Xin Zhang

Working Experience

Mar 2012 ~ Present: I am now at Google Pittsburgh, working on datacenter cluster management.

Summer 2009: I was a research intern in Intel Research, Berkeley.

Summer 2008: I was a research intern in Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley, CA.


Sep 2006 ~ Feb 2012: I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, working with Prof. Adrian Perrig and Prof. Hui Zhang on computer networks and security research. I am a recipient of the 2011 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Students Abroad.

Sep 2002 ~ Jul 2006: I received my Bachelor's degree from Deptartment of Automation, Tsinghua University (China), with distinction in both Tsinghua University and Beijing district. From 2004~2006, I also joined in Prof. Bin Liu's research Lab.