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1999/11/13 23:17 EST
1999/11/13 23:17 EST
1999/11/14 0:18 EST
1999/11/14 0:18 EST

The movement of the 29th asteroid Amphitrite (identified by red cross line) in 1 hour. Imagine a line between the left star and the bottom right star. The asteroid was above the line in the first image, but one hour later, it crossed the line in the second image. The magnitude of Amphitrite was around 9.3. Images taken with 8" Dob and camcorder, heavily computer enhanced. The myriad faint 'stars', other than the 4 bright ones, are probably noises. The field of view is pretty small: the distance between the two right-most stars (PPM 70534 and 70539, both in Auriga) is merely 4'35". Pittsburgh, PA.

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All images by Jerry Xiaojin Zhu unless noted otherwise. Feel free to use them for your personal enjoyment. For other usage please contact the author at jerryzhu@gmail.com