What's new
Quantified Symmetry for Entorhinal Spatial Maps,
E. Chastain and Y. Liu.
Special Issue in Neurocomputing Journal, Vol. 70, No. 10 - 12, June, 2007, pp. 1723 - 1727.
A Lattice-based MRF Model for Dynamic Near-regular Texture Tracking,
Wen-Chieh Lin and Yanxi Liu.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. Volume 29, No. 5.pp. 777-792. May, 2007.
Shape Variation-Based Frieze Pattern for Robust Gait Recognition
S.Lee, Y.Liu and R.Collins, CVPR'07, June 2007.
Discovery of "Biomarkers" for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction from Structural MR Images
Y. Liu, L. Teverovskiy, O. Lopez, H. Aizenstein, C. Meltzer, and J. Becker
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April, 2007.
Feature-based vs. Intensity-based Neuroimage Registration: Comprehensive Comparison Using Mutual Information
L. Teverovskiy, O. Carmichael, H. Aizenstein, N. Lazar, and Y. Liu
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, April, 2007.
The CMU Near-Regular Texture Database is formally released!
You are invited to visualize, download and submit photos containing
regular or near-regular textures!
Edited book (LNCS, Springer)
"Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications:
Current Techniques and Future Trends"
is avialable!
If you are interested in obtaining a copy, contact Janice Brochetti, 412-268-7414 [janiceb@cs.cmu.edu]
Quantitative Evaluation on Near Regular Texture Synthesis
by W. Lin, J. Hays, C. Wu, V. Kwatra, Y. Liu. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition Conference (CVPR) 2006. NYC. June.
Quantitative Evaluation results page
Body Localization in Still Images Using Hierarchical Models and Hybrid Search
by J. Zhang, Luo, Collins, Liu. CVPR 2006. NYC, June.
Tracking Dynamic Near-regular Textures under Occlusions and Rapid Movements.
By W. Lin and Y. Liu.
9th European Conference on Computer Vision.
Graz, Austria. May, 2006.
Discovering Texture Regularity as a Higher-Order Correspondence Problem
J.H. Hays, M. Leordeanu, A.A. Efros, and Y. Liu.
9th European Conference on Computer Vision.
Graz, Austria. May, 2006.
Poster Page 1,
Poster Page 2.
A short "fastforward" video.
Source code available upon request (jhhays@cs.cmu.edu).
Tartan article on Dr. Liu's Alzheimer's Disease project (in collaboration with
the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center of University of Pittsburgh)
Guest lecture series on "Group theory and its applications in robotics, computer vision, computer graphics and medical image analysis", CSE/IST/EE of PSU.
Near-Regular Texture Database beta-release , you are invited to submit photos containing regular or near-regular textures!
I am very happy to have two
CRA-DMP students this summer!
They are
Harriet L. Pashley from CMU
Sravana Reddy from Brandeis University.
Chair of the CVBIA workshop with ICCV'05
, October 21, 2005. Beijing, China.
Co-Editor of the book
on "Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications:
Current Techniques and Future Trends"
LNCS, Springer
Teaching in Fall:
"Group Theory and Its Application in Robotics, Computer
Vision/Graphics and Medical Image Analysis"
MERITS Newsletter featuring Dr. Yanxi Liu
Yanxi Liu (liu ATsing cs.cmu.edu)
Yanxi Liu's Home Page
(Last updated May 2007)
Associate Research Professor of
the Robotics Institute
My official RI web-page ),
School of Computer Science ,
Carnegie Mellon University.
Affiliated faculty with
Machine Learning Department
My ML faculty blurb )
Adjunct Associate Professor of Radiology Department, University of Pittsburgh.
Address and Phone Numbers
Dr. Yanxi Liu
4109 Newell-Simon Hall
The Robotics Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Office: (412) 268-6234
FAX: (412) 268-6436
Email: yanxi ATsign cs.cmu.edu
Research Interests
Computational Symmetry and Group Theory Applications,
including image analysis of brains, faces and gaits (computer vision), mechanical and kinematic assemblies (robotics), periodical
and near-regular patterns (pattern recognition), and texture synthesis (computer graphics).
Discriminative subspace exploration for reduction and selection (machine learning), including
large biomedical image database indexing and retrieval,
classification, target tracking and deformable registration.
Robotics Assembly Planning, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
(with potential future direction on retilable, reconfigurable and self-assemblable robots)
Group Theory Applications in Robotics, Computer Vision,
Computer Graphics and Medical Image Analysis
Fall 2005
15-462 Computer Graphics
Spring 2005.
Methods in Medical Image Analysis (16-725)
Spring 2005.
Spring 2004.
Spring 2003.
Advanced Machine Perception
Spring 1998,
Spring 1999,
Spring 2000
, and
Spring 2001.
Technical Reports
- Teverovskiy, Leonid (4th Year Ph.D. student, Machine Learning Department)
- Lin, Wen-Chieh CMU RI Ph.D. January 2006, Assistant Professor at
National Chiao-Tung University
- Zhang, Jiayong (Co-advised by Drs. Robert T. Collins and Yanxi Liu)
CMU RI Ph.D. May 2006, Neven Vision, Inc. --> Google.
- Hays, James (3rd Year Ph.D. student, Computer Science Department, 2003-2006)
- Harriet L. Pashley
(CMU undergraduate, Summer 2005).
- Sravana Reddy
(Brandeis University undergraduate, Summer 2005).
- Carmichael, Owen (co-advising with Dr. Carolyn Meltzer of Radiology Department, University of Pittsburgh)
ICCV 2005, International Conference on Computer Vision
Oct 15-21, 2005, Beijing, China
------------Deadline: Workshop Proposals, January 9; paper submission, March 14,
July 31 - August 4, 2005, Los Angeles Convention Center
------------Deadline: papers, January 26, 2005.
Sketches, April 13, 2005. Posters, May 11, 2005.
CVPR 2005, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
June 20-26, 2005. San Diego, CA. USA
Abstract, Oct. 28, 2004. Paper, Nov 1, 2004. Notification: Feb 25 2005.
October 26-29, 2005. Palm Springs, CA USA
Papers: March 31, 2005.
IPMI, Information Processing in Medical Imaging 2005.
July 10-15, 2005. Glenwood Springs, Colorado. USA
Papers: December 10, 2004. Notification: March 1.
American Academy of Neurology, 57th Annual Meeting.
April 9-16, 2005. Miami Beach, Florida. USA
Papers: November 3, 2004.
Positions Available
Postdoctorial Position (1)
One postdoc position is open for a qualified individual
to work on neuroimage registration, statistical learning and MR image
analysis of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment patients.
Useful Sites
A quotation from Yan-Xi-Shan (unrelated to Yan-Xi Liu)
Symmetry is a complexity reducing concept (co-routines include sub-routines); seek it everywhere.
By Alan J. Perlis, Epigrams on Programming, ACM's SIGPLAN journal, 1982.
(April 1, 1922 - February 7, 1990:
He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
He was the first recipient of the Turing Award, in 1966.
He was the first head of the Computer Science Department of Carnegie Mellon University.
Alan Perlis was a professor of Computer Science at Yale University.
Jazzy's painting and music
Jazzy's art gallery (copyright reserved)