November 2014 |
Data Reading: 1. Faster PFiles preparation. A cross-validation set (~5%) is always selected. This eliminates the time-consuming steps for PFile concatenating and splitting 2. PDNN supports specification of a list of PFiles, for example, train.pfile.*.gz and train.pfile.[1-10].gz. No need to do PFile concatenation. 3. PFiles are always compressed. This reduces PFiles to 1/10 of the original size 4. Supports Python pickle files. Refer to examples/mnist to see how to prepare and specify pickle files. Recipes & Architecture: 1. PDNN supports multi-task learning, and this enables DNN training over multiple languages, domains, dialects, etc. 2. Optimized CNN recipes; the CNN architecture is modifed to be the IBM style 3. Maxout network models are added 4. run_rm and run_hkust are removed (not supported anymore) 5. run_tedlium is added Results: 1. Updated results on TIMIT |
April 2014 |
More recipes, e.g., run-dnn-fbank+pitch.sh 2D (time x frequency) convolution; a faster version of CNN with the cuda-convnet wrapper Scripts are simplified, verified and now become more readable For different datasets and with benchmark results |