My Friends

  Bao, Shenghua     Chen, Liang     Gu, Jing     Jia, Ming     Kong, Shijin  
  Li, Ling     Lin, Hui     Liu, Xin     Lu, Guohan     Ma, Hui  
  Ma, Xiongfeng     Qiu, Jian     Shao, Jian     Wang, Xinjing     Wang, Yi  
  Wu, Yongle     Ye, Shaozhi     Zhang, Liang  

  Guo, Fan     Kang, Hongwen     Ke, Yan     Lao, Ni     Li, Lei  
  Li, Fan     Liu, Yan     Lu, Jie     Ou, Jiazhi     Qi, Yanjun  
  Rao, Jinghai     Shen, Xuehua     Si, Luo     Tan, Bin     Wang, Hao-Chuan  
  Wang, Mengqiu     Wang, Yang     Wu, Chuang     Wu, Wen     Wu, Yi  
  Yan, Hong     Yan, Rong     Yang, Jun     Yang, Hui     Zhang, Ying  
  Zhang, Xin     Zhao, Bing     Zhao, Le     Zhong, Hua  

Have Fun ^_^

Piled Higher and Deeper (PHD)   A graduate student comic strip collection


John Battelle   

William Cohen   

Hal Daume III   

Matt Hurst   

John Langford   

Fernando Pereira   

Peter Turney   



Slashdot   Technology-related stories

Search Engine Watch   News from search engine market


Wikipedia   The free encyclopedia

MathWorld   Extensive mathematics resources

Information Retrieval Resources by Hinrich Schütze

Computer Science Student Resource    by William Stallings


Lemur   Language modelling IR toolkit in C/C++

Lucene   Text search library in Java

Weka   Data mining software in Java

WordNet   English lexical reference system

Eclipse   An extensible development platform, especially for Java Programmers


SIGIR   ACM SIG on Information Retrieval

SIGKDD   ACM SIG on Knowledge Discovery in Data and Data Mining

SIGMOD   ACM SIG on Management of Data

VLDB   Very Large Data Bases

NIPS   Neural Information Processing Systems

WWW   World Wide Web

ICML   International Conference on Machine Learning

AAAI   National Conference on Artificial Intelligence

UAI   Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

IJCAI   International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

TREC   Text REtrieval Conference

PODS   ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems

CIKM   ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management

JCDL   ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries

COLT   Annual Conference on Learning Theory

ICDE   IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering

ICDM   IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

ACL Anthology   A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics


ACM Transactions on Database Systems

ACM Transactions on Information Systems

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology

ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing

IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering

IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Data & Knowledge Engineering

Information Systems

Information Storage and Retrieval

Information Processing and Management

Computer Networks

Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web


Machine Learning

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Information Retrieval

Distributed and Parallel Databases


Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology


Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)


You and Your Research   by Richard Hamming

Research Channel   Video library of research seminar


A university student should know something about everything and everything about something. -- Anatole France

A PhD knows more and more about less and less until he knows everything about nothing. joke:)

To see a world in a grain of sand / Or a heaven in a wild flower / Hold infinity in the palm of your hand / And eternity in an hour -- William Blake

When working on proving some statement true, you should spend some time trying to prove it false.

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