Joseph Hall
Two talks.
Idiomatic Perl
60 minutes
This lecture catalogs some basic Perl idioms and discusses how
Perl's syntax results in programming techniques peculiar to Perl.
I illustrate with my own code as well as snippets from the Perl
distribution and CPAN.
Object-Oriented Perl
1/2 day
This lecture comprises:
- An introduction to Perl's object-oriented framework--fairly
fast-paced, this assumes some familiarity with object-oriented
programming principles as well as Perl syntax, including
references. I review objects, classes, methods, constructors,
destructors, inheritance, and other "building blocks" for
Perl programmers doing object-oriented programming.
- Object-oriented programming idioms in Perl--this section discusses
object-oriented idioms and how to render them in Perl. Peculiarities,
strengths, and weaknesses of Perl relative to other object-oriented
languages (primarily C++) are discussed. I also discuss
what to do when Perl lacks a feature needed to implement an idiom--
for example, private member data for objects--and the advantages
and disadvantages of trying to emulate such features.
- Patterns in perl--this section illustrates Perl renderings of
some popular object-oriented programming "patterns." I cover
cloning, factories, state machines, and other constructs from the
popular Design Patterns book.
Joseph is with 5 Sigma Productions and
perltraining.com, and is the author
of Effective Perl Programming.
Kevin Lenzo
Last modified: Fri May 7 15:33:49 EDT 1999