
I'm a 5th year PhD student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. I'm in Artificial Intelligence with specific interests in Data Mining. My advisor is Andrew Moore. The folks at CMU say I'll be here for about 6.5 years. Hopefully I will finish my degree before I am old and crippled with age.

Of course, I didn't always use to live in Pittsburgh. I'm actually a Canadian citizen and I'm from a much nicer place called Richmond, which is a suburb to the south of Vancouver. I spent five years at the University of British Columbia doing a B.Sc in Computer Science. I was also a Co-op student there. Below is a picture of Canada Place in downtown Vancouver ( minus the rain ).

Petaling Jaya, Malaysia is my birthplace. I'll go back there every now and then so that I can annoy my aunt, enjoy all the good food there, watch the wonderfully chaotic traffic, and attend that Cameron Highlands conference.

It is well with my soul...

I am also a Christian and those words above come from the hymn "When Peace Like A River", which expresses the peace that accompanies a person who has been saved. There is truly nothing that compares to the peace that comes from knowing your sins forgiven by trusting in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ at the cross on Calvary. Though I am still young in life, I am learning what the hymn writer so aptly wrote "For whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well, with my soul".

I'll eventually have my testimony put on my web page.

My Bible resources page has a list of links of interest to Christians.