Classification mask (red = higher confidence; blue = lowest confidence)
This project explores techniques for pixel-level object segmentation.
Two main ideas are explored. First, we use features computed over
regions of image segmentations in addition to the usual local features
used in recognition. We use these regaion features for recognition and
good overall performance but, more importantly, we show that using
regions from an over-segmentation enables pixel-level labeling of the
image, instead of finding merely a bounding box or approximate outline
as is commonly done.
Second, we show how recognition and region segmentation can be combined
into a system which is trained by using weakly supervised training
data. In order to achieve pixel-level labeling for rigid and deformable
objects, we employ regions generated by unsupervised segmentation as
the spatial support for our image features, and explore model selection
issues related to their representation. We examined the influence that
different model choices can have on its performance. Pixel-level
classification accuracy was evaluated on two challenging and varied
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