Research projects at CUNY
In addition to my dissertation research, I havee been working on the following projects on the behalf of various funding sources.
- Reasoning about trusts and risks with inconsistent and uncertain information (2010 - present), with Prof. Simon Parsons
- Models of Hybrid Human Agent Teams: Agent support for ad hoc adaptive collaboration (2007 - present), with Prof. Simon Parsons
- Probabilistic hierarchical planning, joint work with Prof. Katia Sycara (CMU, USA) and Dr. Felipe Meneguzzi (CMU, USA)
- Multiagent planning for team collaboration, joint work with Prof. Tim Norman (University of Aberdeen, UK)
- Argumentation based dialogues for team collaboration, joint work with Prof. Tim Norman (University of Aberdeen, UK)
- Evolution and Co-Evolution of Auction Mechanisms and Trading Strategies (Economic Paradigms in Multiagent Systems) (May 2008 - August 2008), with Prof. Simon Parsons
- Agent-based Modeling Simulation of Education and Human Capital(2004 - 2007), with Prof. Elizabeth Sklar and Prof. Simon Parsons
- Matrix Eigen problems and Polynomial Root-finding (2003 - 2005), with Prof. Victor Pan