this relationship has not proven awkward in any of the many programs written so far.
In the descriptions below, when the pattern specification is pat, the match must be an exact match, character-for-character; when the specification is set, the substring supplied is treated as a set of characters, multiple occurrences within the specification are ignored.
match(x, pat) - matches pat only if it begins at start(x).
anyof(x, set) - finds a single character, the first that is one of the characters in set.
span(x, set) - matches all contiguous characters at the beginning of the subject string which are in set.
token(x, set) - finds the first substring in x which is composed of characters from set.
The trickiest subcase is when x is non-empty and does not contain a character from set, but is immediately followed by such a character; without this problem, the function could be written more simply. The reader is challenged to write the simpler version of token and also functions for the other four matching functions defined above.
Earlier we posed the problem of finding the next capitalized word in some text. With the primitive pattern matching functions we can write this as:
With the algebra it is natural to find words and check their first letter. With other languages--such as C--it may be more straightforward to check each letter in turn to see if it is a capital and the previous character is not a letter. In the following code we utilize the Andrew ToolKit (ATK) functions to access the text in order to illustrate what the program looks like for Multi-Media Text. Note that a third argument is required in order to return the length of the word we have found.
Notice that both algorithms examine each letter once and a few letters
twice. The version in the algebra examines twice the first letter
of each word. The C version examines twice only those letters which
precede capital letters. The reader may find it instructive to rewrite
the subsequence algebra version to employ the same algorithm as the
C version.
Typography associates with each span of text a "style" in which it is displayed and printed. The components of a style determine indentation, font family and size, justification, subscription and other characteristics. In some systems typography is directly encoded--the style directly specifies the various attributes of the affected span--while in other systems the style is indirect--the span is tagged with a name and a table elsewhere specifies the typographic attributes for that name. It would be possible to develop an elaborate system of defining styles and append that to the definition of the substring algebra, but for simplicity Ness was designed to be independent of the style definition mechanism. When a program needs a constant specifying a style, a string in that style is used instead, as in these functions for applying removing, and testing styles:
and the first letter of styledText is in the helvetica font family and two points larger, the resulting text will be Helvetica and two points larger:
removeStyles(x, styledText) -- The substring referenced by x is unstyled by removing from it all styles of the first character of the second argument. RemoveStyles is not quite the inverse of addStyles. The two statements
may modify x if it originally had one of the styles that were added with the addStyles.
hasStyles(x, styledText) -- The first character of x is checked to see whether it has all the style attributes of the first character of the styledText. With the above example as the x and a piece of Helvetica text as the styledText, the function would yield True, but if styledText were italic, the function would return False.
Note that the first two functions define mutations of the base string. Alternatives could be defined in which each function returns a copy of its first argument modified in accordance with the second.
In some applications it is desirable to find all the characters in some given styled substring, for instance, to find the italic word in the example string above. As a minimum requirement we need a function to advance through a text returning each span that has a style distinct from its neighbors. To do this in an iteration, the argument at each iteration will be the result returned on the previous iteration.
Utilizing the style functions we can write a function, TofC(t), to build a table of contents. The argument will be a piece of text and the result will be a text containing a list of the headers found within the original text. The basic strategy is to find each style group in the text and decide if it is a header by examining its style. We can make an initial attempt like this:
Each time around the loop, s has a different style group and the if-test determines whether that group has the same style as template, which happens to have the "heading" style. If so, the group is appended to the accumulating table of contents in tc.
The difficulty with this first version of TofC is that the several style groups may begin at the same place as a heading. The program needs to select from them the longest which has the heading style. The correct version of the function tests each character of the text to see if it is a heading. (This would be more efficient with some function similar to span().) We do this by adding the following in place of the comment "-- (INCORRECT)" above:
In this loop c is always a character and the loop continues until c is not in the heading style. In this case the character before c was in heading style, so start(c) is a subseq value at the end of the heading; the heading itself extends from the beginning of s to just before c.
The reader is invited to consider the set of all possible style operations
and determine which can be implemented with the functions above. It
seems likely that all can be, but a proof of this contention must await
a more formal description of styles. More examples of usage of the
style functions appear in Section 7.
