1506 Denniston Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Phone 412-421-2533 Ext 16

Fax 412-421-2533

E-mail wyyang@yahoo.com

Weiyi Yang


1999 –                          Carnegie Mellon University          Pittsburgh, PA

Expecting M.S. in Information Networking

1989 – 1993                  Harbin Institute of Technology        Harbin, China

B.S. in Computer Science


Extensive C++ and C programming experience in both MS-Windows (MFC and Win32 SDK) and Unix/X Windows environments.

Extensive Java programmer experience.

Extensive Experience of System Administration for hybrid UNIX/NT networks. Unix platforms include Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, DEC OSF.

Experience on Visual Basic, Pascal, FORTRAN, Z80 assembly, 80x86 assembly.

Expertise in multi-modal applications on wearable computers, data compression and image processing.


1999 – present               Interactive Systems, Inc.             Pittsburgh, PA

Development Engineer

§         Java based speech recognition tools and applications.

§         Hybrid UNIX/NT networks system administration, SQL database administration, ClearCase administration, Lotus Domino administration.

1997 – 1999                  Carnegie Mellon University          Pittsburgh, PA

Research Programmer in the Department of Computer Science

§         Working on wearable computer applications, multi-point and multicast video conferencing, Java based multi-modal application.

§         Hybrid UNIX/NT networks system administration.

1996 – 1997                  Motorola-NCIC Joint R & D Laboratory     Beijing

Software Engineer

§         Completed a Windows 95 based video conferencing package over TCP/IP using H.263 compression.

§         Participated in National 863 Chinese Internet development strategy committee.

System Administrator

§         Managed the installation and maintenance of cooperation networks.

1993-1995                     Harbin Institute of Technology        Harbin, China

Assistant Researcher in the Department of Computer Science

§         Proposed the design and developed a lossy compression scheme with error control in the project ‘An Integrated Multi-functional Perception Multimedia System’.

§         Developed the data compression sub-system in the project ‘Satellite Image Compression System’.

§         Gave lectures on ‘Principles of Personal Computer’ and ‘Computer Science English’.

§         System administration for department labs.


J. Yang, W. Holtz, W. Yang, and M.T. Vo, "An adaptive multimodal interface for wireless applications," Proceedings of International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 19-20, 1998.

W. Gao, D. Zhao, W. Yang, ‘A high bit rates MPEG video coding scheme’, IEEE Data Compression Conference’ 94, Utah, USA, Mar 1994

W. Gao, D. Zhao, W. Yang, ‘Design and Implementation of a Facial Picture Synthesis System’, 94’ International Symposium of Young Investigators on Information, Computer and Control, Beijing, PRC, Feb 1994

W. Yang, ‘Optimizing Your PC’, PC WORLD CHINA, Feb 1995


English, Chinese

Awards received

Nomination, the SCS Staff Recognition Award, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1999

Second prize, Scientific and Technological Progress Award of the National Bureau of Aerospace, 1995, for participating in the project An Integrated Multi-functional Perception Multimedia System.

Second prize, Scientific and Technological Progress Award of the National Bureau of Aerospace, 1995, for in the project Satellite Image Compression System.

Excellent prize, National Youth Computer Programming Competition, Beijing, China, 1988

Second prize, National Youth Computer Camp’s Programming Competition, Beijing, China, 1987

First prize, Harbin Youth Computer Competition, Harbin, China, 1987


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