lisp-implementation-type <no arguments> => description
lisp-implementation-version <no arguments> => description
Arguments and Values:
description---a string or nil.
lisp-implementation-type and lisp-implementation-version identify the current implementation of Common Lisp.
lisp-implementation-type returns a string that identifies the generic name of the particular Common Lisp implementation.
lisp-implementation-version returns a string that identifies the version of the particular Common Lisp implementation.
If no appropriate and relevant result can be produced, nil is returned instead of a string.
(lisp-implementation-type) => "ACME Lisp" OR=> "Joe's Common Lisp" (lisp-implementation-version) => "1.3a" => "V2" OR=> "Release 17.3, ECO #6"
Side Effects: None.
Affected By: None.
Exceptional Situations: None.
See Also: None.
Notes: None.