Embedded objects can appear in strings as additional elements; the raster image of the Japanese characters above is just a single object between a space and a quotation mark. One alternative choice would be that objects are "tied to" characters or positions between characters; this is unattractive because it makes it difficult to deal with having multiple objects at any given position.
To construct strings with embedded objects, we define concatenation of a string with an object to produce a new sequence containing the object. Thus the statements
produce a sequence of five elements: three letters, a colon, and a raster object. When a string is printed, objects within it are converted to their print form, so the above string would print
It is sometimes essential to find objects in strings, so we need:
To extract an object from a string we have:
To transform the system into one with general list, tree, and graph structures, all we need is some way to store subseq values as objects in sequences. This cannot be done with concatenation as for the raster opbject above because concatenating two subseq values is (and should be) defined to copy the strings the subseqs refer to. So we need just one more function:
To get a list of subseq values we can write obj(m) ~ obj(p) ~ obj(s), which produces a three element sequence no matter what the lengths of m, p, and s.
When extracting a subseq value that was encapsulated with obj(), the
function c() according to its definition above would return an object
which encapsulates a subseq. But since there are no functions which
operate on such values, we extend the definition of c() so that if
the value it would return is an encapsulated subseq it returns the
subseq instead. Thus, whenever x is a subseq value the following three
expressions yield equivalent values: x, c(obj(x)),
c(obj(x) ~ "abc"). However, these values
differ from c(obj(x ~ ""))
because this even though the elements of the returned sequence are
the same as x, they are on a new base created by the concatenation.
With Immutable strings the implementation of subseq values is straightforward because base strings are invariant; once created, a substring value never changes. However, the only way to alter a string value is to concatenate pieces to make a new one, an approach which may have some performance penalty for programs which generate strings for output. Programming convenience can suffer, as well. When a new string value is created there are no subseqs referring to its components; if the program has determined a useful set of subseqs of the old base, their locations will have to be recomputed in the new one.
The Append level of mutability introduces to the algebra one new function: append(). This function has two subseq arguments and modifies the first by inserting at the end of its base a copy of the second. This level of mutability is well suited to programs that translate an input into an output because the output is constructed a piece at a time without the need to copy the completed portion as a new portion is appended. Subseqs referring to the completed portion remain undisturbed, so they need not be recomputed. We write append as
The effect of this operation can be considered to be
but it must be understood that the concatenation does not copy the old-base-variable and instead modifies its base.
Replace level mutability provides the operation of replacing the text referenced by a subseq value with some replacement string. This is especially useful for interactive applications like text editors because replacements can be made at any point in a large string without the requirement of creating a new string. Rather than define syntax for replace, we write it as a function:
Replace(x,r) modifies base(x) by substituting a copy of r for the the part of base(x) referred to by x. It returns a subseq referring to the newly installed value in its location within base(x). Since other substring values may refer to portions of base(x), they must be adjusted so they continue as best they can to refer to the same text. Adjustment is illustrated in Table 3 and can be described as if replace(x,r) inserts a copy of r at finish(x) and then deletes x. If any other subseq, say M, begins at finish(x), then the insertion is not included in M. If any subseq M ends at finish(x), M is extended with the insertion only when x is non-empty. Following these rules, x itself will be updated to include the new value only when x is non-empty. If x is empty, its final value will precede the insertion.
The substring a / bc / defghijkl becomes a / bc / dxyzijkl
The substring a / bcd / efghijkl becomes a / bcd / xyzijkl
The substring a / bcde / fghijkl becomes a / bcd / xyzijkl
< The substring a / bcdefgh / ijkl becomes a / bcdxyz
/ ijkl
The substring a / bcdefghi / jkl becomes a / bcdxyzi /
The substring abcd / efg / hijkl becomes abcd / / xyzijkl
< The substring abcd / efgh / ijkl becomes abcd / xyz
/ ijkl
The substring abcd / efghi / jkl becomes abcd / xyzi /
The substring abcde / fg / hijkl becomes abcd / / xyzijkl
< The substring abcde / fgh / ijkl becomes abcd / xyz
/ ijkl
The substring abcde / fghi / jkl becomes abcd / xyzi /
> The substring abcdefgh / / ijkl becomes abcdxyz /
/ ijkl
> The substring abcdefgh / i / jkl becomes abcdxyz /
i / jkl
Replace empty string between c and d in abcdef with "xyz"
< The substring a / bc / def becomes a / bc / xyzdef
The substring a / bcd / ef becomes a / bcxyzd / ef
< The substring abc / / def becomes abc / / xyzdef
> The substring abc / d / ef becomes abcxyz / d / ef
The substring abcd / e / f becomes abcxyzd / e / f
This definition makes it clear that the value of a is modified by the
append statement. Please review Table 3 to observe that in this case
no existing subseq is modified by the append operation; the relevant
lines are the last two prefixed with "<" in the case where def is empty.
