(Frequently also crosslisted as 18-791, CMU ECE : 42-735, CMU BME)
Instructor |
John Galeotti | jgaleott+bmia ATandrew.cmu.edu |
Meets students after Monday's class By email or appointment |
TA |
Malini Shivaram | malinish+bmia ATandrew.cmu.edu
Thursday 2:00-3:00pm (tentative) |
We comply with both the U. Pitt. and CMU calendars. Lectures are Monday and Wednesday from 12:30-1:50 PM, on zoom and/or in WEH 5310, Carnegie Mellon University.
Shadow Program: Approximately 5 or 6 radiology sessions and maybe one or two pathology sessions, 8:30-9:30 AM weekday mornings (and possibly other times optional for shadowing pathology).
directions, and required UPMC confidentiality agreement. Reports should be emailed to your TA and Galeotti.
CMU students can get the Snyder Machine Vision textbook for free online through CMU's Library.
Need extra disk space? You can use your BOX and Google-Drive storage as if they were local network drives. Having one or two 1 TB virtual network drives may be helpful when working with large datasets on a small laptop.
Key ITK Documentation:
Additional hints and details for final project
If you have no idea what to do, consider one of the common topics in this short list of suggestions.
Note about videos: Lecture videos were recorded in 2012, and you can downlaod the lecture videos from the 2012 schedule here. Be sure to download the videos (right-click the video's link then select either "download" or "save-as") rather than try to watch them in your browser. Please let me know if you notice any problems or video content that should be either fixed or trimmed out if it's not relevant to a general audiance (please reference the 2012 lecture number and the playing time into the video at which the problem occurs).
Week # | Date | Location | Material | Older Video and .pptx files |
Week 1 |
M 1/13 |
Zoom |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
W 1/15 |
Zoom | Lecture 2: Programming background: C++ & Python (slides 1 - 23) You should accept the invitation for Canvas and Piazza WARNING: Quiz on book reading next class! Note: If you have a CMU Andrew account, you can get the book for free online through CMU's Library. (For non-CMU students, the first chapters (ch 1, ch 2) of the text book may be freely accessible by scrolling down on Google's book page.) |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
Week 2 |
M 1/20 |
None |
No class today: MLK Day |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
W 1/22 |
Weh 5310 |
To prepare for the quiz, I suggest focussing on big-picture concepts and major themes, what algorithms/methods are trying to do, what they are good for, and (if the text goes over it) when/how they typically fail. Lecture 3: Math & probability background Assignment 1 (on Canvas) is due midnight Friday night. |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
Week 3 |
M 1/27 |
Zoom | Lecture 4: Image characterization (through dynamic range; will resume later with the Correspondence Problem) |
Power Point |
W 1/29 |
Zoom |
Lecture 5: ITK background & basic usage; also finished image characterization Assignment #2 should be assigned this week, probably today. Please wait until we announce it is ready; then try to finish it by the end of this weekend. |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
Week 4 |
M 2/3 |
Zoom |
Lecture 6: Linear processing |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
W 2/5 |
Zoom |
Lecture 7: Image relaxation: restoration & feature extraction |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
Week 5 |
M 2/10 |
Zoom | Lecture 8: ITK registration; finish feature extraction |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
W 2/12 |
Zoom |
Lecture 9: Segmentation, part 1; finish registraiton starting on slide 28 |
Power Point |
Week 6 |
M 2/17 |
Weh 5310 | Segmentation lecture continued |
W 2/19 |
Weh 5310 | Lecture 11: Segmentation, part 3 (active contours) |
Power Point |
Week 7 |
M 2/24 |
Zoom |
Lecture 12a: Level set segmentations (Snyder 8.5.2 ) [not required, but recommended: Insight into Images ch 8] Lecture: Parametric transforms (Snyder 11.1-11.6) Lecture: Imaging Modalities Shadow program details still being worked out; expect to discuss in class and schedule sometime in the next 2 weeks. |
Power Point Power Point Imaging Modalities Power Point (contains embedded movies) |
W 2/26 |
Zoom |
Finish discussing Imaging Modalities.
Be sure to submit your UPMC confidentiality agreements using the assignment on Canvas by this Friday February 28th. Mini-lecture discussion of the Shadow Program & signup procedure Be sure to sign up for the Shadow Program THIS WEEK, starting Reminders: Assignment #3 is also due soon, at date posted on Canvas.
Spring Break |
3/3 - 3/7 |
N/A | Spring Break The rest of the schedule below is from last year. Only lines above this are current for 2025. |
DARPA Triage Week | 3/10 | Zoom | Instructor in all-week DARPA Triage Event Shadow Program started. |
DARPA Triage Week | 3/12 | Zoom | Instructor in all-week DARPA Triage Event Lecture 13 Registration in depth (Insight into Images ch 10 + Viola & Wells) |
Power Point |
Week 8 |
M 3/17 |
TBB due to travel from DARPA |
Lecture 14: Shape |
Power Point (shape) |
W 3/19 |
Weh 5310 | TBD | ||
Week 9 |
M 3/24 |
Weh 5310 |
Lecture 15: Summarize Cootes and Taylor ASM (Cootes CVIU 1995). (password protected extra slides) Project feedback should be given by tonight. |
W 3/26 |
Weh 5310 |
Lecture 16 Deformable registration (Insight into Images ch 11). |
Power Point |
Week 10 |
M 3/31 |
Lecture 17 Mathematical morphology & image matching |
Power Point |
W 4/2 |
Intro to artificial neural networks. (password required) |
Week 11 |
M 4/7 |
Resume prior lecture on slide 71, then |
W 4/9 |
Week 12 |
M 4/14 |
Lecture: ITK images & iterators Discuss final projects |
Power Point Video (from 2012) |
W 4/16 |
ZOOM ERROR: Please use this new zoom link: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/97754148426?pwd=b0FiV3J5Wmx4V2FuMnZJbE5YQlFGdz09 Lecture: ITK filters: how to write them (neighborhoods, image boundaries, & numeric traits) Student project presentation slides and videoswill be due 1pm Tuesday morning! Presentation order to be assigned over weekend--email (only hard) conflicts today! |
Power Point (ITK Filters) |
Week 13 |
M 4/21 |
Student project presentation using pre-recorded videos (see random order email) Important: Your presentation should use this name format: |
W 4/23 |
Student project presentations (presentation order) & Projects Due; All 6 shadow reprots due May 3rd at noon. |
Week N/A |
N/A |
Open Q&A (feel free to suggest questions/topics in advance); Student project working time and professor meetings. Presentations: strong preference among students for pre-recorded zoom Any issues with finishing shadow program? Google Compute Credits were issued for hw and/or project use (for GPU and/or CPU cloud computing). |
N/A |
No Lecture: CMU Spring Carnival Student project presentation slides and videos will be due 2 pm Tuesday morning! |
Week N/A |
N/A |
N/A |