shadowing-import symbols &optional package => t
Arguments and Values:
symbols---a designator for a list of symbols.
package ---a package designator. The default is the current package.
shadowing-import is like import, but it does not signal an error even if the importation of a symbol would shadow some symbol already accessible in package.
shadowing-import inserts each of symbols into package as an internal symbol, regardless of whether another symbol of the same name is shadowed by this action. If a different symbol of the same name is already present in package, that symbol is first uninterned from package. The new symbol is added to package's shadowing-symbols list.
shadowing-import does name-conflict checking to the extent that it checks whether a distinct existing symbol with the same name is accessible; if so, it is shadowed by the new symbol, which implies that it must be uninterned if it was present in package.
(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER") => #<PACKAGE "COMMON-LISP-USER"> (setq sym (intern "CONFLICT")) => CONFLICT (intern "CONFLICT" (make-package 'temp)) => TEMP::CONFLICT, NIL (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) => NIL (shadowing-import sym 'temp) => T (package-shadowing-symbols 'temp) => (CONFLICT)
Side Effects:
shadowing-import changes the state of the package system in such a way that the consistency rules do not hold across the change.
package's shadowing-symbols list is modified.
Affected By:
Current state of the package system.
Exceptional Situations: None.
See Also:
import, unintern, package-shadowing-symbols
Notes: None.