With mutable strings, whether at the Append Level or with Replace, there is a problem with constants. If a program sets a variable to a constant and then appends to or replaces a portion of the value, a constant string base would be modified. One way for a program to avoid this problem is to copy a constant before using it, as can be done by concatenation with an empty string. The string expression
always produces a new, mutable string value.
The algebra can be made a little cleaner however if we define a primitive function,
which returns a unique, newly created, empty, and mutable string base value each time it is called. With this function we can now redefine concatenation as a non-primitive operation by saying that the concatenation a~b is defined to be
In this expression, the argument to finish() is a mutable copy of a, the tail end of which is replaced by the outer call to replace. The final call to base() computes a subseq referring to the entire result of the concatenation.
Mutability of strings complicates all other operations because of the need to keep track of all substrings on each base in order to modify them when a replace() occurs. For strings that are never modified, this overhead is pointless, which suggests that an implementation might provide two separate classes of substring value: mutable and non-mutable. A declaration like
would declare variables whose values would be guaranteed to be mutable.
A function mutable()
would copy its argument and produce a mutable copy; for special cases
the compiler could optimize calls on this function to produce a mutable
string without copying.
What is the execution penalty for insisting on completely immutable strings? To try to answer this, I timed various Ness versions of a routine to copy a string, s, as shown in Appendix A. The most straightforward copy operation, s~"", was also the fastest--0.6 seconds. Building the copy one character at a time with append took longer--4.4 seconds, but was very close to the time to insert each character in turn with replace()--4.6 seconds. Both append and replace() are special cases because the implementation of strings is optimized for multiple modifications at the same point, so the next test inserted each character at a random position in the destination; this took considerably longer--11.6 seconds--which is not too bad considering that over six megabytes were moved to do the insertions.
With immutable strings, concatenation is the only way to construct new values. Copying s with concatenation--29.6 seconds--took more than six times as long as the worst time with replace(). Creating a randomly ordered string took even longer--53.2 seconds--because two operations were required at each step to build the output string.
The major contribution to the time for the concatenation approaches was construction of descriptors for the result strings: ATK utilizes about seventy words of descriptor for each string. Even if this number were cut to a tenth, however, descriptor allocation would still be a major factor, both because of the time to initialize them and the time for paging inherent in scattered control blocks. An alternative implementation of immutable strings never copies the characters; instead each concatenation generates a descriptor which points at the two halves of the value. Thus string values are trees. It is unlikely that this approach would improve performance since it does nothing to reduce the number of descriptors nor the scattering of a string over a number of pages. Indeed, for the case of concatenating one character at a time the space allocated to descriptors will far exceed the space of the strings themselves.
In summary, the performance degradation for completely immutable string
values was a factor of more than four.
Style-coded text is converted to styled text. For our purposes a style-coded piece of text is written within braces preceded by an at-sign and the name of a style; quoted text would be written as @quotation{text}. The text may not contain a right brace.
Newlines are converted to spaces. Typically Scribe input is editted with editors that deal best with short lines which Scribe translators convert by changing newlines to spaces to merge the short lines into paragraphs. The subset will have three rules which are applied in this order:
It is important to perform the two translations in the above order because removal of the style codes may expose a sentence-ender just before a newline. However, we will write the examples as two separate functions each illustrating a different strategy for producing its result.
ConvertStyles in Algorithm 1 translates the style codes of the text. Since addStyles() inherently modifies its argument, all of ConvertStyles will be done by modification of its argument; thus it has no return value. The heart of ConvertStyles is to locate a style name in a table and then apply the corresponding style to the affected text. We can declare the table as:
The while loop in ConvertStyles cycles through the argument text looking at each at-sign in turn and finding its subsequent left and right braces. Each search is delimited by the end of the base text, but the test
checks to be sure the right brace is still within the bounds of the original argument t. If not, or if one of the braces is missing, the function exits without doing anything further. After finding a style code, the name portion is looked up in StyleTable and, if found, is used to apply the style to the affected text. Finally, the at-sign, the style name, and the braces are deleted by replacing them with the empty string.
