Wittawat Tantisiriroj
Undergraduate Student
Current Address:
2021 Ivy Road Apt. A6
Charlottesville, VA, 22903

New Location:

- Graduate Student: Computer Science Department,
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University (2007-Current)
- Undergraduate Student: Computer Science Department, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia (2003-2007)
- High school: Wyoming Seminary College Preparatory School, Kingston, PA (2002)
- High school: Traim Udom Suksa School, Bangkok, Thailand (1999-2001)
- Middle school: Satit Patumwan School, Bangkok, Thailand (1996-1998)
- Elementary school: Komolvithayakarn School, Nongkhai, Thailand (1990-1995)
Work Experience
- Member of Thai Student Organization at University of Virginia (2003-2007)
- Vice President of Computer Club at Traim Udom Suksa School (2001)