2003 Fall MSIT-SE Practicum:
Railroad Configuration Rule Checker
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2003


The configuration of a railroad is very dynamic and the effort to update and validate the configuration table information for the Computer Aided Dispatch software is so human-intensive that the update process is inherently erroneous. The railroad configuration rule checker would examine the updated tabling file in order to ensure that the tabling updates comply with all the rules, and to inform the user when an error is detected.



  • Use software engineering to a real world problem
    • Apply knowledge and techniques leaned in the courses of the MSIT-SE program.
    • Try to learn new concepts and experience new ways of doing things
    • Survey and compare alternative techniques applied to the problem using systematic approaches
  • Deliver a quality software product
    • Set realistic goals
    • Meet deadlines
    • Deliver quality documentations that meets the client뭩 expectation as well as the industry standards
    • Communicate openly with the client and mentor in a timely manner
  • Expand technical knowledge
    • Learn from the CMU mentor and the technical staffs at Union Switch & Signal, Inc.
    • Understand the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) software systems and the related processes in the railroad industry
    • Understand verification (rule checking) techniques applied to the configuration/design problems



Student Yong Hoon Choi (yhchoi@cs.cmu.edu)
CMU Mentor Dave Root (droot@cs.cmu.edu)
Technical Advisor Greg Matok (grmatoka@switch.com)
Supervisor Gregg Beardsley (gbbeardsley@switch.com)


Risk Management

09/29/2003 Risk Spreadsheet1



  • Practicum Proposal
    - Version 1.0
  • Software Project Management Plan (SPMP)
    - Version 1.0
    - Version 1.1
  • Software Configuration Management Plan (SCMP)
  • Software Requirement Specification (SRS)
    - Version 0.1
  • Software Architecture Design (SAD)
    - Version 1.0
  • Railroad Configuration Rule Specification (CRS)
    - Version 0.92
  • Software Verification & Validation Document
    - Version 1.0
  • Test Cases for Configuration Rules
    - Version 0.1
  • Railroad Configuration Rule Checker Software
  • Users' Manual


Client Meeting Notes

  • 9/4/2003 3:00~4:00 PM
    - Introductory Meeting
  • 9/26/2003 3:00~4:00 PM (Agenda/Minutes)
    - NDA, Proposal/SPMP Review
    - Requirement Pre-Survey
  • 10/08/2003 3:00~4:00 PM
  • 10/24/2003 3:00~4:00 PM
  • 11/12/2003 1:00~2:00 PM



MSIT-SE http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~msit-se/
Union Switch & Signal, Inc http://www.switch.com/
AcmeStudio http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~acme/AcmeStudio/AcmeStudio.html
Yong Hoon Choi http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~yhchoi