Observe how the subsequence algebra supports locating parts of the text. After the variables atsign, leftbrace, and rightbrace have been set pointing to the characters they name there are simple expressions for the parts of the style expression. The argument to addStyles is
which selects the braces and the text between, all of which are given the style. Then the deletion of the style name is just deletion of
which deletes the at-sign, the left brace, and the style name between.
ConvertNewlines in Algorithm 2 illustrates the append-only style of text modification. As pieces of the text are processed, they are copied to the result value with ~:=. A subsidiary variable, segstart, retains the location of the beginning of the text that has not been copied to the result. Variable t is changed so it always refers to the text that remains unprocessed and eventually it becomes the empty string or a string without any newlines. The while loop exits when a search through the characters of t finds no more newlines; at that time, the segment from segstart to the end of t is copied to the end of the result value.
As each newline is located, the text is checked with span() to see if any subsequent characters are white space. If so, t is advanced beyond the white space and the newline is unchanged. However, if there is no following white space the segment is copied to the result and a space is appended instead of the newline. A search then tests the character before the newline to see if it is a sentence-ender and, if so, an additional space is appended to the result. Finally, a new segment is initiated beginning just after the newline and t is advanced to begin there as well.
In ConvertNewlines, observe how characters
and positions adjacent to the newline can be conveniently referenced
relative to the variable newline. The characters after
the newline begin at finish(newline)
and the character before the newline is previous(newline).
An implementation of the substring algebra must provide data structures for both substring values and their underlying base strings. Additional data structures are needed for typographic styles and embedded objects, to whatever extent they are supported by the implementation. The Ness implementation of the algebra relies on the Andrew ToolKit (ATK) implementations of these data structures, so the language development entailed little new data structure design.
In ATK, text is represented in memory as a physical sequence of characters. To support text editting and other text manipulation, the space for a base string is made larger than the string itself and the extra character positions are retained as a gap within that base at the position of the most recent replace(). If consecutive replaces tend to happen at nearby locations, the overhead of copying characters to make changes is minimized [Hansen, 1987].
One alternative to physically sequential storage of characters is to store each character as an element in a list. With this approach it is far faster to splice an element into the sequence. However, performance degrades with increased paging as the list gets fragmented over an increasingly large number of pages. Experience has demonstrated that keeping the text sequential reduces paging sufficiently to offset the costs of copying strings when changes are made. Of course there are numerous intermediate data structure designs with linked lists of elements each having a physically sequential block of text. We have not tried this approach because the physically sequential approach has worked sufficiently well.
It is important to keep the representation of substring values as small as possible because they are so often created and destroyed. The minimal implementation of an immutable substring is three words: a pointer to the base, and representations of the start and end of the substring. For mutable substrings a fourth word must be added to link this value to other substrings on the same base.
When an expression mentions a subseq value, the compiler produces code which copies that value (or a pointer to a copy of it) to the stack. Then the various operations of the expression modify the copy without modifying any variables. For instance, start() is one instruction which changes to zero the representation of the length of the substring reference. Finally, if the value of the expression is assigned to a variable the value on the stack is copied into the variable. For a simple assignment like
the stack is an inefficient mechanism. An optimizing compiler can implement this by copying the subseq value b into a and then modifying a to have zero length. If a and b are immutable values and we are compiling for the IBM RISC architecture, the assignment could take as few as three instructions: a load-multiple and store multiple to transfer the subseq representation and a store-immediate to set the length of the result value to zero. When there are more operations in the expression, the overhead of copying the initial value is distributed among them all and is thus proportionately lower.
Implementations of start(), base(), and extent() all require simple pointer arithmetic. Next() may be more complex because it is the one operator which must determine how many bytes in the representation of the base sequence correspond to the next object. If some characters or objects take more than one byte, next() must determine this to compute the appropriate reference.
