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Eigen-solving via reduction to DPR1 matrices
Victor Y. Pan, Brian Murphy, Rhys Eric Rosholt, Yuqing Tang, Xinmao Wang, and Ailong Zheng. Eigen-solving via reduction to DPR1 matrices. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 56(1):166–171, Pergamon Press, Inc., Tarrytown, NY, USA, 2008.
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@ARTICLE{pan08Eigen-solvingviareduction, author = {Victor Y. Pan and Brian Murphy and Rhys Eric Rosholt and Yuqing Tang and Xinmao Wang and Ailong Zheng}, title = {Eigen-solving via reduction to {DPR1} matrices}, journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, year = {2008}, volume = {56}, pages = {166--171}, number = {1}, address = {Tarrytown, NY, USA}, b2h_pubtype = {Journal}, b2h_rescat = {Matrix Eigen Solving and Polynomial Root-findings}, doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2007.09.012}, issn = {0898-1221}, owner = {tang}, publisher = {Pergamon Press, Inc.}, timestamp = {2008.08.19} }