Who am I ?


My Current life:

I started my Ph.D study in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University from Fall, 2000. My advisor is professor Richard M.Stern. The other two Ph.D students currently in my research group are Michael Seltzer and Jon Nedel. We are the Robust Speech Group and part of the CMU Sphinx Group.


My past lives:                          

I got my Bachelor (June, 98) and Master degree (June, 2000) both from Radio Engineering (Electrical Engineering) Department of Southeast University, Nanjing, China, in the field of electrical engineering. 


Contact me:


Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenu
Pittsburgh,  PA   15213-3890

Office: Porter Hall B44

E-mail: xiangl@andrew.cmu.edu

Phone:   412-268-7116 (O)