In ATK, both styles and embedded objects are implemented with a tree of nested environments associated with the base text. Each node of the tree partitions the text controlled by its parent and each node--internal or leaf--specifies a style for its partition. Thus italic text can be contained within a partition which is in the indented style. For embedded objects the environment is a leaf and refers to a single dummy character in the text; additional information in the environment indicates what actual object is included at that position. The existence of these dummy bytes makes next() faster.
As an optimzation, the implementation can be organized to provide an actual array of integers or object pointers when the environments indicate a consecutive succession of such items. With this implementation, array operations can be reasonably close in efficiency to arrays in other languages.
Storage management is essential when a language provides Unbounded
Strings and Concatenation. For most purposes reference counting of
string values is sufficient because circular structures cannot be created.
However, with obj()
a program may create circular structures so automatic storage reclamation
is necessary.
The string facility as described has the properties of Unbounded strings, Multi-Media Text, Substring References, an Algebra for Substrings, and Mutable substrings. Are all these necessary for an ideal string capability? Not necessarily; here are some of the options for language designs:
Unbounded strings - In these days of large memories and fast storage allocators, it is difficult to justify a requirement that the size of all strings be known when the program is written. If this restriction is made, however, it is imperative that the implementation check that accesses to the string do not exceed the bounds.
Multi-Media Text - The decision to support multi-media text in a language need not affect the language design itself in detail; the major impact is on the implementation. In particular, the token scanner must accomodate multi-media text. The run-time package can share tools for management of multi-media text with the program text editor. Functions for access to typography and embedded objects must also be provided; examples of such functions are sketched in Section 5.
Mutable Substrings - Even more than the other decisions, the choice of mutable substrings is a matter of taste--some believe that values should never change, others believe that immutability is a luxury not yet supported by execution speed and memory capacity. One intermediate option is append-only strings, where changes can only be made by appending a new value to the end. If modification at other points in strings is to be possible and Multi-Media is provided, it may as well be possible to replace a substring with another of a different length; this follows especially in those cases where the implementation uses a variety of byte lengths for the representation of items in a string.
Substring References, Algebra for Substrings - The alternate
to providing these two features is to refer to locations within strings
by integers or pointers. The disadvantages of this approach are outlined
in Section 1; the advantages of Substring References are illustrated
by many of the examples above, especially the patterm matching operations
in Section 4 and the discussion of the examples in Section 7. When
arbitrary substrings are Mutable, an additional advantage of Substring
References is that they can be updated to continue to refer to the
same location; with integers or pointers the system would be unable
to update reference values when the string changed. If strings are
immutable or append-only, then the overhead of substring reference
values is minimal, as sketched in Section 8.
Substring reference values and the subsequence algebra raise many interesting issues, including these:
1. What are patterns? Since pattern matching is a computationally intensive operation, it is valuable to be able to precompile pattern operations into efficient code, but what form of pattern description is most conducive to compilation while at the same time convenient to program. In SNOBOL4, patterns are values in their own right, which requires definition of an entirely separate algebra of patterns in addition to that of strings. In Icon, patterns are not types but are implemented as functions which manipulate a semi-hidden scan variable through the subject string. These provide for efficient compilation, but it is not always clear how to transform a desired pattern into the appropriate sequence of function calls.
With the string algebra it may be possible to define patterns as pure functions. The argument would be a substring and the returned result another, with some special convention to indicate a match failure. Within a host language like Scheme which provides continuations, pattern functions could return generator functions which would iterate through all instances of a pattern in a subject string.
2. What is the best implementation data structure for base strings and subseqs? While there may not be an answer satisfactory for all applications, it is likely we can do better than our existing implementations. The ATK structures for styles and embedded objects are rather heavy-weight; would a simpler design have benefits even if more computation were required in some cases?
3. What optimizations are most appropriate for compilation of subseq expressions? For instance, code generated for next(start(base(x))) would not necessarily have to go through each step to compute the first character of the base. In an optimizing compiler, symbolic execution of subseq expressions would enable generation of efficient machine language code.
4. Are sequences useful for tasks beyond operations on strings? When
subseq values themselves are stored as elements in sequences they form
general list structures at least as expressive as Lisp S-expressions.
