In this document:
Related information:
TeamBots supports prototyping, simulation and execution of multirobot control systems. Robot control systems developed in TeamBots can run in simulation using the TBSim simulation application, and on mobile robots using the TBHard robot execution environment.
This is the root page for all TeamBots software. The complete documentation package is also included with the TeamBots distribution (this file is index.html in the root directory).
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The TeamBots simulation environment is extremely flexible. It supports multiple heterogeneous robot hardware running heterogeneous control systems. Complex (or simple) experimental environments can be designed with walls, roads, opponent robots and circular obstacles. All of these objects may be included in a simulation by editing an easily understandable human-readable description file.
Because the software is written in Java, it is extremely portable. TeamBots runs under Windows9x, Linux, MacOS and any other operating environment supporting Java 1.2 or later.
Concerns about Java: some researchers are concerned that Java is too slow to support real time robot control. Our experience contradicts this conclusion. As an example, in simulation (without graphics) our Java coded behavior-based control systems run at up to 30 KHz rates on conventional 200 MHz Pentium machines. The primary bottleneck to runtime efficiency on real robots is sensor and control I/O. On Nomad 150 robots for instance, we are limited to 10Hz control rates because this is the maximum rate control commands can be transmitted to the robot (control programs written in C cannot run any faster). In our experience the benefits of Java (correctness, ease of use, rapid development) far outweigh the negligible runtime overhead.
setenv CLASSPATH /home/you/tb/src:. setenv CLASSPATH ${CLASSPATH}:/home/you/tb/lib/collections.jar
Note the "." on the end. This is important. Other shells and/or operating systems use similar commands to set the CLASSPATH.
In Windows you can set the CLASSPATH by editing your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file as follows:
SET CLASSPATH=C:\tb\src;C:\tb\lib\collections.jar:.
You will probably have to reboot your machine before this command takes effect.
cd /home/you/java/SoccerBots ./demo cd /home/you/java/Cye ./demo cd /home/you/java/Forage ./demo cd /home/you/java/Roads ./citydemo
Can't find class forageor something similar when you try to run the demos, your CLASSPATH probably does not include "." Try Step 5 of the installation again.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: TBSim/SimulationCanvas at TBSim.TBSim.Your CLASSPATH may not point properly to the /home/you/java directory. Try Step 5 of the installation again.( at TBSim.TBSim.main(
error: zipfile probably corruptwhile trying to unzip the distribution, you probably either got a bad copy while downloading, or your version of unzip is too old. Unzip v5.12 works properly while v5.1 has been known to complain, but still unpack the distribution. The distribution was compressed with Zip v2.1, please let me know if you have this problem.
Can't find class TBSim.TBSimthen your CLASSPATH probably doesn't point properly to the /home/you/java directory. Try Step 5 of the installation again.
Interface EDU.cmu.cs.coral.util.Collection of interface EDU.cmu.cs.coral.util.PriorityQueue not found.You are using a version of the JDK older than 1.2. You can either: install 1.2, or edit the source code to reference the collections jarfile (comments in the code will help you).
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: TBSim/SimulationCanvas at TBSim.TBSim.Your CLASSPATH may not point properly to the /home/you/java directory. Try Step 5 of the installation again.( at TBSim.TBSim.main(
This might also be caused by a corrupted download or unzip operation. Try getting a new copy of the distribution from the webpage or just unzipping again. You may have unzipped with the "-a" option, try it without.
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Threadthen you are probably running Java 1.0.2 instead of Java 1.2.
./demo: java: not foundmake sure java is in your PATH somewhere, and that Java 1.2 is installed on your system.
java TBSim robocup.dsc 511 300
To make compiling with dependencies little easier, the distribution includes a gmake-based Makefile with the following functionality:
For more information on how to develop code for TeamBots, see the README.developer file.