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1998 Geminid Report

Reporter: Jerry Xiaojin Zhu, Carnegie Mellon University Astronomy Club

Time: Dec 14, 1998 4:40-5:46 UT (Dec 13 23:42am-- Dec 14 0:46am EST)

Location: Pittsburgh, PA 15206, USA (40 26 24, 80 00 00)

We saw 23 meteors, of which 2 are NOT Geminids.

UT Number Mag.
4:40 3 -2, 3, 1
4:50 1 3
5:00 5 3, 0, 2, 0, 1
5:10 3 -1, 3, 3
5:20 3 0, 1, 3
5:30 5 1, 3, 3, 1, 2(NG)
5:40 3 2(NG), 0, 3

Sky limit: 4.0 in the darkest part.

Clouds: none

Orientation: We were looking towards East. Can see part of UMaj, part of Leo, Canis Major/Minor, Gemini, Orion, Taurus and Auriga in the field of view.

Comments: More intensive than our Leonid watch! :-) Meteors are somewhat slower, some are yellow and red.

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