Does the string algebra lend itself to the same non-numeric applications
as Lisp? and would it offer reduced paging by preventing the scatter
of structures over numerous pages? or is the low overhead of CAR and
CDR a sufficient recompense for their limited capabilites? And how
will users react; will non-professional programmers find sequences
a more natural metaphor than linked lists for a wide range of computer
Acknowledgements. Bruce Sherwood was a bountiful source of enthusiasm and encouragement; I am indebted to him, Judy Sherwood, David Anderson and others at the Center for Design of Educational Computing, Carnegie-Mellon University, who implemented and utilized the algebra as part of cT. This work began with the support of the Science and Engineering Research Council (Britain, grant number GR/D89028) and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Glasgow, under the stimulating direction of Malcolm Atkinson. The work benefitted from conversations with Kieran Clenaghan, David Harper, Joe Morris, and John Launchberry. Support for the Ness implementation in ATK was provided by the IBM Corporation and the Information Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University under then director Alfred Z. Spector. Helpful comments were offered by many at CMU, including Mike Horowitz, Mike McInerny, Jim Lui, George Baggot, Tom Neuendorffer, and Judy Jackson.
[Hansen, 1987] Hansen, W. J., Data Structures in a Bit-Mapped Text-Editor, Byte (January, 1987), 183-190.
[Hansen, 1989a] Wilfred J. Hansen, "The Computational Power of an Algebra for Subsequences", CMU-ITC-083, Information Technology Center, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., 1989.
[Hansen, 1989b] Wilfred J. Hansen, "Ness Language Reference Manual", available on X-windows distribution tape as .../contrib/andrew/atk/ness/doc/nessman.d, Information Technology Center, Carnegie-Mellon Univ., 1989.
[Hansen, 1990] Hansen, Wilfred J., "Enhancing documents with embedded programs: How Ness extends insets in the Andrew ToolKit," Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society 1990 International Conference on Computer Languages, March 12-15, 1990, New Orleans, IEEE Computer Society (New York, 1990), to appear.
[Morris, 1986] Morris, J., M. Satyarayanan, M. H.Conner, J. H. Howard, D. S. H. Rosenthal, and F. D. Smith. "Andrew: A distributed Personal Computing Environment," Comm. ACM, V. 29, 3 (March, 1986), 184-201.
[Morris, 1985] Morris, R. A., "Is What You See Enough to Get?: a Description of the Interleaf Publishing System", PROTEXT II, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Text Processing Systems, (October, 1985), 56-81.
[ISO, 1988] ISO, Information processing--Text and Office Systems--Office Document Architecture (ODA), ISO-8613, International Standards Org., (1988).
[Palay, 1988] Palay, A. J., W. J. Hansen, M. Sherman, M. Wadlow, T. Neuendorffer, Z. Stern, M. Bader and T. Peters, "The Andrew Toolkit - An Overview", Proceedings of the USENIX Winter Conference, Dallas, (February, 1988), 9-21.
[Sherman, 1990] Sherman, M., J. Rosenberg, A. Marks and J. Akkerhuis, Multi-media Document Interchange: ODA and the EXPRES Project, Springer-Verlag (Berlin, 1990).
[Spafford, 1989] Spafford, E. H., "Crisis and Aftermath," Comm. ACM 32, 6 (June, 1989), 678-687.
[Thomas, 1985] Thomas, R. H., H. Forsdick, T. Crowley, R. Schaaf,
R. Tomlinson, V. Travers, "Diamond: A Multimedia Message System Built
on a Distributed Architecture", IEEE Computer 18, 12 (Dec, 1985),
References for programming languages
[Adobe, 1985] Adobe Systems, Inc., Postscript Language: Reference Manual, Addison-Wesley, (Reading, Mass., 1985).
[ANSI, 1978] ANSI, American National Standard - Programming Language - FORTRAN, ANSI X3.9-1978, ANSI (NY, 1978).
[ANSI, 1985] ANSI, American National Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language - COBOL, ANSI X3.23-1985, ANSI (NY, 1985).
[Atkinson, 1987] Atkinson, B., HyperCard, Version 1.0.1, M0556 / 690-5181-A, Apple Computer (Cupertino, CA, 1987).
[Cardelli, 1988] Cardelli, Luca, J. Donahue, L. Glassman, M. Jordan, B. Kalsow, G. Nelson, Modula-3 Report, Research Report 31, Digital Systems Research Center, (Palo Alto, CA, 1988).
