Yuqing Tang (汤宇清)


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Linking the TPR1, DPR1 and Arrow-head Matrix Structures

Victor Y. Pan, Mikhail Kunin, Brian Murphy, Rhys Eric Rosholt, Yuqing Tang, Xiaodong Yan, and Wenbo Cao. Linking the TPR1, DPR1 and Arrow-head Matrix Structures. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 52(10-11):1603–1608, November-December 2006.


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  author = {Victor Y. Pan and Mikhail Kunin and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt
	and Yuqing Tang and Xiaodong Yan and Wenbo Cao},
  title = {Linking the {TPR1}, {DPR1} and {A}rrow-head {M}atrix {S}tructures},
  journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {52},
  pages = {1603-1608},
  number = {10-11},
  month = {November-December},
  b2h_pubtype = {Journal},
  b2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings},
  doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2005.04.020},
  owner = {tang},
  timestamp = {2008.08.18}