Edmund Clarke, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, Helmut Veith,
Tree-like Counterexamples in Model Checking.
Logic In Computer Science (LICS'02), 2002
Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Helmut Veith.
Progress on the State Explosion Problem in Model Checking.
Informatics - 10 Years Back. 10 Years Ahead (Informatics'01), 2001
Yuan Lu, Weimin Li,
A Semi-formal Verification Methodology.
invited paper in Asian ASIC Conference (ASICON'01), 2001
Edmund Clarke, Steve German, Yuan Lu, Helmut Veith, Dong Wang,
Excutable Protocol Specifications in ESL.
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD'00), 2000
Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Helmut Veith.
Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement.
Computer-Aided Verification (CAV'00), July 2000
Yuan Lu, Jawahar Jain, Edmund Clarke and Masahiro Fujita.
Variable Ordering Using an aBDD Based Sampling.
37th Design Automation Conference (DAC'00), 2000
Jawahar Jain, Dinos, Ingor Wegner, Yuan Lu.
Analysis of Composition, and How to Obtain Smaller Canonical
37th Design Automation Conference (DAC'00), 2000
Edmund Clarke, Yuan Lu, Helmut Veith.
A Survey on Abstract BDDs.
4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and
Informatics (SCI'00), 2000
Yuan Lu, Jawahar Jain, Koichiro Takayama.
BDD Variable Ordering Using Window-based Sampling.
International Workshop in Logic Synthesis (IWLS'00), 2000
Edmund Clarke, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Dong Wang.
Abstract BDDs:
A Technique for Using Abstraction in Model Checking.
Proceedings of CHARME'99, in LNCS 1703. September, 1999
Pankaj Chauhan, Edmund Clarke, Yuan Lu, and Dong Wang.
IP-Core Based System-on-chip Designs.
IEEE Intl. ASIC/SOC Conference, 1999
Yuan Lu, Jawahar Jain, Edmund Clarke, and Masahiro Fujita.
Improving BDD Variable Ordering
Using Abstract BDDs and Sampling.
Proceedings of Intl. Workshop of High Level Deisgn, Verification and
Testing (HLDVT'99), 1999
Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Edmund Clarke.
Formal Analysis of Branch
Prediction Algorithm.
Technical Report, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998.
Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, Marius Minea, and Edmund Clarke.
Checking Using Abstract BDDs.
IEEE Computer Design Conference (ICCD'97), October 1997
Yuan Lu, Irith Pomeranz. Synchronization of Large Sequential Circuits
by Partial Reset. IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, May 1996.