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M1 the crab nebula
M1 the crab nebula
This photo of M1 is taken at Wagman observatory with the 20" Manka reflector telescope, 18mm Scopetronix eyepiece/adaptor and Nikon coolpix 995 digital camera. 2002/12/21 20:52 EST, 29 seconds, F2.6, f8.2mm, ISO 800, noise reduction on. Near full moon was not far away, and strong wind blew the telescope, making stars into short lines. North is at right, west down. The frame is 20'x15'.

Sketch, 1999/12/31, with 8" Dobsonian, 25mm eyepiece. 1 degree field of view. Observed from Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh. Faint (not as obvious as drawn here. only slightly brighter than sky background), large, height apparently greater than width, no bright nucleus.

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All images by Jerry Xiaojin Zhu unless noted otherwise. Feel free to use them for your personal enjoyment. For other usage please contact the author at jerryzhu@gmail.com