[DOD, 1980] U. S. Department of Defense, Reference Manual for the Ada Programming Language, Draft Revised MIL-STD 1815, Order Number 1008-000-00354-8, U. S. Government Printing Office (Washington, 1982).
[Griswold, 1971] Griswold, R. E., J. F. Poage, and I. P. Polonsky, The SNOBOL4 Programming Language, Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, 1971).
[Griswold, 1983] Griswold, R. E. and M. T. Griswold, The Icon Programming Language, Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, 1983).
[IBM, 1987] IBM Coporation, Common Programming Interface Procedures Language Reference, SC26-4358-0, IBM (Endicott, NY, 1987).
[Kernighan, 1978] Kernighan, B. W. and D. M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, 1978).
[Microsoft, 1981] Microsoft Corp., Basic, 6025013, IBM Corp. (Boca Raton, FL, 1981).
[Steele, 1984] Steele, G. L., Jr., Common Lisp: The Language, Digital Press (Bedford, MA, 1984).
[van Wijngaarden, 1976] van Wijngaarden, A. et al., Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 68, Springer-Verlag (New York, 1976).
[Wirth, 1974] Wirth, N. and Kathleen Jensen, Pascal User Manual and Report, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 18 Springer-Verlag, (Berlin, 1974).
Here are the various tests. They were executed on an IBM RT/APC with 8 megabytes of memory. The times in parentheses give the average time for this test; before subtracting the time for the iteration alone. The time does not include the time to create s. Each test was run ten times to generate the averages shown; variance in the results was low with few repetitions differing from the average by more than half a second.
{Nextn(s,n) applies next() a total of n times to its argument s. In practice this is quite fast because it is implemented with address arithmetic instead of scanning s.}
Determine the time for the iteration alone (4.5 seconds):
Build the destination value by appending to it (8.9 seconds):
Build the destination by concatenating each character to the existing destination (34.1 seconds):
Determine the iteration-only time for placement at a random location (13.6 seconds):
Produce a disordered copy by insertion at a random location (25.2 seconds):
Produce a disordered copy by concatenating at a random location (66.8 seconds). (The compiler/interpreter converts the two concatenations into a concatenation and an append.)
obsolete references
[Alpert & Bitzer, 1970] Alpert, D., & D. L. Bitzer, Science 167,
1582 (1970).
[Gimpel, 1976] Gimpel, J. F., Algorithms in SNOBOL4, John
Wiley & Sons (New York, 1976).
[Griswold, 1980] Griswold, R. E., and D. R. Hanson, "An Alternative to the Use of Patterns in String Processing," ACM TOPLAS, 2, 2 (April, 1980) 153-172.
[Hansen, 1987a] Hansen, W. J., Ness - Reference Manual, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Glasgow, 1987.
[Hansen, 1987b] Hansen, W. J., Em - Reference Manual, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Glasgow, 1987.
[Sherwood, 1977] Sherwood, B. A. The TUTOR Language, Control Data Education Co. (Minneapolis, 1977).
[Sherwood, 1986a] Sherwood, B. A., and J, N, Sherwood, The CMU-Tutor Language, Preliminary Edition, Stipes Publishing Company (10 Chester Street, Champaign, Ill., 1986).
[Sherwood, 1986b] Sherwood, J. N. CMU Tutor Reference Manual. Center for Design of Educational Computing, Carnegie-Mellon University (Pittsburgh, 1986). (This is a printed version of the on-line reference manual.)
Notes for Enhancements
Define and describe various models of string values:
FORTRAN, COBOL, Pascal: Static allocation
C, Algol-68, Ada: static and dynamic allocation.
SNOBOL, Icon, Basic: system allocates
Describe why full mutability makes implementation as a subroutine package difficult. In particular, evaluate each of the 14 languages and say which can support the algebra directly as functions. Note that the language must be able to redefine assignment for the data type.
Note that a base continues to exist until there are no references to subsequences of it.
Discuss array access to subseq elements.
Cover possible notations.
Concatenation: Algol68: +, Fortran: //, others: ||
Maybe: - for extent, + for next, @ for start, * for base
Show that the algebra extends to generators for infinite sequences.
base() returns a generator value
next(), extent(), and start() are all well defined