Conversations With God, The Re-Creation Foundation. The home site for the Re-Creation Organization. You find general infos about ReCreation there and particularly information about talks, workshops, and retreats they organize (facilitated by Neale [and his wife Nancy]). Furthermore, they list CWG study groups and CWG on-line groups worldwide. You can also order books, tapes, videos, and CDs at this site (related to the CWG material).
The CWG center of Broome/Tioga County of NY was founded in late 2000, and has an interesting Web-site that you should check out! They also organize CWG related events on a regular basis, some of which are in the Pittsburgh area.
Global Study Group Web Site maintained by Art Miller, has links to study groups, their facilitators, web pages, as well as to projects related to CWG and much more.
The Heartlight School was founded by ReCreation in Fall of 2000 and operates in Ashland, OR. It's the first concrete expression of a much larger project on education focused and based on the CWG material.
The American Renaissance Alliance Founded by Marianne Williamson, author of The Healing of America. The following people are on the board of directors: Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey, Lane Bowers, Deepal Chopra, Sam Daley-Harris, Wayne dyer, Jean Houston, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Lynn McMullen, Thomas Moore, Carolyn Myss, James Redfield, John Robbins, Carolyn Samuell, Diane Meyer Simon, Richard Tarnas and Gary Zukav.
Foundation for Conscious Evolution.
This site serves to forge community and disseminate social innovations
now working in all fields of human endeavor. Our purpose is to discover
together the ever evolving design for a positive future.