CIS Courese 1.0 Computing: Its Nature, Power, and Limits

Instructor and Resources

Yuqing Tang [website]
Course website: []
Department's course website: []
The textbook's website: []
Office hours: Please email me to schedule an appointment.

Annoucements and News

Last Update: Auguest 29th 2006 02:05pm

Time and Place

Course Days Times Location
CIS 1.0 M, T, W, TH 6:10PM-7:55PM 129 F

Lectures and Labs

A tendency syllabus can be found on the webiste for CIS 1.0.

Homework and Exams

There will be daily homework sets which can be found on the website for CIS 1.0, please hand in your homework before each class meeting. Please acknowledge all sources, including those in the class from whom you obtain the ideas. Late homework will not be accepted.

There will be two exams and a final. No collaboration is allowed on the exams.

For more information, please go to the website for CIS course 1.0.

Grades and Policy

Your grade will be composed of the following:


  1. Reed, A Balanced Introduction to Computer Science, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2005, ISBN #013046709X.
  2. a Course Pak consisting of selections from various sources. The sourcebook will be available at the bookstore Shakespeare & Co., 14 Hillel Place, (718)434-5326 (right near the Flatbush Ave. entrance to the College). Ask for the CIS 1.0 CoursePak.
For a list of recommended supplementary textbooks, go to the website for CIS 1.0.

© Yuqing Tang, 2006